Is this too much? or just right?

While I am not an expert on bruising, I do not think that the photo is real. I have several bruises on my ass right now, and they are all dark and spread out to lighter around the edges. Now I was not caned, but in no way does my ass look anything like that.

And I have seen severe bruising in the past and it in no way looks like that. Notice the red in the middle... it is just too pinky red.

Any way... that is just my thoughts on the matter. I could be wrong.
just my observations...

i looked at this pic, and although it very well could be faked, as someone who works in a hospital, i have seen bruises like this before... someone earlier mentioned 'blood thinners' and that is the type of bruises that can occur with them. however, if a dom/me knows that their sub is on anticoagulants, they shouldn't be doing that - it's too dangerous. all kinds of problems can be created by doing that to a person, and not just the obvious problems of not being able to sit down.

personally, i'm also concerned with the state of the person's arm (at the top of the pic)... even if the bruises aren't real, the scratches are, and although that part of the pic is blurry, they look infected & that is something that i don't think should EVER happen to a sub. it's the dom/me's job to take good care of his/her sub & that isn't taking care of them.
Re: just my observations...

aerofreak said:
i looked at this pic, and although it very well could be faked, as someone who works in a hospital, i have seen bruises like this before... someone earlier mentioned 'blood thinners' and that is the type of bruises that can occur with them. however, if a dom/me knows that their sub is on anticoagulants, they shouldn't be doing that - it's too dangerous. all kinds of problems can be created by doing that to a person, and not just the obvious problems of not being able to sit down.

personally, i'm also concerned with the state of the person's arm (at the top of the pic)... even if the bruises aren't real, the scratches are, and although that part of the pic is blurry, they look infected & that is something that i don't think should EVER happen to a sub. it's the dom/me's job to take good care of his/her sub & that isn't taking care of them.

How do we know it is a Dom/me sub pic?

P. B. Walker said:
I saw this pic and I had to share...

To me, this is beyond spanking... but maybe I'm just sheltered. :)

What do ya think? Something to strive for? Look yummy? Does it make ya moist/hard?

PBW "I got your spanking right here"

I'm thinking it doesn't look real either. The few times a year that I bottom, I get bruised very badly because I don't bottom often and because I play hard. I have had my butt entirely hard and black and blue before, and that is not what it looked like. And it would not have bruised like that from a cane. That is the major extent of my bottoming, and that isn't how that would look. There would be some red spots around the edge from the tip of the cane or the end of a line not exactly matching the target area etc.

Re: Re: just my observations...

Ebonyfire said:
How do we know it is a Dom/me sub pic?


I've looked at this pic a couple of times. My first thought was it was from a college fraternity hazing incident.
Re: just my observations...

aerofreak said:

personally, i'm also concerned with the state of the person's arm (at the top of the pic)... even if the bruises aren't real, the scratches are, and although that part of the pic is blurry, they look infected & that is something that i don't think should EVER happen to a sub. it's the dom/me's job to take good care of his/her sub & that isn't taking care of them.

Good catch on those scratches. I didn't see those. I'm not sure they are that bad. They don't look deep and they are pretty thin. But could definitely be an indication of what this person has gone thru.

Scary pic though...

Re: Re: Re: just my observations...

morninggirl5 said:
I've looked at this pic a couple of times. My first thought was it was from a college fraternity hazing incident.

OH man... good call. You could be right. Or some gang initiation.

My butt looks like a rainbow.

I really wish I could see that pic better, but my 'puter seems to be having pixel problems. (Not sure what's wrong with it, but everything's all grainy all graphics look like crap.)

Anyway... having no real idea just how bad that possibly fake bruise is, I can say that even though I'm no pain slut (yet), I've sported some really dark shiners from what Sir considers fairly mild play. I bruise very easily and a good spanking usually goes from a pink, rosy glow to red and blotchy in a few hours. By the next day dark purple bruises are starting to emerge and usually reach their darkest by the third day. Then they fade into violet, green and yellow and are usually completely gone within 5 or 6 days.

Oddly enough, this does not really hurt as He does it. I mean... it does, but at the same time it feels really good. Sorry, I can't explain any better than that. But I'm definitely reminded of it over the next few days every time I sit down.
couple of things here

Okay, so maybe I'm OVER analyzing....but are we sure this person is alive? The only way I can think of that this photo could be real is if the person had died during an impact. When a traumatized body stops moving (goes through the first stage of paralysis) the blood moves to the low point and forms bruises and blotches whereever it collects....then one the body loosens up again that blood moves on and distributes itself....hypothetically this could be the ass of someone who fell to their death.

