Jesus Action Figures?

If they really want to appeal to children, they need to develop more baddies (is that a UK colloquialism and is that how you spell colloquialism?).

Its a well known fact that all action figures have to come with a nemesis. Now I know there was a Goliath, but shit what kind of fucked up view of the bible are kids going to have when goliath is ganged up on by jesus, joseph, mary, jop & co. Where are the morals?

"Always outnumber your adversary"

There definitely needs to be a Lucifer and a few demons and warlocks. The thing is noone would buy the good guys 'cos their weapons suck; a loaf of bread, a flower, a piece of cloth! Fuck, that's not going to sell when you've got demons with fireblasters and swords and shit like that! The world will go crazy and all the kids will be trained up to love the devil and all hell will break loose and it will be awful and everything!!

The action figures need to be banned now. Before its too late.
I agree. Ban the action figures because next, you know, there will be a Saturday morning cartoon, then a movie, then books -- this damn thing could become a religion.
Dixon Carter Lee said:
I agree. Ban the action figures because next, you know, there will be a Saturday morning cartoon, then a movie, then books -- this damn thing could become a religion.

LOL good one!