Just curious

Leslie again said:
I have been wondering (understand I only mean wondering) what some might think of this that follows.

Ok everyone here is clearly aware this is an adult site (I hope that isn't a shock :) ).

And being an adult site, you will find links to places beyond, that some might like and some might not like at all.

But they are very definitely there (whether you like it or not basically).

And of course you are free to not click on any of those links, and thus not really guilty of having gone anywhere (or is that entirely correct?).

Now I don't want anyone thinking I am in any way trying to say anything is right and or wrong (because frankly I don't have the time to worry over that specififc distinction).

But I was thinking the other day over the effects of my having come here and having posted stories and possibly posting more.

And to be sure, this is in no way me saying the site is either good and or bad in any way (not even remotely my intention).

I am just aknowledging some realities really.

I have witnessed the effects of personal opinions here on Lit. Both those from authors as well as participants for other reasons.
And it is safe to say, some members that come here have attitudes that will be more interested by what I have to say than others (this much I already know).

In hmm something like at least 10 years now I guess, I have seen the internet evolve in numerous ways. But some things generally remain the same.
One of those things that has remained the same, is that the net is seen as a great distributor of porn through porn sites.

I call it porn only because that is the generic term that is recognised. You can call our efforts erotic writings and art, but most would just call you a porn writer and ignore your comments to the contrary.

Porn sites are about porn. And porn is about making money off of porn. Which I doubt is a shock.

One thing that porn seems unable to get away from, be it by choice or not I can't seem to tell, is that it is wrong bad filthy disgusting perverted sinful etc etc.

I mean if you visit an adult site, it isn't a "romantic woman pleasing her man with her oral skills", nope, she is labelled a "cock sucking whore", a "cum sucking bitch".
This is basically applied to everything.
They sell it as negative, they never try to label it as anything but wrong, and frankly I can't see why.

If it is so wrong, so bad and foul, why the constant argument that it should be allowed?

Porn sites scream blue murder the second someone gets on their high horse trying to control it or eliminate it.
But then they go off and immediately label it as the filth that the nuts want purged from society.

Lately I have been writing what I thought was fairly acceptable erotic fiction. And I have not posted any of it. I have been busy writing stories specifically for my mate (she knows who she is too, I can see her smiling now as I mention this). I have written the stuff in such a way that it is personal to both us, and really, not for public sharing.
But I have also discontinued public items for offering for other reasons.

And lately I had a new reason thrown on the heap. One that actually makes sense, and might have escaped everyone's notice (or might not I am not sure).

Is anyone here unaware, that by coming here, you are putting money into the hands of people you might actually greatly dislike?
No I am not talking abbout Laurel. Laurel might have the same burden as you when thinking this over though.

If you link to any other site, you are linking to the world as it goes.
And there are links that go to links that go to yet more links.

Do pedophiles bother you for instance?
Are you ok with sex slavery?
How about violence toward women?

I ask, because there ARE people out there who DON'T have a problem with it.
And they might be linked to Literotica down the line and not far down the as well.

Ever wandered any of those links?

Each time you visit an adult site, they get hits for your visit. You are providing a cash benefit for having gone there. This explains why some sites wll annoyingly hijack your web browser. And yes, I know of all the software dodges to halt that, but so don't they.
And they are constantly doing what they can to thwart them.

Crack sites, warez sites, underground sites. These people are not interested in whether you can write good fiction. They just want the money you bring in.

And they are not concerned by moral issues. They could care less if the content is about raping little girls. They don't give a hoot about who uses the funds derived from our activities. And that money could be supporting just about any human (or inhuman) activity.

Some of us will have noble ambitions, but some will NOT.

Some of you will protest my thoughts here, and some will not care.

But in the end, each time you come here (to Lit) you will have put money into someone's pocket. Directly or indirectly.
It won't be Laurel's fault specifically. But it will definitely have begun with us.

I am unsure I can contribute fiction at this time. But it is not because I am unduly concerned from who is benefiting from it. I am just unsure I have the interest.
But I want everyone to consider, what coming here might mean.

I know some will look at my post count total. Some will dismiss me as a new comer and just ranting.
Be aware, this is a new account, but I am not a newcomer. I have been active on Lit for hmm more than 2 years now I guess.

A person is not their post count total.
Grrr never touch escape key while posting (fucking hell).

Ok lets try again ( I hate reposting m thoughts).

Been away for a week or more, hence no reponses much since.

I try to respond to everyone, but can't, so I go with catches my attention most, others will just have to try again :)

Hmm Pure your number 2. caught my attention.

