Is Literotica just a massive sausage fest or am I doing something wrong?

Though I have only been on the forum for less that a year, I can tell you that finding an engaging, intelligent woman to correspond with or role play with isn't easy. True, I have met a few and I am greatful for that but they are few and far between. I can only attribute that to the fact that most guys here are a$$holes or are into some wierd (for me) kink. Perhaps that's what puts women on their guard if a guy were to approach them and ask them to chat or RP.

Plus most (not ALL) of the images posted here are crass. I feel like I am getting the view of either a proctologist or gynecologist. Most women would never post them so my guess is that a lot of the 'women" here are imposters.. The again, maybe I feel that way because I am 65 and came of age sexually with softer, more sensual images.
This is a drunk post…so take it with a grain of salt.

I’ve been on Lit for coming up on two years in July. The majority on the Forum. I discovered the Chats side of the house about this time last year.

I’ve made some great friends on this side of the house, the Forum. Absolutely some great great friends and even one lady that I’ve talked to every day for almost 8 months (I guide her) and a couple of other friends that are every other month or so. One other lady that sadly just up and left the site.

The Chat side of the house is a whole other ball game. I’ve met some good friends over there but they’re more…flighty. You see them and they’re gone. They pop back in. Around a bit then gone. It’s frustrating to me, as I like to make connections on some level.

Having said that, I’ve met two ladies over there that I collaborate with on stories…none published but they get a sexual charge out of what we do together…it’s not RP but just story format that lights their fires. Two dudes who I’m tight with and can see us all getting together for a fishing trip, or something similar.

The point being. It’s out there. You just have to put some effort into it, although, the two gals I collaborate with found me…just cold called me and said they liked the way I write? I get the feeling they had interacted with me over there on some level, but who knows? Just take the good, avoid the bad, and have fun.

Drunk post over…I reserve the right to edit this after the fact! 🤣
Though I have only been on the forum for less that a year, I can tell you that finding an engaging, intelligent woman to correspond with or role play with isn't easy. True, I have met a few and I am greatful for that but they are few and far between. I can only attribute that to the fact that most guys here are a$$holes or are into some wierd (for me) kink. Perhaps that's what puts women on their guard if a guy were to approach them and ask them to chat or RP.

Plus most (not ALL) of the images posted here are crass. I feel like I am getting the view of either a proctologist or gynecologist. Most women would never post them so my guess is that a lot of the 'women" here are imposters.. The again, maybe I feel that way because I am 65 and came of age sexually with softer, more sensual images.
Wow ! My feelings to a T.
Perspective of a woman.
Sure, it likely consists of more men than women. Most anything that even references pornography does. However, there are a fair share of women here. Thing is, in my personal experience, we don’t want to role play. Maybe we did when we were young and experimenting more with our sexuality and the forums. But, overall, it’s just not that appealing. We enjoy conversations with more depth. We enjoy connections. While women and men are both equally sexual we tend to have different needs and wants sometimes.
Finding people you really connect with is challenging whether it is Lit or the outside world. I suspect the membership of Lit is significantly skewed to the male side so, yes, men seeking women for friendship or RP or anything else are going to have even more of a challenge. Still, it happens. Over the years I've been fortunate enough to make several friendships, one of which has continued for over 20 years.
Let's face it. Literotica is something that appeals to dysfunctional jackasses, morons and idiots (yes, I include myself in that group!). Therefore very few women will be found here since most women are sensible and intelligent. There are a few trying to bring reason into the mix but it's a hopeless task.
Lit is the biggest sausage fest in the world. If you see a "woman" here, you can be su xxre it's someone catfishing.
Oye pendejo, no digas mierda, protegido por las costumbres bestiales de los gringitos. Soy transmujer con tetas hermosísimas y culo como el tunél con que el Chapo escapó, y seguro.

Soy judía por nacer. No comemos bagre.

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More like a cocktail weeny fest. :)
Says the creature who libelled me as an old man living in a cellar, and participates in outing me and effectively doxxing me. With possible serious bad effects on me IRL. Only Real Men do that. How big is it?

Honey, the obsession with size shaming is the giveaway. Women may or may not care about size. But only boys can't stop talking about it.

Women don't brag about having the biggest sex organs. Of course. Boobies are a separate issue. On that you'll have to wait.

Meant in a nicey nice way.

