It's good to be King... or Queen

A Desert Rose said:
Chocolate as a major food group is good!

I would name Robin Williams my ambassador-at-large.

I think it would be nice if women wore hats and gloves in public, again.

I'm with you on everything but the gloves. They're hot. lol
I'm with Desdemona on the animal abuse thing. Down with animal abusers!

I also think you should have to have a basic understanding of child care before you can be a parent. Some people I see really make me glad my parents are so sane.

The Queen of my country gets to eat shrimp, and lobster, whenever she wants. And everyone gets a mandatory massage at least twice a week. Mmm. :D

Every little girl gets that horse she wanted, if that was her desire. *was a frustrated horse lover in her youth*

Cute topic, ADR. :rose:
sunfox said:
I'm with Desdemona on the animal abuse thing. Down with animal abusers!

I also think you should have to have a basic understanding of child care before you can be a parent. Some people I see really make me glad my parents are so sane.

The Queen of my country gets to eat shrimp, and lobster, whenever she wants. And everyone gets a mandatory massage at least twice a week. Mmm. :D

Every little girl gets that horse she wanted, if that was her desire. *was a frustrated horse lover in her youth*

Cute topic, ADR. :rose:

Thanks. A topic like this tells a lot about a person and the inner workings, desires and morals that we sometimes don't think are important to share or that we sometimes don't want to share. ;-)

I'm in for shrimp, lobster and, I would add crab to that list. I love the mid-day siesta idea, too. And like Des... no animal abuse in my realm, either.
Ooh, ooh, ooh.... I'm gonna have a mid day siesta in my kingdom!! I love that idea. And 2 day work weeks. LOL
A Desert Rose said:
Thanks. A topic like this tells a lot about a person and the inner workings, desires and morals that we sometimes don't think are important to share or that we sometimes don't want to share. ;-)

I'm in for shrimp, lobster and, I would add crab to that list. I love the mid-day siesta idea, too. And like Des... no animal abuse in my realm, either.

So I guess my inner workings are really, really tired.

Ok, on a more serious note, in my Queendom stay at home parenting would be the norm. Moms (or Dads) who want to work from home would be supported (though not suplimented) and legitimate employers who encouraged this practice would be rewarded financially.
In my Domain

All bad drivers would have to use roads made for them, not the ones used by the rest of the populace. Cutting me off would be punishable by a grenade launcher and we would take all the warning labels off products so the population of common sense challanged people would be reduced.

Everyone has to study a second language, it won't kill you.

3 weeks vacation minimum.

10 an hour minimum.

And jobs go, via meritocracy, to the people best qualified for them. Always. If you can't cut it in 2 years someone else gets a try.

Welfare goes out the door, seed money becomes the only kind of granting, and subsidies for businesses. Everyone can sell or make or do something, and should have to, even if they need a boost to make it.

The wilfully stupid people get their own county and everyone else knows where it is so they can avoid it.

A vigliante corps of women metes out punishment on rapists and molesters when they don't expect it, culminating in castration and forehead tatooing.

Creativity becomes capital, via barters trades and co-operatives of people making money off their own ideas.

Good public transport and anyone using an SUV to cart one latte to and from the office will be deported to moron county.

One child limit per couple and you have to pass the basic common sense test. Restaurants would have hourlong windows of child free time. There'd be a big fat tax credit to the non-reproducers, but teachers would be highly paid and have to demonstrate imagination personality and interest in kids.

And the old people get their own lane, shit why not their own roads. They'll be happier, God, we'll be happier, that's in fact my platform for queen of the world. Make me queen of the world and I'll build the old people their own roads.
sirhugs said:
would the naps be mandated to be " anything but solo"?

No, citizens would have the freedom of nap choice - as many or as few partners as desired.
A Desert Rose said:
What rule or law would be the first one you would mandate?

Somehow thoughts of Anne Rice spring to mind.

Bring back Droight De Signeur, I think!
Originally posted by morninggirl5
Couples wishing to become parents must pass a parenting exam.

Originally posted by sunfox
I also think you should have to have a basic understanding of child care before you can be a parent.

Originally posted by Netzach
There'd be a big fat tax credit to the non-reproducers.

I can actually sort of go along with these, as I think too many people have kids who don't really *want* them or have a clue about raising them. Besides, it would be a good way of keeping Netzach's nation of idiots from being over populated.

I can't go along with the kid free restaurant, but I would impose strict fines on parents who allow their children to misbehave in public wihtout imposing some sort of discipline.
redelicious said:
I can actually sort of go along with these, as I think too many people have kids who don't really *want* them or have a clue about raising them. Besides, it would be a good way of keeping Netzach's nation of idiots from being over populated.

I can't go along with the kid free restaurant, but I would impose strict fines on parents who allow their children to misbehave in public wihtout imposing some sort of discipline.

Red, this is not a slam on you. TD is the cutest and best behaved kid I have seen in a long time. However, in my kingdom, if the kid misbehaves in the restaurant, the parents have 5 minutes, max to get them under control. After 5 minutes, they are evicted from the restaurant. We would set timers to ensure accurate timing.
Parents are accustomed to the noise that rowdy children make and don't realise how disruptive and disturbing it is to others. Somehow I think we'll all have our own little monarchies. Maybe we can visit each other. LOL
Desdemona said:
Red, this is not a slam on you. TD is the cutest and best behaved kid I have seen in a long time. However, in my kingdom, if the kid misbehaves in the restaurant, the parents have 5 minutes, max to get them under control. After 5 minutes, they are evicted from the restaurant. We would set timers to ensure accurate timing.
Parents are accustomed to the noise that rowdy children make and don't realise how disruptive and disturbing it is to others. Somehow I think we'll all have our own little monarchies. Maybe we can visit each other. LOL

I think we both agree that parents have to be more responsible for the behavior of their own children. We just have different approaches on how to inforce that.

And ty.;)