Is there a word for this?

What nobody's pointing out here is that gay guys in general love their f** h**s but lesbians in general wouldn't love one of these guys, and that's why there's not a term for it. I'm not saying the situation wouldn't ever happen at all anywhere ever, but the situation doesn't to the level of recognizable cultural phenomenon.

So I guess it's a fantasy story we're talking about? j/k I don't mean that. Sounds nice.
I'm not saying the situation wouldn't ever happen at all anywhere ever, but the situation doesn't to the level of recognizable cultural phenomenon.
Yeah, sounds about right to be honest. I can't remember guys like this existing in the UK gay scene when I lived there, but that was nearly twenty years ago and I wondered if a term had been invented since.

Thanks everyone!
Picturing a group of women in a social situation, I can only imagine the group reaching immediately for, "honorary lesbian" as a description. Its not scene-specific but its what you would imagine a table of women spontaneously labelling the guy as. The term "honorary X" has become a common go-to.
Can those fingers do other things? 😏
I've seen @AlexBailey use the term Tomgirl in terms that are near this context.

I love the term ‘tomgirl’ for myself but only a few friends have ever called me that - and mostly as a nickname interchangeably with tomboy. I’m kind of an outlier because I’m a femme guy but I’m not a ‘sissy’ and often used to be mistaken for a butch lesbian. 🤷‍♀️

I used to get called fag-hag a lot but it was by the same lesbian crowd and situations where they would call themselves ‘fags’ or ‘dykes’, so not really something that would necessarily be acceptable if heard coming from an outsider.

My take on it is that most terms for a guy who hangs with lesbians are going to be used very colloquially, so in a story you could probably have your characters use any term you like or want to coin within context and dialogue.
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Plus, "tomgirl" seems to be way more about who they are, how they identify and/or present, rather than about who they hang out with.
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Traditionally, a tomboy can have more than one meaning. Where a tomgirl is more of a ridged expression. They are individuals who were born male and self-identifies as such. However, they express themselves in ways traditionally associated with femininity, such as through clothing or activities. They tend to be far more sensitive than other men. It's important to note that being a tomgirl does not necessarily mean the person is transgender, as gender expression and identity are two separate aspects of a person's identity. Also, tomgirls aren't confined to gay, bisexual, or heterosexual bends. They can be any or all of that.