It's like coming home

See what I mean, there's the irony again - she posts directly after he does every time *laughs*

Xander, yes thanks - it is so good to hear from you too. And Roger, yeah sure, but do you have holes through your hands?

And just where is my favourite webmistress? God that word "webmistress" sounds so Victorian don't you think. One of those words that I group into the Bronte sisters genre - like "spinster". So I'll just call her our darling Laurel. How are you baby?

*grabs slut_boy and gives him a great big bear hug...*

Welcome back! Now, quit leaving, damnit! I know you have to save the world, but you STILL have to hang out with us! :)

Seriously though, it's great to see your cute mug around here and hear about your adventures. You're a real life Indiana Jones! BTW - I sent you an email tonight... sssh! Don't talk about it here - read it & let me know what you think! (no, people it's not dirty!)
LOL @ Indiana Jones. Or, as bs would have said (or liked to have said), a "Nerdy Indiana Jones". God, I miss bs.
Ssshhh Slut_Boy or everyone will think Nicole and I have a thing going. I mean, I do have a thing ... dunno where it's going though!
Oh now come on. You have a thing??? What's that suposse to mean???

I said before I know I havn't been paying much attention to you lately and I'm sorry. Kinda been busy *you know* can't help myself.

*Facing away from Golden, lifting skirt, letting him see I have no panties on* Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle ;)

Oh Slut_boy were you watching that too or do I need to give you a private show???
LMAO. Nicole, you are playing into the fickle hands of irony again. Are you sure that you and Golden aren't living together?
living together?? AAhh, chance would be a fine thing; I could keep a better eye on her and she wouldn't be off half the night with other men from this BB - it's only because I work nights up here in the northern hemisphere ... she is VERY baaaaddd!! Now who was it had some spare cuffs ... I think it was Angelique from another thread, hey Angelique can I borrow them? That should keep the little Aussie where I can see her!

Still, 12,000 miles apart as we may be, we do always seem to be on together, so to speak! Distance irrelevant ... I just got such a great eyeful of her pretty little ass! Did you get her panties Slut_Boy?
Nah, Golden. I don't have her panties (sadly). To be quite honest, I am not even sure that she wears any. Judging from her antics on that Pool Party thread, it seems to me as though panties would only be an unnecessary hinderance, an obstruction, something in the way, another burden to rid, an irritation, a chastisement of sorts *sighs*

Do you see it that way too, Golden?
Didn't you know Slut_Boy? Nicole comes panties optional...hehehe...sorry, but I'm sure you can find enough panties from other lovelies on the board to fuel that particular fetish of yours *wink wink nudge nudge*

BTW...nice to see you're still breathing Slut_Bro...been awhile, and I hadn't heard from you...I know this is a little late, but welcome back...*extending hand to shake, then remembering I've made that sticky mistake before and waving instead* Umm hope things are calming down a bit for you and you'll be able to hang out, er um, I mean around with us again.

Havoc :cool:
Umm Hello.... Guys I am in the room you know :)

Geesh... Panties optional???

And I'm so sorry about that Pool Party but you know. Mr Superman Undies :D
Hey Havoc, thanks for the welcome. Mmmm, I remember that sticky hand too *laughs* So she comes "panties optional" huh? *LMAO* And all the while she is also in the room, as though should have known. Nicole, our sweet omnipresent one .... oh god, there I go offending at least one immortal fucking deity.

Eve, I have missed you so much. I am really pleased to see that you are around *smiles at you*
Oh yeah, while I am on this thread, Laurel I did get your e-mail, thanks - did you ever get my reply?
yopu colowing this closely Slut_Bro? Nicole at last failed to post right after me ... she must have been busy elsewhere - panties on? nope,.. panties off ? nope ... panties on? nope... panties off ...
Right that's it you two. *Stammping foot on ground*

No more free flash's :p

I am HERE I tell you I can Hear what you are saying about me.

Goddanmit now look at that I have to do my shoelaces up ..... *Bending down*

Oh god Golden you saw my newly shaven pussy, someone help the man up will you. :D
Golden, there is no shame in editing out your typo's *laughs*. Nicole, put your panties back on .... naughty girl!
Okay so one want's them off and one want's them on :)

Ummm ... Now for the one that counts ... How do YOU want me babe ;)?????