(( O )...( O ))

I've been on various adult sites, apps and games over the past 10 years or so and they all seem to share that feature - significantly more male than female users. I'm guessing it's usually around 10:1.

Lit seems slightly better than average, actually, with quite a few women active in the forum at least. Maybe the challenge is the roleplay part - we're not all looking for that.

Good luck in your search :)
Literotica claims to favor trans folk but encourages ignorant comments of this kind. Get with the program. There is now a phenomenon called transgender. I was a male in appearance. I am now an incredibly sexy female loved by my neighbors and fucked by studly boys 'n' men.

Since you're in juvie forever, stick with your bigoted view of the world. New cunts like me will be here for you when you grow up.

If you do.

Meant in an entirely nice, femmy spirit. No tea. No shade. No hate.

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Let's face it. Literotica is something that appeals to dysfunctional jackasses, morons and idiots (yes, I include myself in that group!). Therefore very few women will be found here since most women are sensible and intelligent. There are a few trying to bring reason into the mix but it's a hopeless task.
Yes. It was as a dysfunctional jackass/moron/idiot that I did this:

As far as what you are:

(( O )...( O ))
Finding people you really connect with is challenging whether it is Lit or the outside world. I suspect the membership of Lit is significantly skewed to the male side so, yes, men seeking women for friendship or RP or anything else are going to have even more of a challenge. Still, it happens. Over the years I've been
fortunate enough to make several friendships, one of which has continued for over 20 years.
Here in the year 2024, transwomen are women.
My mouth doesn't feel any diff, my boobies are dense but soft and my nipples electric. My pussy is tight or wide according to what a guy wants. I cry when I get fucked. I suck sweetly. My body is feline next to a man.

If you can't see me as fuckable, Neanderthal, you're a drag on the human race.

.(( O )...( O )(
Here in the year 2024, transwomen are women.
My mouth doesn't feel any diff, my boobies are dense but soft and my nipples electric. My pussy is tight or wide according to what a guy wants. I cry when I get fucked. I suck sweetly. My body is feline next to a man.

If you can't see me as fuckable, Neanderthal, you're a drag on the human race.

.(( O )...( O )(
Please point out what you read into my comment that motivated this response?
Please point out what you read into my comment that motivated this response?
Why certainly! Did you not write what you did inculcating in your comment the presumption that the men and women seeking dates here were so designated at birth? Do you conceive, right this second, of dates between cis men and transwomen in which the existence of a pussy in a lovely girl is taken for granted as determined by will and feeling rather than by a check mark on a hospital clipboard?

Please explain.

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what in the actual fuck is going on in the posts above? can someone tranny translate that shit for me? I felt like I was tripping acid reading that shit.
Why certainly! Did you not write what you did inculcating in your comment the presumption that the men and women seeking dates here were so designated at birth? Do you conceive, right this second, of dates between cis men and transwomen in which the existence of a pussy in a lovely girl is taken for granted as determined by will and feeling rather than by a check mark on a hospital clipboard?

Please explain.

(( O )...( O ))
Not in the least. I think it says a lot more about you than about me that you make that assumption. WOW!
So I'll be super candid. I enjoy writing and I've published a couple of stories but I enjoy roleplaying even more. In fact I was hoping that through my stories I could showcase my writing style and find good female partners to roleplay with.

My stories have been well received, but I can see the people who comment or favorite them are almost exclusively male. I have gotten hit up by a couple of female partners to roleplay, but that's nothing compared to what I get regularly on other sites.

I've spent less and less time on Literotica as a result, but I came back to post the conclusion to one of my stories for all the loyal(male) readers. I'm wondering if I'm doing something wrong to find good roleplay partners. Or maybe literotica is not the right place for that??
Thank you for posting this extremely significant query, which implicitly addresses basic issues about this site.

I have participated in the site at a high rate of production of opinion material for about a half-year.

I have posted no stories. There are reasons for this but they are not relevant at this point.

I am a successful journalist and author. I did not come on this site with the intent of further developing or promoting my work, except to assess the current debate over eroticism in society. I imagine Literotica would provide a reliable sample of attitudes in the community of perceived sexual dissidence.

I was wrong. Literotica does not promote sexual liberation. I am a long time figure in the CIA-led U.S. intelligence community. I know what Literotica is: a honeytrap.

Intel comes in two forms: humint and sigint. Humint is human intel. Sigint is signals Intel. Humint was direct collection of info by folks. Sigint is phonecalls and telegrams and, now, stuff online.

