Just need an eency beency bit of advice.....

IF that person keep bugging you and ask about your score, just answer it honestly. Don't give any additional comment to him. Let him choose how he must react toward the information. You shouldn't worry for something which is not worth to worry about.. :)
Of course, there may be other considerations,ie. the size of his bank account and his generousity, the size and realtive strength of his ego, or even the length of his tongue and his skills when using it, Think carefully, considering all the ramifications; you may want to be diplomatic. Sometimes the squeeze is not worth the juice.
Jade i wouldnt weesle out if i were you i would just tell the friend your score and knock him off this high horse.
It sounds like the friend needs it anyway.
By the way, high IQ lady....

It is "EENCEY WEENCEY" or "TEENSEY WEENCEY", not eencey beencey. (I take no responsibility for spelling).

As for your discussion with Mr. Genius, does it really matter if you reply to him? It doesn't seem that he really cares to know about your score so why discuss it with him. Acknowledge his statement and move on, unless you feel the need to compete with him.


[Edited by FlamingoBlue on 08-23-2000 at 04:36 PM]

How cool that Mensa replied to my "IQ" thread! haha!


I have spoken with my friend since his mentioning of his score and guess what? He hasn't brought the topic back of of mine so I am going to leave it at that. I can't imagine how something like this could possibly resurface in a conversation but I am going to be hopeful (I know I know.. a lot of good that will do you Jade... you have the worst fucking luck on the whole damn planet...) but ah, it never hurts to have a little faith right?

You guys wanna know the truly eeeevil thing about this whole thread coming back up like this?

HAHA It made me start to feel curious about all of YOUR scores! (lmao.. don't tell don't tell... I was just being hokey).

Ah well, thanks again for all the lovely and well thought-out responses. You all are terrific terrific terrific!
A better question of mind over what matters...

OK, so the facts are as follow for Jade:

1)boyfriend and she took IQ tests
2)boyfriend did well on test
3)boyfriend brags about his high scores
4)boyfriend promises not to make fun of Jade's inferior score
5)Jade's score higher than boyfriend's
And Jade is worried about letting boyfriend know her scores on an intelligence test are higher than his. Is that it?

Now here is my question--If it were the b/f and not Jade who had the higher scores on the tests, would we even have this thread? Of course not, because men are expected to achieve more than women in this society. I truly believe that if the roles were to be reversed in this situation, that the b/f would not be asking anyone how to tell Jade that he had a higher scoring than she. No one would find that extrodinary. It is expected. So Jade, you do what you feel is best. I just think, and I have always thought this, that it is sad that one must ever consider hiding their gifts or abilities for fear of offending or upsetting those who must so obviously feel insecure in their own abilities. Good luck to you Jade, and Congrats as well on your score!!
For the record, Oliver's response WAS in the form of a question (sorta)... <winks>

"Kafka's 'metamorphosis', right?"
Whisper... oh you silly.. we already solved that dilema (or however you spell that... "writer goddess!") Anyway, scroll above and you'll see.
Ah well, just in case you don't want to do that... we gave it to him anyway! (You know I luv ya Whisper!) ;)

Evesdem: Well, he is not my bf, but I totally agree with you. Actually this is interesting. Did you know that a woman's magazine a few years ago did a study on relationships and IQ... and that the relationships where the woman was "smarter" (whole new thread there I know I know... just take this for what it is people okay?) had a higer fail rate than those where they were "equal" or where the man was smarter.
That just goes to prove that men, often cannot handle the inferiority of the intellect, if such is the situation.
Sad, but true.
Or, is it that woman can't stand to be smarter than the man they are with.
Not to pick on her, as I adore her completely, but a very intelligent woman on a thread in the General Board listed as one of her greatest turn on's "a man who is smarter than me."
So really, I suppose it goes both ways now doesn't it.

Anyway, I am hanging out with him later next week... if he brings it up... perhaps I will just tell him.. I really did't want to share it with anyone but... we'll see.

Oh! One last thing... don't congratulate me.. it isn't like 195 or anything! lol! I hope I didn't imply that it was!
This was such a difficult thread to steer away from conceitedness in the first place... the last thing I want to do it appear as one with an overinflated ego... who deserves to have one nonetheless! (Haha, but really all I am coming off as is "wordy," to say the least! LMAO)

Okay... I need a drink (or water)... I am too goofy for my own good right now.
Thanks again for the responses as always.
You are all fabulous dahlings.