International Poetry Writing Month - November Poems ONLY

(( a~ Sign ))

Do you heed a sunburned sign
weathered, scar'd and blind?
Cracks run to the finish
like wrinkles,
in time
to this minute.

Standing in the heat without shade...
is the sign obeyed?

Behind this wobbly standing sign
a cobweb-ed transparent mind
mindless finger pointing the way
mouthless metal
with so much to say

Withstanding long cold nights ...
a sign neon bright

Misty morning dew runs down its face
a tear for those caught up in the race
passing by without a glance
blasting a wake of
silent cadence

along the road's white line...
stands a sign

a faithful, weathered and worn guide
standing in grass knee-high
'Caution' is fading away
another day

the tell tale heart of time...
a sign

...( # 20 )...
hi ya ... hoping anyone can join, sorry so late, muse got lost on tha way here ...

Can you see that star,
right ... there. It shines
for you baby, just
for you.

Cuddled close, feeling
nothing, but motherly love.
Pouring, sinking
every crevice filled
with warm cotton candy
treats, snow cream licks
love. Filled with love.

He wants me to give him
tha moon. Asks me nightly,
Mommy, can I have it

No baby, we have to share.
Tha moon is for everyone,
to fill us all, with peace
n love.

But ... Mommy
I want to touch it.
No baby it cannot be,
for you see it shines above,
every single night for all
to see.

Covers up to chin,
that smell
his baby smell.
I hold n rock,
a mothers dream.

Every night
every day.
To hold my child
n wish tha moon
for him. Tha stars
each one
for him ...
23. envious ocean

Envious ocean
reflecting the sky, broken
and distorted,
unable to flee.
fall folds into fog
ringing out a brittle birdsong
from the berry bush
she left foot prints on the ceiling
her panties on the bed post
and lip stick on my collar,

she left carpet burns in the carpet
her bra hung from the ceiling fan
spinning around
and around
and around
till I took it down

she left the shower all wet and steamy
went out the door and said I was dreamy
I opened my eyes
then shut them
and went
to sleep

....( # 21 ).....
You come to me on these days
I am reminded that some things transcend
age and light and matter

She captured you
and disguised your voice
over photographs.

There was a young boy
and he looked like you.
He pushed the hair from her face
as if the hand was living another's time,
another's motions.She felt it.
Of course she felt it.
The loneliest of women feel the touch
of dead lovers as the sun warms their sweaters.
The sweaters they leave wrapped tight
even when the day has warmed past necessity.

The child touched her hair,
like the elderly couple
on the other side of the park.
The woman has stains on her shirt
where breakfast landed.
She does not feel the twitching anymore.

He sits close to her
as she watches the birds scatter for imagined crumbs
the wind blows the hair into her eyes
and she sees the birds scatter for imaginary crumbs
and the boy pushes the hair from her eyes.

You come to me
these days where all transcends,
rises over impossibility.

The boy saw you stream down the storm drain.
I know he saw you, the way he chased the water
and watched it fall
and fall and disappear but still it kept coming,
still it kept coming.
24. the pottager

Moonlight painted palings
stand guard over the pottager.
Strawberries cloched in netting,
prey by night for snails that cross
the cobblestones, by day
for birds who delight in dipping
their beaks deep inside the red flesh.


25. The Weeping Willow

There are six white crosses
on the corner where the road stole
laughter. A willow weeps
not from hot pain
of the engine wrapped
around its trunk,
nor from the silent baby held
in its branches,
but more for the cold winter
just passed. Spring bursts
the buds at speed, laughter
was lost at speed.
26. Sold!

They remembered their homeland
farmed rice fields,
as they lay on the hold floor
of the Golden Venture
in their own urine and vomit
diarrhoea gurgling through their bodies
while starvation sucked lives
like leeches draw
blood for nourishment.
Promise of prosperity
ripe in the mind
as Destination: Soil America, stretches
beyond fingertips. Shallow
promises unrealised
as debts mask
delight in a land free
of menial living.
Debts that ensure servitude,
like slaves picking cotton,
to Snake Heads
who relish torture, repentance and rape
until relatives remunerate.
Humiliation ensures payment
violence ensures payment
and thousands enter a country
through ports where freedom
is a non-existent word
and payment is (for) life.

(nb to me: check tense seems mixed, extend L2, L27(?))
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Hennesy the Tennesse Turkey

In the back woods of Tennesse
lives a turkey by the name of ...

