Just another case of bdsm gone awry

sweetnpetite said:
I was making my point in the topic line. You could use this article to prove that a number of activities are risky, including homosexuality which lancymayon seems to have no objection too. (Although he should check what his bible says about that)
"The Bible contains 6 admonishments to homosexuals, and 362 admonishments to heterosexuals. That doesnt mean that God doesnt love heterosexuals. Its just that they need more supervision. - Lynn Lavner"
sweetnpetite said:
I was making my point in the topic line. You could use this article to prove that a number of activities are risky, including homosexuality which lancymayon seems to have no objection too. (Although he should check what his bible says about that)

Sorry, I didn't catch that. Now I see what you were saying. Without noticing the change in titles, I thought you were supporting what he was saying.

All I could think was, "My God, are there two people that stupid posting here?"

As I said, my bad!
Religeous convictions asside, I don't think Lance has as much a proem with homosexuality as BDSM because his particular crusade is about "abuse". While homosexuality is unnatural (comming from a man who has slept with men), it can be loving, and gentle.
The point he seems to be missing out on is that there is a vast difference between capacity for abuse, and abusing. We all can abuse, it's in our capacity as human beings. What stops us is moral, and ethical constraints, and a genuine care for the wellbeing of others born of empathy.
The misguided notion manion's working from is that we somehow have less empathy, or morality when it comes to abuse. He's chalked us up as sociopathic sexual sadists, and amoral degenerates without remorse, and predatory leanings.
What I, and some others are trying to convince him of is that nothing could be further form the truth. I, speaking only for myself, get off, on pleasure, though somehow pain is wired in with that. I've seen it in others, and understand it because of a shared sensorium.
He's obviously never been there, or done that, so he cannot concieve of pleasure form pain. THerefore, he makes dangerous assumptions about or charactyer that are patentedly false. What's obvious to us is more elusive to those who do not share our sensualities.
A final thing, a Dom/me cannot do what we do without empathy. We have to know what we're doing, or people get hurt. At the very least, noone enjoys a scene without that connection between top, and bottom that allows us to read the pleasure in another's breaths, skin flush, goose flesh, and vocalizations.
I am a dominant, and a masochist. I beat people, not because I like to, but because they like me to. In my capacity as a dominant, what I get of on is the infliction of pleasure, not pain. THe pain is merely the means to the pleasure, not an end in and of it'self.