is music inherently intuitive while writing's always more cerebral?

I understand the dissonance thing, the alien stuff seeping in. If I'm writing with music on it's to one song over and over. I've been doing it for a while, some song will hit me the right way and I'll write a poem based on that inspiration.

1) My gf thinks I'm nuts because I'll play the same song literally 30 times in a row because that's how long it takes until I'm done with a poem.

2 ) I don't know how many people will play the same scene, line in a movie or song over and over because something seemed strange about it. I like finding strangeness and uniqueness in the seemingly everyday.
1) i hope you wear headphones! if i were your gf it'd drive ME nuts to have to listen to the same piece over and over and over ad nauseum! :D

2) i don't know, but my eldest son (when he was around 5 was damned near word perfect on the entire smoky and the bandit film, watching it over and over and over ... not the same thing, but a similar state of compulsion, maybe?
1) i hope you wear headphones! if i were your gf it'd drive ME nuts to have to listen to the same piece over and over and over ad nauseum! :D

2) i don't know, but my eldest son (when he was around 5 was damned near word perfect on the entire smoky and the bandit film, watching it over and over and over ... not the same thing, but a similar state of compulsion, maybe?

If you were my girl you'd let me listen to the same song over and over because you'd want the very best poem written for you. Mine doesn't care about poems, she likes that they're about her, but she has no real interest in poems.
1) i hope you wear headphones! if i were your gf it'd drive ME nuts to have to listen to the same piece over and over and over ad nauseum! :D

2) i don't know, but my eldest son (when he was around 5 was damned near word perfect on the entire smoky and the bandit film, watching it over and over and over ... not the same thing, but a similar state of compulsion, maybe?

You reminded me that my office was once next to this guy's who wrote material for the arts, mainly for music-related stuff. He had to listen to something like 7,000 student responses playing the song the lion sleeps tonight as part of this research project. I heard it through the wall over and over and over, but after a thousand or so times he looked like he was ready for a lobotomy. :D

What happened to Yeats and Rimbaud? Blflagg you know I'm like in love with Yeats, right? Flyguy once told me I had a Yeats infection. :)

Did I miss them? Damn my timing!
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You reminded me that my office was once next to this guy's who wrote material for the arts, mainly for music-related stuff. He had to listen to something like 7,000 student responses playing the song the lion sleeps tonight as part of this research project. I heard it through the wall over and over and over, but after a thousand or so times he looked like he was ready for a lobotomy. :D

What happened to Yeats and Rimbaud? Blflagg you know I'm like in love with Yeats, right? Flyguy once told me I had a Yeats infection. :)

Did I miss them? Damn my timing!

I just got them in the mail the other day. I had this guy paint me a younger yeats and a rimbaud. The yeats is amazing, the rimbaud is less spectac. Pop art sorta thing. I'll put it on some photo page so I can show you all eventually. Yeats is going in the living room to look down upon anyone who comes into my house. Here's the pic the artist worked from: Rimbaud's probably going to end up in the closet or basement because he's depressed.

I've listened to this about a 1000 times. but I don't think I've ever written a poem with it in mind.
Music with words - singing. A lot depends upon how prominent the lyrics are and whether or not one understands the language of the lyrics. Sometimes the human voice is just another musical instrument. I've heard some music 'modern classical' (what a non-sequitur) in which the singer would sing, but not words.
I find that perceived words distract me from other verbal activities.
New orchestral/symphonic composition is almost all movie scores nowadays. Any big budget motion picture has a score whether it's Transformers or the Piano. The score for a movie often outlives the movie itself. No one's going to care about Jurassic Park in a hundred years, but the score will probably be part of some yet to be named period of orchestral music that's studied in some basic college music course. There's Aaron Copeland and then there's everyone who came after who made their name scoring music for film. To me that's cerebral, writing a score to tell a story with the aid of film and dialogue. The score itself is meant to elicit emotions at different times of the picture.