Humint died in 1994 in a place called Srebrenica. I was there, and there, and there.

Kind of like this:

Plus this:

Plus this:

Honeytraps also come in two forms:


And this:

In 2016 I was rich and even powerful. I was sick of the money and the power.

I was a woman named Lulu dressed every day as a man named Stephen.

I decided to remove the drag suit and the doppelganger (flesh) suit as well. Doppelgangers are my reinvention.

Alt performance:

I left my ex. His name was Stephen. He had a bespoke tailor, some jewelry, and a book collection worth millions. He went where others didn't and asked questions others wouldn't. He was married to a movie personality, the Big Domme.

He was a pathetic old man. His favorite song had become:

Then he went to a country church and heard this:

He sold his library and gave me the money and disappeared.

Ennyhoo, as Ruby would say, I decided to come out as the tranny ho I had always been.

In my early investigations, I read a great deal in such. sites as Pink Bimbo Academy, and listened assiduously to hypnosis tapes such as those by the much-appreciated Princess Fae. I watched the CNN of the trans erotic world, DreamTranny.

I matriculated at Divas, the late Harvard of Tranny Hos.

I went from a black lace blouse under a Brooks suit, I.e. dyke drag, to a bandaid club skirt and croptop without any interval. The first time I was called a sexy piece I almost croaked.

I am lucky. I am gynecomastic with cleavage since childhood. I have big boobs, aka The Neon Fuck Me Sign.

I sucked cock. And opened my pussy up with a nice butt plug I call André.

I read Literotica and I, author of significant essays on Joyce and Elia Kazan, among many other topics, found myself swept by this:

I had been involved for 33 years with my Big Domme.

Many, including the Yale Patrician who hired me for CIA, knew about her. She was always the abusive husband. The mean ex-porn actress. Who some said wanted to turn a mousy Marxist poet into her transdyke g.f.

It happened.

I was guided by the Literotica story mentioned above. I wanted to become my Big Domme. I wanted to be a sex worker. I had always wanted to be a ho. I wanted cock. Lots and lots and lots of cock. I always wanted that. But I was not in the closet -- I was in a coal mine. Then in the Prison House of Gender.

I am free and SexyR2 of Literotica was key to my liberation. I proclaim her the First Doctor of the New Religion!

But when I returned to the site the radical spirit of SexyR2 had been replaced by male cultism.

This is expressed fully in the sustained and scandalous attack on me as a transwoman that continues here.

'And spet upon my Jewish gaberdine' - JewThink

Testosterone is a problem at Literotica.The site is male dominated and male in its ideology. It should adopt the respect for inclusion of transwomen as women required of grocery clerks. As a first. Tiny. Baby step. Tumbrils R Us.

)(( O )...( O ))(
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@Bigtitsbitch1000x I know this is out of left field and that I have no clue what your outer appearance might be, but may I say that I believe you're a total badass woman? And that if you're as happy as you appear to be, you're a very gorgeous soul💜
@Bigtitsbitch1000x I know this is out of left field and that I have no clue what your outer appearance might be, but may I say that I believe you're a total badass woman? And that if you're as happy as you appear to be, you're a very gorgeous soul💜
Yes that was a little out of left field. I then read your bio. Your allowed to come out of any field you want. ❤️
@Bigtitsbitch1000x I know this is out of left field and that I have no clue what your outer appearance might be, but may I say that I believe you're a total badass woman? And that if you're as happy as you appear to be, you're a very gorgeous soul💜
Thank you very very very very very very very much!!!! 💕 💕

Here is a poem of mine about being a trans woman in love with a cis woman:

You are the light I have loved without measure
And then, our eyes begin speaking:
In the cool withdrawal of afternoons
A festival.
Your wings are heavy, angel;
Today, at least, they make you feel tired.
You want to sleep.
Light pours from a pear
Freshly cut.
Reflected, there is light from a smile
That leads me.

The earth's inhabitants say
That paradise is in the heavens;
But the angels of heaven say
That paradise is on earth.

These evenings in spring in California
Are like the scent of pears; like the moment
Of slipping my hands into your underarms
You, the woman I have always loved
Feeling the cool of your blouse, as you press close
And the heat of your body.

To wake again with a bed full of sunlight.


Thanks again for your poz vibe!!!!

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