Joe Biden, Vacation King

The guy is 80 years old, what do people really expect to happen? That he will start lifting weights? Run a marathon and engage the population? He is old, give him a blanket and a nurse.
No, we have a right to expect the CinC, the man with the nuclear codes, to be cognizant and able to perform the duties he was elected to do. the American people were swindled when the Democrats and their media presented Joe Biden as a viable presidential candidate when they knew damn well it wasn't true.
The guy is 80 years old, what do people really expect to happen? That he will start lifting weights? Run a marathon and engage the population? He is old, give him a blanket and a nurse.
There are plenty of people 80 and over who are completely cognizant and in command of their mental facilities. Joe Biden was never one of them.
At least he makes sense when his words are read from a page, unlike the opposition.
No, we have a right to expect the CinC, the man with the nuclear codes, to be cognizant and able to perform the duties he was elected to do. the American people were swindled when the Democrats and their media presented Joe Biden as a viable presidential candidate when they knew damn well it wasn't true.
It’s so easy to win a Presidential election. Even Donald Trump did it.
No, we have a right to expect the CinC, the man with the nuclear codes, to be cognizant and able to perform the duties he was elected to do. the American people were swindled when the Democrats and their media presented Joe Biden as a viable presidential candidate when they knew damn well it wasn't true.
Hmmm.. wow. Yours couldn’t even stop people from attacking the capitol. (because he wanted them to do it)

One phone call and it’s over. Instead, Mike had to go around him and give orders as the only one in the executive branch who was still following an oath.

He loved stopping protestors who didn’t gain access to anything so he could take a picture with his “favorite” book. Two Corinthians indeed!

Hmmm.. wow. Yours couldn’t even stop people from attacking the capitol. (because he wanted them to do it)

One phone call and it’s over. Instead, Mike had to go around him and give orders as the only one in the executive branch who was still following an oath.

He loved stopping protestors who didn’t gain access to anything so he could take a picture with his “favorite” book. Two Corinthians indeed!

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There's Donald Trump holding a bible upside down (deliberately so, in my opinion) while he has evangelical crazies eating out of his hand. Damien Thorn would be very impressed.
There's Donald Trump holding a bible upside down (deliberately so, in my opinion) while he has evangelical crazies eating out of his hand. Damien Thorn would be very impressed.
You give him credit be able to hold a Bible upside down on purpose.

He said he never heard of the term mug shot before after getting his in GA.

Either and idiot, or liar- or both!
“Pause for just a moment. I thought things had changed. I was able to literally, not figuratively, talk Strom Thurmond into voting for the Civil Rights Act before he died, and I thought, ‘Well maybe there’s real progress,’ But hate never dies. It just hides, it hides under the rocks,” he said.
He was probably referring to the Civil Rights Act of 1991, which Ol' Strom did in fact vote for.