Otherwise i'd say its fake...I really can't think of anyway the brusing could be so even over such a large area, even down into the cheek crack...the person would have literally had to spread the skin, and whip/cane/smack from a hundred different angles to achieve the result...and then we are STILL talking about a pro...who probably wouldn't be doing this in the first bet is on black night ben-nye makeup

Speaking of makeup...the topic of bruise coverup came up...and since its holloween I thought I'd pipe cover blue-purple bruises you need to line the mark in goldenrod (gold/yellow) this negates the color to pasty white....then cover with a white base if possible (clown makeup) or just regular foundation. Always use a makeup sponge and BLOT as this helps diffuse the borders of the mark and blend the makeup....remember the negation table

Blue and Yellow make a sallow white
Green and Red make rosy pink
White and Green make pale pink

hehe...I'm starting to sound like my stage makeup instructor...but seriously, I have a very pale complexion and have to cover up all the time..these have always worked for me.

Finally some one to my standards

hey ,

If you know the man who can wup ass like that he is welcome to beat mine like that any yime

i am serious
WAY beyond my limits. Generally, I don't like to be marked when I play... wrists and ankles are the only places I really have no problems with bruises like that, or with severe chafing. If someone ever tried that with me, he/she would find themselves black and blue all over.
Re: just my observations...

aerofreak said:

personally, i'm also concerned with the state of the person's arm (at the top of the pic)... even if the bruises aren't real, the scratches are, and although that part of the pic is blurry, they look infected & that is something that i don't think should EVER happen to a sub. it's the dom/me's job to take good care of his/her sub & that isn't taking care of them.

not to be saying you don't know what you're talking about, but the scratches aren't wounds get infected VERY easily and i've had arm scratches that were infected numberous times...we're not going to go into how i got them... They never looked like that..those are just cuts that have only recently scabbed over...I'm not a doctor, but i doubt anyone would prescribe antibiotics for that person...unless they were diabetic or infect easily.
I stand by My statement that I think the scratches look infected. as a nurse, they don't look good... just because they don't like like scratches that have gotten infected on you doesn't mean that they aren't infected. I have had scratches get infected, and they looked very similar to what is in the picture. everyone's body reacts differently to illness/infection. and I wouldn't suggest antibiotics for them, but a good cleaning and some antibiotic ointment would definately be in order.
aerofreak said:
I stand by My statement that I think the scratches look infected. as a nurse, they don't look good... just because they don't like like scratches that have gotten infected on you doesn't mean that they aren't infected. I have had scratches get infected, and they looked very similar to what is in the picture. everyone's body reacts differently to illness/infection. and I wouldn't suggest antibiotics for them, but a good cleaning and some antibiotic ointment would definately be in order.

and i stand by mine as well...agree to disagree? however that recomendation would be good for any wound, would it not?
It's not a cadaver. 3 reasons I can think of immediately: 1) The blood would pool to the back and legs as well in a uniform distribution. 2) Cadavers don't typically stand up; turn the picture sideways and you realize the pants are hanging. 3) If her were dead his wallet would have been removed for identification and investigative cataloguing.

It doesn't look like makeup to me. Look closely at the edges. The black seems hazy because you are seeing it through the empidermis. I've worked with photoshop enough to know how hard that is to reproduce. Makeup would be black reflected, not an opaque veil. Also, if his cheeks were spread while being spanked it would account for tissue damage in between.

I had a thread about tissue damage and how sick it is to damage someone's body. I make it a rule as a Dom: no blood, no deep bruising. I was flamed to hell and back by some pretty sick fuckers. I made a point that some "play" I have seen (I use the word lightly) can even cause cancer. I was scoffed at but recently found an article on breast binding that verified my point. Deep tissue damage can cause tumors and other serious complications. I can't imagine what would make someone want to do this. It is also criminal conduct in all the cases I studied in law school. This is a crime against the state, not the person, so there can be no consent for it (please, let us not devolve into an argument about the "police state"). When I see film of a man running a skewer through a woman's breast I can't help but think there is a sickness involved. Pictures of a woman's nipples nailed to a board? How can that be sseen as a healthy mentality? Deep tissue incisions like this require not only a medically trained professional, but a sterile environment and subsequent care as well. It's not for some leather-clad pervert who won't feel the efffects of the impending mastectomy.
P. B. Walker said:
I saw this pic and I had to share...