2. porn I don't approve of ... hmm ever seen tubgirl.com (I think that is the link, but I am not checking eh), my buddies use that image as a prank.
Warning, don't go, you will regret it, the image is near impossible to get out of your head for hours.
Otherwise, I really think I have never seen porn "I didn't approve of"
I have seen lots of porn I don't like of course, but then some stuff doesn't turn me on, so why should I like it?

I think some of you guys need to slowly re the thread name.

Just curious.

I meant it eh, I am not stating facts I know to be facts, I am just thinking outloud or in this case thinking in print.

This statement from earlier.

"Now I don't want anyone thinking I am in any way trying to say anything is right and or wrong (because frankly I don't have the time to worry over that specififc distinction)."

Come on guys I meant that.

"But I was thinking the other day over the effects of my having come here and having posted stories and possibly posting more."

Remember I was just thinking, I am not trying to say I was thinking critically, just pondering out loud.

"I am just aknowledging some realities really."

I could be right, I could be wrong. I have lost track of all the realities I have encountered that were in fact full of shit.

"Do pedophiles bother you for instance?
Are you ok with sex slavery?
How about violence toward women?"

I was just asking questions, I don't say I feel one way or the other.

Well anyways that is enough for now.

To add to one line of comments here, without dragging out an old threads where it is also being pursued (maybe, I don't know).

My mate (the one that lives here) has never read any of my erotica. I have no interest in showing her, as I don't think she would give a damn to read it.
My mate online (yeah that statement likely makes it clear I have two) really likes my erotica. But then, I write all my current new erotica just for her, so I guess that helps.

My friends don't know I write erotica, but then my friends are all wargamer types for the most part or atypical guys. I just don't see any point making their job that being the usual male idiocy of creative put downs easier (they can think up their own taunts hehe).
My friends do know it is unwise to enter without knocking at my place though.
They all know I wear clothes only when I feel like it. If they in their atypical fashion for society can't handle catching me playing with my cock while sitting at the computer, then they have to knock first so I can put something on.
I don't have any trouble letting my friends know I have unconventional beliefs where sex is concerned.

I once mentioned to my mother about writing erotica. I asked her if I had an erotic novel written and published, would she be willing to read it. The reply was a very distinct no. I was privately quite offended/pissed off/hurt I suppose.
But in the end, fuck her, I don't plan on not writing based on her view of the material eh.
I will just have to settle for impressing her with non erotca literature.

Part of my curiosity stems from the fact that some of us think something unacceptable is acceptable while others will not.

I like anime for instance, love the stuff. I have long wanted to submit some stuff done as versions of my favs converted into erotica.
But alas, anime centers usually on students that not surprisingly are often under 18. Or possesses numerous personalities under 18.
No under 18 stuff is allowed on Lit. so that wrecks that idea.

I personally don't support the notion that sex with persons 14 to 17 is in some way "wrong". Doesn't mean I plan on going out and fiddling with a 14 year old girl though.
Mind you, if a 14 year old made the effort to make a play for me, that might be different...once. Wouldn't bother me a bit. Aside from the fact I would likely rather be screwing her mother.

But I enjoy watching anime in spite of the overly large sum of 14 to 17 year old characters in it. Doesn't bother me a bit. Doesn't bother me to watch their overly generous tits bouncing around. I don't have trouble seeing them in various stages of undress.

I could care less what anyone thinks of me for watching anime.
I have jacked off a good amount of times looking at erotically altered versions of anime personaities. I could care less what anyone thinks of that behaviour.

Ok I am rambling now, time to just shut up :)
I am so glad I didn't decipher the first one. That removes my need to even attempt to decipher this one, too.
"I am so glad I didn't decipher the first one. That removes my need to even attempt to decipher this one, too."

Well Raphy, I am so glad you said so little, that it took so little to read your post that was worth so little.

Do you ever say anything worth reading?
Leslie again said:
"I am so glad I didn't decipher the first one. That removes my need to even attempt to decipher this one, too."

Well Raphy, I am so glad you said so little, that it took so little to read your post that was worth so little.

Do you ever say anything worth reading?

Depends if I'm replying to anyone that has anything worth saying.
Dear Les,
It's been a while. You haven't changed a bit.
Ps. That ain't a compliment.
Hi MG, you haven't either.

That is said the same way as your comment too.

I really need to stop coming here, Lit is sufficiently full of pompus self righteous jerks pretending to be writers by hanging out with the one or two real writers.

It doesn't need my help.

But at least I can freely admit I am self important.

I wouldn't expect that from most of the rest of you people.