Is a film inherently intuitive while the screenplay/book for the film is always more cerebral?
New orchestral/symphonic composition is almost all movie scores nowadays. Any big budget motion picture has a score whether it's Transformers or the Piano. The score for a movie often outlives the movie itself. No one's going to care about Jurassic Park in a hundred years, but the score will probably be part of some yet to be named period of orchestral music that's studied in some basic college music course. There's Aaron Copeland and then there's everyone who came after who made their name scoring music for film. To me that's cerebral, writing a score to tell a story with the aid of film and dialogue. The score itself is meant to elicit emotions at different times of the picture.

Is a film inherently intuitive while the screenplay/book for the film is always more cerebral?

*nods like i have a clue*

i'd like to direct that question to the scriptwriter as they watch the director's cut :cool:
TV is a notable distraction for me (other than somethinglike a ballgame in which I can look up if something intereesting happened). But my wife doesn't mind in being on - for her things are too quiet if its off.
that's what I was going to ask, only dumber

So, the obvious rift: Is your question about the creation of music or writing, or is it about the appreciation of such?

Makes a big difference, I would say.

and my brief answer is yes, no, yes, yes and no
depends on the music, the musician, the poet, the reader, how one could put them into any kind of distinct categories, I do not know. But it does make for lively conversation :)

There are poems that I write that are mainly cerebral. They suck. They are the difference between having a wisdom tooth yanked from my head and natural progression of baby teeth falling out during lunch period.

Most poetry that I read is more cerebral of an experience, but some taps right into my subconscious.

Music? Direct meaning of lyrics excluded? Can tap right into my medulla oblongata. Or somewhere in that hindbrain.

what the fuck, anna go to bed
I understand the dissonance thing, the alien stuff seeping in. If I'm writing with music on it's to one song over and over. I've been doing it for a while, some song will hit me the right way and I'll write a poem based on that inspiration. My gf thinks I'm nuts because I'll play the same song literally 30 times in a row because that's how long it takes until I'm done with a poem. I don't know how many people will play the same scene, line in a movie or song over and over because something seemed strange about it. I like finding strangeness and uniqueness in the seemingly everyday.

I wanted to show you guys my new paintings of Yeats and Rimbaud.

where are the paintings?
I love the thought of your listening to the same song 30 times to finish the poem. Makes me feel like we are all characters in The Mighty Tenembaums <?> in that I don't feel so fucking loony tunes while you got the tune on auto-repeat.
that's what I was going to ask, only dumber

and my brief answer is yes, no, yes, yes and no
depends on the music, the musician, the poet, the reader, how one could put them into any kind of distinct categories, I do not know. But it does make for lively conversation :)

There are poems that I write that are mainly cerebral. They suck. They are the difference between having a wisdom tooth yanked from my head and natural progression of baby teeth falling out during lunch period.

Most poetry that I read is more cerebral of an experience, but some taps right into my subconscious.

Music? Direct meaning of lyrics excluded? Can tap right into my medulla oblongata. Or somewhere in that hindbrain.

what the fuck, anna go to bed
hehehe - but you're right, anna. and i was tired when i posted the starter question and then left it to see where it would take us all. i do love a bit of lively conversation. and having a browse through the workings of others' minds. :cool:

Here's Yeats, I'll put Rimbaud up eventually, he's still kinda poopy.
i really like this painting; i prefer it to the photograph you showed earlier. it exudes more character!
hehehe - but you're right, anna. and i was tired when i posted the starter question and then left it to see where it would take us all. i do love a bit of lively conversation. and having a browse through the workings of others' minds. :cool:

you do know how to get everyone going :)

Next time, just a little more surreal please

do you find that your thumbs lean to the liberal side whilst your middle fingers tend to gravitate towards the radical right?:devil:
you do know how to get everyone going :)

Next time, just a little more surreal please

do you find that your thumbs lean to the liberal side whilst your middle fingers tend to gravitate towards the radical right?:devil:


i'm always better at asking than answering :devil:
Something that your thread made me think

Dear Chip,

your thread made me think on the way I listen as I read or write, and what I listen to and how it affects what I think or write.

"Prelude and Fugue No.1 in C Major, BMV 846"

Why is this stately dance,
so empty of emotion,
so filling that I overflow?

If I knew the answer to that I would know the answer to a lot of things. :rose: