its been nice

WickedEve said:
Good idea and we can dedicate them to your troll. :) Remember, when a troll throws lemons at you, make lemonade, pee in it, and serve it with ice to the troll. (Yes, ice. We southern gals are polite, aren't we Maria?)

yes Eve, i believe that at times, we are much too polite, especially when it comesto parting with ice on a hot southern day..troll can drink it hot :devil:
*puts rope away since I don't need to tie up Maria to keep her here*
:devil: ;)

Part of what makes you an amazing poet and person, also allows you to be hurt. That someone chose to do that to you, saddens me, but I know in the end, you will come out stronger.

If you need to go, that is one thing, but no leaving cause of an icky troll. Sign me up for the troll beating posse.:devil: ;)

Cat:rose: :kiss:
I just got an email from someone, I wont say who, but they tell me that someone enjoys causing mayhem on th e board..they get off on I say, anyone who enjoys that type juvenality can suck my... ohh..they can ...I hope they get a painful rash in a very tender place and think of me everytime it burns like hell...haha :devil:

and I mean it too!
*Catbabe* said:
*puts rope away since I don't need to tie up Maria to keep her here*
:devil: ;)

Part of what makes you an amazing poet and person, also allows you to be hurt. That someone chose to do that to you, saddens me, but I know in the end, you will come out stronger.

If you need to go, that is one thing, but no leaving cause of an icky troll. Sign me up for the troll beating posse.:devil: ;)

Cat:rose: :kiss:

No Cat, please, dont out the rope away..I really dont mind being tied up, on occasion...and right now, sounds like delicious fun!! ;)


I'm going outside to play in the sprinkler..ya'll are welcome to join me :D
Maria, I think we've cheered you up! lol

Liar, I have a tub-o-lard waiting. And I went with chicken wire and not barbed--I'm not that wicked.
Maria2394 said:
I just got an email from someone, I wont say who, but they tell me that someone enjoys causing mayhem on th e board..they get off on it..

If this is true shouldn't something be done. He/she has caused so much grief. Perhaps outing said person?

Be careful, Maria. The last time I ran through the sprinkler I slipped on the wet grass and sprained my ankle so badly it required a cast.
Originally posted by Maria2394
I just got an email from someone, I wont say who, but they tell me that someone enjoys causing mayhem on th e board..they get off on it..

Tristesse said:
If this is true shouldn't something be done. He/she has caused so much grief. Perhaps outing said person?

Maria, you are kind for keeping me anon....

Um so sorry for the misunderstanding--

This wasn't a poetry person, not the offender in this case

just liked getting things stirred up on the general boards here... and not just on lit,

getting a kick out of all the flurry of activity (like mentioning Bill Clinton at my parents dinner table)

I don't think he has even ventured to the poetry boards except for a few days after I blocked him and he took out his fury on me alone lol

Never heard from the turkey since.
Seemed like a nice enough guy for a day or two...

My point to M aria was, a person might not have anything against you in general to be a jerk, but this was before I knew they went down every one of Maria's poems, then that is a little different. I had that done to me once. Not fun.

I still laugh at the image Eve put into my head of some sicko getting off every time an H disappeared.

Talk about a fetish!

Maria, do what you need to do, girl, like I told you before.

But don't let the bastard/bitch get you down.

Just go passion the hell out of it like I did last week when told "Why even bother? This is the worst thing I have ever read"
ha ha ha

Think about why you are here, honestly why you are here.

That has not changed.



ps just washed, dried and redressed my two kids and they escaped and are back in the sand box/dirt pile/ hose again.

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annaswirls said:
ps just washed, dried and redressed my two kids and they escaped and are back in the sand box/dirt pile/ hose again.

My two just created mud from scratch. I threw them in the bathtub, because I'm a kill joy.

Why do I not have a troll? I've complained about this before. Am I not worthy of a troll? I'd be good to my troll and play with him. I swear I would. I have plenty of left over lard and chicken wire from the that whole Liar fetish thing.
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WickedEve said:
My two just created mud from scratch. I threw in the bathtub, because I'm a kill joy.

Why do I not have a troll? I've complained about this before. Am I not worthy of a troll? I'd be good to my troll and play with him. I swear I would. I have plenty of left over lard and chicken wire from the that whole Liar fetish thing.

What? You want a varmint *and* a troll? :D
Oh man! I take a lit break for a day and look at what I miss! Maria, You know that the lit powers have swept through the files and cleaned out double votes and troll shit recently?

Don't worry, they'll sweep through and clean up yours again. I'll bet they'll do it early for you if you but PM Laurel and ask.

One person doesn't make a community, but I've seen through my observances on this forum, that one person can damn near break it!

Your voice is too strong and your thoughts too sweeping to hover around a troll too long. 'Tis better to go and fertilize your roses with that crap than to shoo flies away from the bucket all day. :rose:
WickedEve said:
My two just created mud from scratch. I threw them in the bathtub, because I'm a kill joy.

Why do I not have a troll? I've complained about this before. Am I not worthy of a troll? I'd be good to my troll and play with him. I swear I would. I have plenty of left over lard and chicken wire from the that whole Liar fetish thing.

Eve, youre almost too much!!

a long while back, when someone brought the phenom of the low votes that often follow the awarding of an E, OT told me, that it was the way of the world, basically, sorting out the really good stuff from the bad, as he put it, taming the board which has run amok..I wrote this for him and it pertains here today...


Amok in the Muck

Children,out of control!

Four of them, see?
Stomping through thick gooey mud
in the baseball field behind the church
in their crisp new summer clothes!

They giggle as if guilty
at the squeaky squisssshhhhy
squickering sounds of eight feet escaping
slippery canvas bonds.

Keds left behind
pulled deep into the mud
on their own to fend or simply fossilize
waiting to be retrieved by Mom.

Regardless of what happens
within the next five minutes,
Mom with a hose and her bucket of soap,
those polydactyled delinquents
so elegantly running amok
will be clean by nightfall.

doesn't she realize she's wasting her time?


I LOVE mud..when I was about 3, now I remember this clear as day, me and my brither and my cousin were riding out trikes through the front yard mudhole, James would jump from the tree and spalsh us and we laughed our kiddie butts off...we had 4 baths that day..needless to say, when My kids went through the I love mud stage, I played in it with them :D
I like the poem! It's too true and too cute. You made poetry of something so simple.
Well, my two went back outside, so bath #2 will happen soon. I should just stop washing them and let things grow out of the dirt that's on them.
Ohhh! Poem inspiration!
You're supposed to bathe your kids????


Oh....and I'm glad you're hanging around, Maria...
Whoa. I need to stop sleeping and going to school.

Maria, I'm glad you changed your mind and I'm not going to have to repeat what they all said. I might consider using the ropes anyway, though. ;)