
Cub4ucme said:
I offered the LOL because, trite or not<<<<<

You still don't get it.

I read your post and appeciated your comments.

The above quote from EVE was what I was referring to.

It can be found direcly above my comments.

I don't want to argue.

Discussing poets, yes any poets, isn't what I was referring to.

I'm sure you know that. My comments were initiated after reading
this board for quite some time.

It's youir choice to respond or not. If you do, I think it would be
better to be sure what you are responding to.


As far as the poster who comes here for the smut I understand that side.
There's no judgement coming from this seat about letting your hair down.

Defending obvious dysfunction makes no sense even in a smutty room.

I knew you would bend the obvious intent of the tag on the fourm. I knew that becasue the truth boxed you in. The intent is glaring, where I understated myself was to leave out poets who post here. You are right on that account and my apology is expressed. I still find it somewhat disheartening that people rise to defend their right to be to be wrong so freely knowing full well they are wrong.

This is the last you will hear from me on this thread.

Take your shots (that's to be expected here and that was my whole point) but, rest assured I'm standing on solid ground.

Cub4ucme? ... if you don't want your quoted posts to become confusing use the
tags as required in the vB forum format. That way, there is a record of who originally posted what and a reference back, directly to what they said. Welcome to the PF&D forum.
Cub4ucme said:
I offered the LOL because, trite or not<<<<<

You still don't get it.

I get it now. I had not noticed the lol on Eve's comment and thought it and the following comment were directed to me, since I was the original LOL-er in the threat. I apologize for that.

DA : )
Cub4ucme said:
Cub, there's a bit of a history here that might give you a bit of a clue if you knew it.<<<<<<<<<

Not interested but, thanks anyway.

I am interested in poetry. I don't care if critiques are harsh or full of praise.

You write the poem, you let it go, it stands up on its own or it flops.

In the end it's still A POEM.

This board, I believe was created for the discussion of poetry not personalities. That's why there's email and PM's.

But, I appreciate your take and thanks for offering it up.


Let's examine these is some detail.
I don't care if critiques are harsh or full of praise.
Another board where people feel their personal politics are somehow important
in the grand scheme of poetics.

Take a real good look, keep your eyes open, now try saying that your poetry sucks to the tell tale trail, or give him anything less than a lollypop comment and a five. See how fast you get on the receiving end of accusations.
Decayed Angel said:
LOL... I guess given a choice between the two I'll take trite over the other. The knife was always a bit dull though.

Unfortunately I think this may be more about 1201's departure and I thank him for the kind words and wish he would stick around.

Cub, there's a bit of a history here that might give you a bit of a clue if you knew it.
No, Jim, 1201 busted his ass for a month trying to get something up, failing three times, when he heard that accusation. I guess he also wanted to say goodbye, let you know how much it meant to him, he said you had caught him playing Devil's Advocate once. He admired the way you handled it, he was a great tester. (guess who he failed three times?)

He gave a real curious reason, as to why he pulled most of his things, and why he left in March. One was the misinterpretation of what an adversial relationship is all about. He admired quite a few here that could argue their case in regards to poetry. The other was he felt he was setting a bad example as far as writing. The example he used was the what appeared to be the superfluous "just"s and the small case "g" in starting a sentence with god, in his guano town justice, he had reasons, most of the time good ones. But he still felt it was a bad example, and counterproductive to those that are good ones.

He expresses his regrets to those that he didn't say goodbye to, and I have some real bad news for the politcos. I am not 1201, I cannot write like he did. (I'm not sure anyone can, or even if it is a good idea to try), but by his own admission I am the better counter-puncher, and researcher.


Behave yourself tell-tale, what did I say about soupboxes?
normal jean said:
too much drama :(

go hug some trees.


You know, not only did my great Uncle Harvey die a few years ago, but my pine tree in the back yard has also died. Pine bark beetles can still be heard munching away at it. It comes down Friday, leaving me one less tree to hug.

DA : )
yeah LIar, you could hug me!!! :D

my hubby, bless his heart, just bought a pick up truck. and now he is determined to make money with his truck in between shutdowns we have been working.

well, he went to bid a wrought-iron gate and the lady asked him how much to clean her yard at the lake house before the gate is installed, he said $150. :(

he has no idea how to bid a yard job and we have busted ourt butts last 2 days. I was attacked by some very aggressive briars, seriously, all you have to do is walk by them and they attach to you. all I had to do was drag them on my khakis to get them t o the truck, lol.

Jim, Im sorry about your tree. I know how it feels, we recently moved and I had to leave my garden and pond behind. its been so depressing. maybe if you plant a new one it would help :)


MyNecroticSnail said:
I have some real bad news for the politcos.
Not bad, simply irrelevant. And it's the two of you, MNS & 1201, who are the politicos and nothing else but politicos. What a waste. It's ironic to be politicos on a poetic discussion board (on a porno poetic board :)).

I am not 1201, I cannot write like he did.
Indeed, it's difficult to write equally meaningless drivel like 1201 does, but you do--you, MNS, have succeeded splendidly. MNS or 1201--it's always the same voice, which is coming sometimes out of a mouth and sometimes out of an arse. It still sounds the same.
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