Is Lit Chat down/offline now?

I'm new to the forums, are we allowed to just hang out and be silly, or is going off topic frowned upon?
The backwards forwards trick worked for me but only on my phone! I'm in.
Not hopeful, but I work in technology, they could have did a better job of notifying users of changes or do their testing in a test environment perhaps...
I do the same work as you it may seem and I agree with you. Always test before release. Use live copy of data and never hire the 3 stooges to do the work like these guys did.
Since it seems like it was an issue with DNS the ability to access the chat site may be dependent on how long it takes for the new IP address to propogate through to whichever DNS server you use. I imagine that if, for example, you are using Google DNS ( the address for Lit is likely going to be updated quicker than if you are running your own DNS resolver.
I do the same work as you it may seem and I agree with you. Always test before release. Use live copy of data and never hire the 3 stooges to do the work like these guys did.
I'm hungry for a solution here.

Hungry like a wolf 🐺
I do the same work as you it may seem and I agree with you. Always test before release. Use live copy of data and never hire the 3 stooges to do the work like these guys did.
Billy Idol did a song about the 3 stooges...

"In the midnight hour...she cried MO! MO! MO!"
For those of you who are able to access the site, are there any of you tech savvy enough to be able to provide the IP address of the server? When I look this up I get however this only seems to resolve to the main Lit menu page. When I click on Erotic Chat link I get the site can't be found error.