PS MG looking at your avatar, you have never looked prettier eh.
Leslie again said:
I really need to stop coming here, Lit is sufficiently full of pompus self righteous jerks pretending to be writers by hanging out with the one or two real writers.

Oh please tell us which is which. I know I'm pompous but I'm not entirely sure if I qualify as a real writer or not.

Re: Re: Just curious

Is this a lark, or are you for real?

You said: And of course you are free to not click on any of those links, and thus not really guilty of having gone anywhere (or is that entirely correct?).

What guilt? Why should I feel guilt? If you feel guilty, maybe head on back down to your local church.

You said: But I was thinking the other day over the effects of my having come here and having posted stories and possibly posting more.

Effect on you personally, or all the paedophiles out there? How can you have the arrogance to take responsibility for the actions of others?

You said: I call it porn only because that is the generic term that is recognised. You can call our efforts erotic writings and art, but most would just call you a porn writer and ignore your comments to the contrary.

But you also called your efforts erotic writing, that you share with your mate. But then in your second post she doesn't have any interest in reading it??

You said: Porn sites are about porn. And porn is about making money off of porn. Which I doubt is a shock.

No, but don't you think you being here is contributing to the phenomenon? The only way it is going to stop is when people are no longer interested in sex (never happen). All websites make money from people clicking on their website, no matter what links the advertisers put on them, porn or not. I can't figure out if your problem is with capitalism, or you feel guilt for the need to express your inner self and then sharing it with others, and that maybe some unknown person (or your mother, unresolved issues?) might consider porn.

You said: I am unsure I can contribute fiction at this time. But it is not because I am unduly concerned from who is benefiting from it. I am just unsure I have the interest.

Your choice.
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Originally posted by gauchecritic Oh please tell us which is which. I know I'm pompous but I'm not entirely sure if I qualify as a real writer or not.
Dear Gauchie,
I'm sure you're one of them. I just wonder who the other one is. I know it's not me.
Self Righteously,
Leslie again said:
Hi MG, you haven't either.

That is said the same way as your comment too.

I really need to stop coming here, Lit is sufficiently full of pompus self righteous jerks pretending to be writers by hanging out with the one or two real writers.

Then please vote with your mouse and stop coming here. Don't let the back button hit your ass on the way out.

But at least I can freely admit I am self important.

I wouldn't expect that from most of the rest of you people.

I guess you don't know me very well then ;)
wishfulthinking I have two mates. That detail might have been missed.

One is sort of ordinary (read as part of the more numerous portion of society), the other is actually one of us (ie writes erotica).

It should be mentioned as well, that the "one of us" I mention, has also determined you guys are also not worth the time (ie she is also a member of the Lit community) and has determined coming here more often than needed, is a wastage of time. Which might explain why this is likely the last post for a great long time for me (which means I will have to be very fucking bored).

Because if she has lost interest in you guys, it can't be just me.

As I mentioned to her (and it caused her to laugh), it would be best to just leave you all to suffer with you all.

So enjoy your company.
gauchecritic said:
Assuming your location is the US Leslie (or uk or just about anywhere really) ask yourself a question of rather more dubious connotation.

Are you going to segregate yourself entirely from your own country because they kill people explicitly on your behalf?

I know the arguement is contentious perhaps ingenuous but no less real for that.

Don't like animal cruelty? Become veggy.

Don't like Nike/whoever exploiting third world labour? Don't buy them.

Want the world to get along? Be Buddhist.

You like porn. We like porn. We all know where we draw the line.

Maybe you weren't proselytising but the conclusion can be drawn from what you say that (in)famously "If you're not with us, you're against us."

Do you deal only in cash? Do you vote Communist? Do you walk everywhere?

It may sound defeatist but there really is only so much you can do. So if you think it worthwhile, then do it.


Excellent response Gauche! I personally don't like most porn. I like erotica, but the line between the two genres is vague and constantly shifting, and even the worst porn is not nearly as wretched as some of the other destructively sociopathic enterprises you listed. <touching my hat brim> Thankyou Gauchecritic for expertly capping a thread that deserved an answer but was otherwise just plain annoying.

And a quick note to Leslie: We seek to make literature out of sex. We are supposed to be somewhat literate. If some pox brained illiterate slob who calls himself/herself a webmaster, can't tell the difference between erotica and porn, and if some other surfing fool who uses his/her dictionary as a doorstop and keeps his/her brain in neutral at all times, cannot be bothered to see through the inadequacy of said Webmaster's work, then could you explain why the hell I should give a tinker's curse about either of them?