She went to the creek
for a cool drink
and saw a hunter
sleeping under a tree
Curious as she was
she went for a closer look
the hunter had in his lap
a thanks giving cook book
Hennesy read just enough
to realze she was pushing her luck

She snuck away and headed home
when 3 crows came swooping down
in a squawking and cackling tone

"Why don't you ever fly?"
"Too fat I bet!"
"Have you looked in a mirror lately? Your bold!" The crows tormented Hennesy in their usual manner.

"You three are just jealous of my beautiful tail feathers," Hennesy said as she fanned her tail feathers to flair up quite spectacular.

"That is nice."
"Very pretty!"
"I want some feathers like that!"
The crows said in a row.

"I will sell you some of mine," Hennesy said very polite and kind.

"How much?"
"But, we don't have any money."

"You can pay me later," Hennesy nogotiated with the crows and they came to terms and she plucked out some feathers and put them in each of the crows tails till each had a large fan tail.

"Thank you!"
"Look at my new tail."
"Now we're pretty and your not." The crows said in a row.

"Now you have to strut in order to really appreciate having such a wonderful tail." Hennesy said and the crows all listened. "Walk into that meadow and show the world your new beautiful tails."

"Lets go."
"Me first." The crows all walked into the meadow with their new tails fanned out.

Hennesy the Tennesse turkey
headed for the hills
that she called home
whistling and singing till...

she heard a load 'Boom!'
quickening her pace to flee
"Hope they like dark meat,"
she said chuckling

Hennesy the Tennesse Turkey.

....( # 22 ).....
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sausage and sour-crout strands
neaded by soft warm hands
plump peaches squeezed
strawberry nipples mashed
grapes mouth fed
suckled and sipped wine
cucumber salad
melons held
naked pumkin
and one hot man from turkey

a pornacopia <grin>

.....( #23 )......
27. Cluttered house

Among the clutter
cushions of every description
vases and ornaments that decorate
downstairs, dwells
a lady, back ram-rod stiff
chin extended
and eyes that gouge
holes in the minds of visitors.
She lived in the up/down
on her own the last ten years, poised
with dignity few possess,
poured tea in china
handed out cake
on matching plates
with forks of silver
solid and dependable
she welcomed all.
But in the back room,
her husband’s clothes lay neatly
on the freshly made bed.
North of the border
it snows softening sounds
covering sins with a beauty
all its own but you
who are sweetly innocent
look skyward and south
waiting for serenity
to set in.
you walk around
then lay down

up again in a daily spin
then sleeping

you grasp a moment
then dream something

eat, drink and sleep
the cycle's complete

dreaming of sunny days
working when you wished you could lay

stretch and yawn
then slumber from dusk till dawn

sprawling out on the sheets
for another day is complete

....( # 24 ).....
28. bird’s eye view

Sky’s grey canopy
umbrella’d the city
people – black hail, stream
through busy streets,
neon lights – billboards
that grab the unwary
eye, flash, demand attention
re-direct the prosperous
and the needy
to essentials of the moment

Hunger has been stolen from his eyes
so he lays fat and sassy
a yawn replaces his fierce roar
sprawled out
before an open cage door

a majestic and feared beast
simply rests
on a fresh straw nest

I wonder if he ponders his youth
his days in the jungle
back when he sought to kill
now he searches for a friendly hand's feel

I recall the tiger
as I ride a train home from the battle fields
anxious to have my hunger stolen from me
as I roar with the pain of where I have been

.....( # 25 ).....
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Playing catch-up ;)


Single digit Celisus rain,
tethered to battery acid sharpness,
wreak punishment as it please
upon huddled figures
drawing wool and polyester tight
around their warm blooded fragile.

November is tearing essence out of feet,
howling over brown grass,
taunting from under charcoal skies
that this is no place for man.

But do we listen? Force our heads down
and push on, reminders whipping our faces,
ripping our robes.

This is the Warg moon,
but modern man pays no heed to tales,
and can not fathom that it is not
in the wind and the rain,
but at the core of the cycle,
that autumn grips our hearts.


sliding over a razor blade
between realms
and open your eyes
to tangled hair
and flexing shoulders

a telltale sign as any
that there will be gold
and ebony in the air

take it instant or grind your own

no matter,
just cling to what
you've got
and watch the sun
cling to it's own


Random acts of adoration
glued to a flat panel canvas
for discerning approval.

