Just can't finish the stories

A good story is a good story, with or without explicit sex. A bad story is a bad story, but a bad story with sex is just Porn. If you are not comfortable writing sex scenes then erotica is probably not the genre for you. If you are forcing the sex it is probably hurting an otherwise good story.

When two people dive into the bed ( or sofa or kitchen table or what have you) there is usually a good reason for it. If you cannot find a reason why your characters would want to jump each other's bones then it is unlikely your depiction of them together is going to be very good.

That said writing erotica takes a certain amount of getting used to. I still find myself blushing on occasion at some of the things I have written. It is not unusual for me to have ten to fifteen stories working at one time, I bounce from story to story with a mercurial disregard for getting to the end on any of them. When one ends it does so of it's own accord and I close it and wait a day or two then edit and revise it for submission.

Let your stories tell themselves and do not try to force them to a conclusion. Unless you are getting paid or entering a contest any pressure to get them done is self induced and more likely than not detremental to the work as a whole. If no sex scene presents itself then post your work to a place where it fits. Forced scenes are usually far below the rest of a work that flowed well and forced sex scenes are usually tedious in the extreme.
