Is this fuck up or what?

damppanties said:
... "Why are we doing this if the author does not even know we're doing this." He (she?) probably doesn't ever come here and doesn't care what we say about the story - (the "no feedback" option) - so WHY are we fighting among ourselves to give him feedback?

Well, one reason would be that we feel, somehow, morally superior to the writer and therefore must express ourselves showing that superiority.

Another would be to bring an honest dialog about a work of art that we feel is important in some way.

Yet another reason would be to inform readers of good or bad stories prior to them taking the time to read them.

There are probably other reasons, but of these three I like the last two and abhor the first. But who am I to judge another person's motivation in starting a thread to talk about a story?

The posting at the top of this page, by Chilled Volka, quoting me, is a total fabrication.

I did not, and will never, post such rubbish.

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I do not understand your aggression and why you you find it necessary to attribute such unlikely comments to the Bragis.

I think if it was a choice most of us would elect to get feedback from her. At least she has the ability to be encouraging whilst pointing out ways things might be improved.

A gentleman will always raise his hat before striking a lady.

I didn't realise you had been speaking to my wife.

Edited to correct the impression that ours is a single sex marriage.
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No doubt?


It just goes to show how an attempt to be amusing can sometimes backfire. (I realise the original posting was inadvertently ambiguous.)

My wife is female!
My "no doubt" comment was about your Gen board statement. It seems we have a lot of trollish posts on this thread now.
How many liars on this thread?

My guess is two. That includes me.
The thing is you can't tell someone they have poor grammar or bad style because everyone writes the best they can and they way they feel portrays their personality the most.
MightyZor said:
The thing is you can't tell someone they have poor grammar or bad style because everyone writes the best they can and they way they feel portrays their personality the most.
Puke Puke Puke

I think the title of this thread describes the person who started the thread.

It is a shame to dishonor a fine product like "Absolute" by being even remotely associated with a bonafide asshole like this.
Re: Puke Puke Puke

Homer Jay Simpson said:

It is a shame to dishonor a fine product like "Absolute" by being even remotely associated with a bonafide asshole like this.

Re: Puke Puke Puke

Homer Jay Simpson said:
I think the title of this thread describes the person who started the thread.

It is a shame to dishonor a fine product like "Absolute" by being even remotely associated with a bonafide asshole like this.
Yellow, fat and bald bastard.
Originally posted by ChilledVodka

Yellow, fat and bald bastard.

Besides most of Literotica, you have now alienated the greater part of China, half of the USA, millions of men who are losing their hair and everyone born out of wedlock.

Have you considered a career in the diplomatic corps?
critisize? (sic)

I can't begin to imagine what this thread is really about, but of the original subject;

Vellocette65's story is probably one of, if not the most competently crafted pieces of work I have ever read on this or any other site.

The grammar is excellent, I'm assuming cultural or style differences here, between us and our American cousins.
The feeling of the work flows effortlessly and the tone, although being obviously an erotic work, does in fact set the scene of the story and it's social ramifications amicably.

Perhaps the paragraphs are a tad long but that doesn't detract at all.

Got to agree with dp, the author doesn't want (or need) criticism.

One last thing, to misquote somebody famous:

Those who can, do. Those who can't, criticise.

Gratuitous insult

gauchecritic originally quoted

one more thing, Absolut tastes like parafin.


We do not take kindly to your comment. We spend hundreds of thousands of Euros on promotion and your cheap jibe at the expense of our product negates much of what we have done. We ask you to desist from making such defamatory comments in future.

Bloggs & Co, solicitors acting on behalf of the International Paraffin Association
Targart: What 'appened in 'ere?

Sergent: A man's bin mwuh'dad.

Targart: Mwur'dad?

Sergent: Aye, mwuh'dad.

Targart: Ya mean, his died?

Sergent: Aye. Died.

Targart: Was there an Idee, like?

Sergent: Aye. Driver's licence, like. Says Octavian.

Targart: What the fuck's Octavian? That fast name or the sa'cond?

Sergent: Canae tell. Just sais Octavian, bit.

Targart: Tragic.

Sergent: The name or the mwuh'dah?

Targart: Both. I s'pporse.

Sergent: Somethin' funny's going on here. The last week's mwuh'dah victime had a tragic name as wa'll. Gauche, like.

Targart: Aye. Tragic.

- Commercial break -


Toy's R Us

Coca Kola
"My original post was tongue in cheek in a sence that the author -an excellent writer - had written a story with deliverate grammartical mistakes for whatever his or her porpous was."

Aw Gee, poor CV can't even spell correctly. Never heard of SpellCheck?