How do you like this one? Great smile, no?
Wierd toes? What do you mean? They're...toes.

A negotiation
between flashlight and trashbin.
Wy will to pixelate every moment,
her wish for obfuscation.

And one day shall the twain meet,
break bread and raise a toast
of an immediate collection
of perfection.
29. Golden Webs

He bought her a bracelet, gold
spun webs through the sky
as a tear tramped
down my cheek, a jewelled
reminder of thoughts shared
when times were tough
at home as teens
taunted and tasted release.
The twin to a trinket
he gave me earlier without thought
to mention two were bought
nor, that one was gifted to another.
Another tear swelled,
but with lifted chin
to show the world
I cared nothing for his disregard,
I swallowed it back
and bit the tongue
that swore revenge
would be rich.
Star seeds~

We planted the star seeds late last fall
along the back edge of a pasture of rye grass
come late spring / early summer we were in awe
when the tiny stars 'hatched' and rose at last

I would never have believed that stars hatched
but there they were flying like butterflys with tiny flash lights
as the sun went down the stars arose, crisscrossed and dashed
in the night these baby stars were born and took flight

They danced around and hovered over the earth
before making the journey to the sky where they will lay
we felt blessed to watch these stars in their birth
they were fire flys but we relished the idea of stars being made

......................( # 26 )..............
Good Night ~ Mr. Miyagi

What would life be like
if at the age of two
your hospitalized for nine years
with a body cast
for spinal tuberculosis

'developing a sense of humor'

then released
only to find your self
tossed with your Japanese-American family
in an Internment camp
in Arizona
during WWII

a computer senior operator
threw it all away, one day
in order to make people laugh

a Bonsai Tree
that strives in the Devil's Cauldron KKIII

"Bonzai" KKI

"Ambition without knowledge
is like a ship in the desert" KKIV

"You do yes,
walk the right side of road, okay
You do 'No',
walk left side road, okay
walk down middle ...
"I think so"
get squashed like a grape,
understand?" KKI

"Man who catch fly with chop sticks,
can accomplish anything." KKI

an icon of a character
that portrayed the true spirit of...

"We practice Karate not just for fighting,
but for all of life."
of course my hat is off to any man that can...
Karate chop a telephone pole in half (grin) KKII

"The grass is green and the Sun is shining." KKIV

"Happy Days"
rocking around the clock at Arnold's

"Even Cowgirls get the Blues."

"Elvis has left the building."

"The wackiest gun in the west."
has left~

A 'Star' still shines
for years to come
even though it is gone~

A dear friend has left
in the red, setting Sun
leaving behind many Bonsai
that will blossom

Good Night ~ Mr. Miyagi


Noriyuki "Pat" Morita ....Aug 28 1932 - Nov 24 2005
better known for the role as Mr. Miyagi
in the Film that won him an Oscar
"Karate Kid"

............( # 27 )................

No reason for leaps of faith
other than to trip a little closer
to the edge of what you thought
was definition, but turned out
to be dialectation.

Nuances rock your world,
grab you by the spine
and tear.

While cataclysms drift by,
mist and spider web caresses
to soothe you.

God damn the filter,
to hell with tunnel vision.

Why can't you see
the ground beneath your feet
but scream hellfire
over thorn pricks?


Some moments curve time,
compress the hours
prior and past
into fast forward

Some seconds, hooked
in cadence, that burn
holes in a mnemonic canvas.

Sometimes will everlast,
prevail as coronas
around a void of
what really happened.
floor time

It wasn't until we were on our way out
that I remembered to get down on the floor
with you.

Today the game of
come tickle me I don't want to be tickled
help I am running away come get me

the spider and worm took turns
and you know
I really just wanted to talk to you mother
I never get to talk to your mother
and I forgot.

Honey, have you seen my poem?
I'm sure I put it somewhere here.
Somewhere clever.
Where I sure as sunshine wouldn't forget it.
You know how it is.
I think I saw your Poem

I think I saw it slide behind
the table, the one where you
throw your keys and I throw
the mail, the horizontal surface
that catches everything that comes
into this house.

Or was it the one rolled with a light green ribbon
like a scroll saying "You have graduated from Spring"
or was it the origami cricket, black except for
that little fold under his left wing,
I think that is where I last saw your poem.

Although I did see something written
in the frost on the front window.
The words melted into drips
I hope you did not mind,
I licked them from my fingers,
they were so delicious.
Yes, yes, I know,
just like her plums in the cooler.