To me, this is beyond spanking... but maybe I'm just sheltered. :)

What do ya think? Something to strive for? Look yummy? Does it make ya moist/hard?

PBW "I got your spanking right here"

Good God PB...

That is just abuse. I've been spanked good and I don't ever remember bruising like that. I might have had a little bruise here or there, but dang...

Is that from a caning?
Re: Re: Is this too much? or just right?

SkyBluAngelEyes said:
Good God PB...

That is just abuse. I've been spanked good and I don't ever remember bruising like that. I might have had a little bruise here or there, but dang...

Is that from a caning?

LOL... Oh I'm thinking it had to be at least some caning, some paddling, some leather straps, possibly a whip or flogger. There are quite a few lines... so I kinda wanna say there was some kinda wooden ruler type thing used...

I am sure more than one thing was used... and it didn't happen quick... that looks like took a few hours at least :)

I have to wonder how long it took to heal.. and how long before he was able to just sit down in a chair.

I have to admit to being spanked so badly that sitting down was just plain bittersweet. Damn, it hurt but it was a good kind of hurt.

I can't imagine trying to sit after that kind of whoopin'.
I'm betting he couldn't sit down without passing out from pain lol.

poor bastard. hopefully he got some good painkillers. whatever he did to get that... I think he learned his lesson.


Rocket88 said:

I had a thread about tissue damage and how sick it is to damage someone's body. I make it a rule as a Dom: no blood, no deep bruising. I was flamed to hell and back by some pretty sick fuckers. I made a point that some "play" I have seen (I use the word lightly) can even cause cancer. I was scoffed at but recently found an article on breast binding that verified my point. Deep tissue damage can cause tumors and other serious complications. I can't imagine what would make someone want to do this. It is also criminal conduct in all the cases I studied in law school. This is a crime against the state, not the person, so there can be no consent for it (please, let us not devolve into an argument about the "police state"). When I see film of a man running a skewer through a woman's breast I can't help but think there is a sickness involved. Pictures of a woman's nipples nailed to a board? How can that be sseen as a healthy mentality? Deep tissue incisions like this require not only a medically trained professional, but a sterile environment and subsequent care as well. It's not for some leather-clad pervert who won't feel the efffects of the impending mastectomy.

cancer thing...cancer is the result of a genetic mutation...physical stuff(aphasia kicks in again, i can't remember the word to replace stuff) cannot cause cancer because it's not mutagenic... While i'm sure it can cause irrepairable damage, cancer isn't the damage that's possible.

:p so there! shiteru Hinansho San *cute face*
Bondagebunni said:
...*cute face*
Do I have to find that article? I really don't feel like it. It was linked somewhere hand had to do with breast binding. Trauma can cause cancer. I've heard it from people I trust for too long.

God I don't feel like research tonight.

And are you looking for a spanking? It's not liek you need to try for it.
Rocket88 said:
Do I have to find that article? I really don't feel like it. It was linked somewhere hand had to do with breast binding. Trauma can cause cancer. I've heard it from people I trust for too long.

God I don't feel like research tonight.

And are you looking for a spanking? It's not liek you need to try for it.

possibly....^_^ ..but seriously, trauma isn't mutagenic! i swear! if i'm wrong...uhm...i'd say you could spank me but you already do that...
Bondagebunni said:
cancer thing...cancer is the result of a genetic mutation...physical stuff(aphasia kicks in again, i can't remember the word to replace stuff) cannot cause cancer because it's not mutagenic... While i'm sure it can cause irrepairable damage, cancer isn't the damage that's possible.

:p so there! shiteru Hinansho San *cute face*

actually, cancer is a definate possibilty from constant irritation/trauma of any kind. eventually, the DNA and/or RNA becomes damaged and can't repair itself during replication, and mutations occur. not always cancerous, but quite often, it is, and it can occur from anything that constantly irritates or damages the cells.
aerofreak said:
actually, cancer is a definate possibilty from constant irritation/trauma of any kind. eventually, the DNA and/or RNA becomes damaged and can't repair itself during replication, and mutations occur. not always cancerous, but quite often, it is, and it can occur from anything that constantly irritates or damages the cells.

alright fine, i conceed...*bends over* i'm ready to be spanked. *grins happily*