Jenny’s house of fun.

I know it well, it first got on board with souljacker. Spun that record till it broke! Thank God for Spotify now I can listen to those kooky sad amazing bluesy tracks on demand!
Dear diary.

It’s 6.34 and I just took my meds and had my first cup of tea. Black, no sugar.

Was awake again last night. I really need some sleep. But first I need to blow hubby. I love routines and they keep my grounded and gives me a sense of safety. Blowing hubby every morning is one of them, and I know he loves it, which makes me happy.

Same with my meds. The routine of it grounds me, and of course I need the chemicals to balance me.

Going to the spa today. Hubby booked me a massage a and bath and wax. Really looking forward to it. It’s my favorite spa here and they are always so nice.

Mom said they had gotten snow at home, I hope we will get some here too soon. My daughter loves snow.
I love snow too, helps that I only have a 5 minute drive to work 😁

That massage and spa sounds amazing! 🥰

Gonna try something.
My daughter is happily playing so I have a few minutes over. I’m gonna light up and you can ask my anything and I will try and answer.
Either here or in private.
I will do my best.

And if I don’t get any questions, I will at least get a good buzz and maybe I’ll watch some porn.


Gonna try something.
My daughter is happily playing so I have a few minutes over. I’m gonna light up and you can ask my anything and I will try and answer.
Either here or in private.
I will do my best.

And if I don’t get any questions, I will at least get a good buzz and maybe I’ll watch some porn.

Closing the question box soon.
Almost out of weed and need to head to the spa in a bit.