is romance and chivalry dead?????

Romance and Chivalry

I understand how one would feel these things are gone and my favorite saying used to that chivalry is not dead just hibernating.

I am very pleased to say that I do know some men who make me feel very much like a women by opening a door or helping me with me wrap and not all of them are over 40.

I have a male friend who never ceases to amaze me with his manners and his care with my feelings. Most men today are judged to be weak when they show a women that he appreciates her being a women. I think that is a shame because when I was growing up the men I grew up with let me know how important it is for a man to be a man and a women to be a women.

Yes I believe society has a lot to do with it. We men are su[pposed to be totally stoic and not allowed to have emotions or anything else. I am a man who is not afraid to show a softer side at times. There are some men out there younger that have some of the older maler values or thoughts but not many I am afraid.
soft kisses from a Romatic

My swwets, I found your thread... but sadly you did look for mine.

As a romatic, now over 50, I can tell you the desires and the foreplay, of a true romatic, have not been forgotten,, just overlooked in this huried day and age. A long slow dance can be both romatic and erotic.. time to see how you fit, time to feel the warmth growing (and swelling) .. time to taste the soft neck and send shivers of desire and time to see the eyes turn from bright to to a lustful shadow and time to hear... I want you....

soft kisses
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