jennifer In Training

** Jen moves quickly to Miss M's side, kneels and places her hands on her lap, eyes on the floor in front of her.

*Silently approves of jen's quickness to obey... Reaches out, and lightly toys with her hair...*

It is so nice to be surrounded with pretty things...
** Jen starts to dust in the kitchen and suddenly remembers she never switched the coffee pot off! Now she has to scrub the black sludge out of it before anyone notices.
** With the pot clean Jen returns to dusting the kitchen, realizes it will need to be swept as well. She'd spilled some coffee grounds...
** Jen finishes dusitng the kitchen and decides she'll return later to sweep.
** Jen heads upstairs to dust the hallway
** Jen heads into the master bedroom and pauses when she sees it.
** She quickly heads to the master bath to clean everything. She realizes she must look quite goofy kneeling in a giant tub, scrubbing it clean wearing nothing at all.
** Jen finishes the tub and thinks she's gotten everywhere.
** She is severly tempted to draw herself a hot steamy bath.
** Jen returns to the master bedroom and dusts.
** Jen dusts around the room. every time shes looks at the bed she blushes and warms a little. When she reaches one of the night stands she contemplates looking in the drawers to see what is within, but then decides against it, knowing how hard it would be to stop herself, that and she is a little afraid of what might be found within.
** Jen climbs onto the bed to fluff the pillows and make sure the sheets and covers are aligned correctly. She pauses for a moment and stretches out fully on the bed and admires herself in the mirror.
** A few dark thoughts are marking her wet and she quickly gets up before she messes the sheets.
** Jen flees the room and decides to spent an extra amount of time in each of the two guest bedrooms and adjoining bathrooms to help calm her down...
Good morning ladies....
*looking over admiring how nice things look...glancing at jen with a nod
of approval*