Isn't it lovely? A dedication.

raphy said:
... Mrs Dest. can practise all she likes with spousal-unit with absolutely zero risk ...

Just run like hell if you ever see David Crosby! :eek:
Kisssy, huggy

Icingsugar said:
Glad we can amuse someone.
Dear I,
Some people around here are VERY easily amused.
Ps. I'm all like gag me with a spoon, dude. Totally.
Look look, MG's interjecting cynicism into our utopian paradise of happy happy joy joy feelings!
Yeah, Raff, and it slides down our languid backs like pure spring water.

You're a pip.

'dita :heart:
raphy said:
Look look, MG's interjecting cynicism into our utopian paradise of happy happy joy joy feelings!

And raphy is revealing his exposure to bad bad Sci-Fi movies with Sandra Bullock in them.

Me too!. That's my boggle. :(
Hey, I *liked* Demolition man!

Raph, who freely admits to liking cheesy action movies. As long as they have their requisite quota of violence, one-line witticisms and explosions, I'm a happy viewer.
raphy said:
Look look, MG's interjecting cynicism into our utopian paradise of happy happy joy joy feelings!
Don't get up my nose, r. I have not had a serene day, and it's only 9 aye emm.
1. Walter Beagle apparently made a very early visit to my front lawn this AM and left a pile of bee emm. The paper boy managed to skid my newspaper through said pile. Forunately, I'm an early riser and switched my soiled Chronicle for the pristine copy on Auntie's lawn. The bee emm was transferred via shovel to her flower bed.
2. My MG sputtered all the way to the airport.
3. My airplane had a dead battery.
Ps. Kissy

MathGirl said:
Don't get up my nose, r. I have not had a serene day, and it's only 9 aye emm.
1. Walter Beagle apparently made a very early visit to my front lawn this AM and left a pile of bee emm. The paper boy managed to skid my newspaper through said pile. Forunately, I'm an early riser and switched my soiled Chronicle for the pristine copy on Auntie's lawn. The bee emm was transferred via shovel to her flower bed.
2. My MG sputtered all the way to the airport.
3. My airplane had a dead battery.
Ps. Kissy

MG still playing up then MG, get one of those nice aero engine mechanics to have a go at it, they're usually good with mechanics, unlike real car mechanics who just seem to be bolt on merchants these days with a posh diagnostic tester to tell them what to bolt on.

Oh thread subject, sorry Lou, hey leave my boy alone, he's had a rough upbringing, I blame his mother.:D
MathGirl said:
Walter Beagle apparently made a very early visit to my front lawn this AM and left a pile of bee emm. ...

A liberal sprinkling of black pepper all over you lawn will discourage Walter Beagle, as well as any of his confreres. ;)

Coarse-grain salt delivered from the mouth of a twelve-gauge is also quite efficacious. :eek:
Quasimodem said:
A liberal sprinkling of black pepper all over you lawn will discourage Walter Beagle
Dear Quaz,
I'm afraid the pepper is out. I would need several hundred pounds of it, and I doubt that much could be purchased without some sort of federal license. Besides, the Philipino guys who do the yard probably wouldn't appreciate it the first time they ran a rotary mower through.

I have, though, invested in a Wrist Rocket slingshot. I've been practicing in the back yard with unripe grapes. I'd love to put one into Walter's squatting ricolored butt at about 300 fps.
Re: Hmmmm

pop_54 said:

Oh thread subject, sorry Lou, hey leave my boy alone, he's had a rough upbringing, I blame his mother.:D

But, but, I just wanted him to feel some of my love. I've got lots to give, you know. ;)

Loulou :heart:
MathGirl said:
... I'd love to put one into Walter's squatting ricolored butt at about 300 fps.

Then, you would truly have a case for Sour Grapes!
Re: Hmmmm

pop_54 said:
MG still playing up then MG, get one of those nice aero engine mechanics to have a go at it, they're usually good with mechanics, unlike real car mechanics who just seem to be bolt on merchants these days with a posh diagnostic tester to tell them what to bolt on.
Dear Pop,
There is no repair on cars, anymore. It's "R and R" - Remove and replace. Unfortunately, there's very little in the way of replacement parts for a 1954 Morris Garage. Aircraft mechanics say, "Cauburetor? Whazzat?" Everything's injected now.

You would think the person who gave me a very valuable semi-antique car just after a frame-up restoration would have make arrangements for the constant upkeep and maintenance required on such a car. I even have to wash it myself.

The same person gave me a totally refurbished 1971 Cessna 152 with 10 hours SMOH. Now, only two years later, I have to have the damn battery recharged. Harumph!

Of course I don't have to drive the MG, because he also gave me a new big Toyota, but it's the principle of the thing. I just may return his broken down gifts.
In high dungeon,
Ps. Not the diamond, though. It still works perfectly.
Pps. Poor me.
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MathGirl said:
. . .Not the diamond, though. It still works perfectly. . .

Diamonds are forever! Settings may change frequently. :eek:

If you had to haul your ass about on a diamond, you'd find that it, too, had drawbacks. :rolleyes:
Lime said:
Sorry, Lou, seems like MG is only giving 'tough love' today.



Anyway, this is all a ruse, I'm only here on the off-chance that I might get to fuck That Cake Guy. :eek:

Loulou :p
Tatelou said:
Anyway, this is all a ruse, I'm only here on the off-chance that I might get to fuck That Cake Guy.
Loulou! I like your style. He'll be sorry he missed you.

smooches, Purrditta :heart:
perdita said:
Loulou! I like your style. He'll be sorry he missed you.

smooches, Purrditta :heart:

I'm sure he will. No matter, I'm good at lurking. ;)

Loulou :heart: :kiss: :rose:
Tatelou said:

Anyway, this is all a ruse, I'm only here on the off-chance that I might get to fuck That Cake Guy.

Does that mean we'll lose you if I don't put out?

Oh god, the pressure. :p
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Icing, my boy, sometimes you have to think of the good of the group. We really don't want to lose LouLou. Stiff upper lip and all that cheerio. (okay, so I never could pull-off a British accent)

But you gotta do something! We won't even tell the fiancé-type. (what was her address again?)

I'd even ask Gauche for help on this, but I'm not sure of what's in it for him. (he is a reformed yuppie, right?)

-FF (frantically trying to keep the piece)

ps. don't really take cheerios with you, women hate to find them all over the bed.
Nah, Iceman, you don't have to put out - Just keep stringing her along with the promise of unknown delights.

Raph, still trying to decide on a 'real' AV