Just out of curiousity.

Re: Re: Re: Actually, you're all wrong

DVS said:
What!:eek: No pics with dark looming clouds in them? I'll take care of that!

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Now that's a nice picture. I like that one.:p
Re: Re: Re: Re: Actually, you're all wrong

Ms.M said:
You don't see the black cloud behind her? I didn't want to make it real obvious, you know. I do have a little class.
Re: ice cream with a twist?

wildsweetone said:
she killed him anyway (the weapon is in her bag still covered in blood if you'd care to look). now she is eating the ice cream to celebrate. [/B]

Just out of artistic curoisity of course. I am wondering if any one would know the mechanics of how the ending of my story might work. the scene is basically in a nutshell, the women is on her back on a couch the man is on top of her and has just come and is raised up on his arms, his head tilted backwards and she reaches into her bag next to the couch, pulls out a knife and slits his throat...sort of a revenge thingy. Is this possible strength wise or for that matter even plausable.

Is a erotic story, with a murder at the end of it even allowed here?
I don't think i have read one but maybe i have, didn't wso have one, though i don't think she actually described the killing.

well anyhoo...any suggestions?

Ms. M.
Re: Re: ice cream with a twist?

Ms.M said:
Just out of artistic curoisity of course. I am wondering if any one would know the mechanics of how the ending of my story might work. the scene is basically in a nutshell, the women is on her back on a couch the man is on top of her and has just come and is raised up on his arms, his head tilted backwards and she reaches into her bag next to the couch, pulls out a knife and slits his throat...sort of a revenge thingy. Is this possible strength wise ...
Yes, as long as the knife is sharp and she hits the carotid artery.

Ms.M said:
... or for that matter even plausable. ...
She's going to get a *lot* of blood all over her (and splashed round the room) in a very short time. He is also going to thrash about a lot and will be very heavy on top of her. His sphincters will relax so she may well get a lot of urine and faeces dumped by the body if it's still on top of her.

Ms.M said:
Is a erotic story, with a murder at the end of it even allowed here?
Ask Laurel or the Moderators. Since the definition of "Non-Consent" has been bent so far that outright rape is allowed, maybe they'll start a new category called "Snuff".
Re: Re: Re: ice cream with a twist?

Un-registered said:
His sphincters will relax so she may well get a lot of urine and faeces dumped by the body if it's still on top of her.

I think I can deal with the blood....but the rest!!..i may have to change my ending. :eek: no matter how hard I try, i don't think i can make that the slightest bit erotic..

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Ms.M said:
I have been haunted by a photograph lately. I tried to write about it, but that proved impossible since i know what happens to her in 12 hours after the photo is taken....

I have tried to come up with something, but the beginning has proved to personal for me....

FWIW, Just some fleeting impressions on your pic ... first, she looks well-dressed, casual, but tailored. Money went into her appearance. She cares about how she looks. Also, her accessories (the purse is all that shows...) I think the purse looks like a Coach bag, back on the money and attention to her appearance ... she is trendy, foxy, kind of Asian-looking (this makes her more appealing (personal taste)) ...

The half view of her face seems to indicate negative concern, maybe fear, startled, like she has just heard a car crash and was looking over at it.


the scene is basically in a nutshell, the women is on her back on a couch the man is on top of her and has just come and is raised up on his arms, his head tilted backwards and she reaches into her bag next to the couch, pulls out a knife and slits his throat...sort of a revenge thingy.

If he has his head tilted back, then its very unlikely that she will kill him. Tilting the head back retracts the carotid arteries into the neck and it gets much more difficult to slash them. That's why many attempted suicides with slit throats don't die, cause they tilted their head back. To make sure you die, you've got to push it forwards. Useful information for all.

Very cold-blooded method of murder. It'd be a lot more realistic for a spur-of-the-moment thing to stab him. Plus there's very few places in the world, where it's legal to carry a knife on your person. Maybe a gun would be more realistic. Better for the spur of the moment thing.

I have read a story on Lit where a rape ended in the man slitting the woman's throat (quite well done actually, but I can't remember the name), but I'm not sure on Laurel's policy on this. Would imagine she'd allow it if it was tastefully done and not the main focus of the piece. Even if you don't submit it, write it anyway. I for one would be interested to see what you came up with.

The Earl
TheEarl said:
If he has his head tilted back, then its very unlikely that she will kill him. Tilting the head back retracts the carotid arteries into the neck and it gets much more difficult to slash them. That's why many attempted suicides with slit throats don't die, cause they tilted their head back. To make sure you die, you've got to push it forwards. Useful information for all.

Very cold-blooded method of murder. It'd be a lot more realistic for a spur-of-the-moment thing to stab him. Plus there's very few places in the world, where it's legal to carry a knife on your person. Maybe a gun would be more realistic. Better for the spur of the moment thing.

I have read a story on Lit where a rape ended in the man slitting the woman's throat (quite well done actually, but I can't remember the name), but I'm not sure on Laurel's policy on this. Would imagine she'd allow it if it was tastefully done and not the main focus of the piece. Even if you don't submit it, write it anyway. I for one would be interested to see what you came up with.

The Earl

Thank you Earl for the information and interest, the idea of slitting the throat is being tossed out the window. I have written the basic outline and much of the meat of the story, though i keep waffling on the ending. Who knew it would be so difficult to knock someone off!

The start is a little weak I think, but until I can decide how it is going to end. The beginning is just going to have to wait and see if i need to backfill the rest so it makes sense.

Just a little question to you or anyone else who might wander by. Is this a good way to proceed, meaning, mainly writing in sections and pasting it all together in the end. Is there a rule one should follow? or does everyone have there own method?

Ms M.
Ms.M said:
Just a little question to you or anyone else who might wander by. Is this a good way to proceed, meaning, mainly writing in sections and pasting it all together in the end. Is there a rule one should follow? or does everyone have there own method?

Ms M.

Whatever works best for you is the way you should write.

One potential problem with writing in sections is maintaining the continuity. A good re-write/edit should fix any problems that crop up.
Ms.M said:
Just a little question to you or anyone else who might wander by. Is this a good way to proceed, meaning, mainly writing in sections and pasting it all together in the end. Is there a rule one should follow? or does everyone have there own method?Ms M.
The only rule you have to follow is to satisfy yourself it is a good story when you're done. Now, how you go about that is going to have to be up to you, because only you can know how your mind works best when writing. Piecing it together could be difficult, unless you are good at that, and some people are.

Just some ideas...
If you are planning on still killing the poor sole off at the end, you could use some sort of 007 tactic, like poison lipstick, or she may have gripping thunder thighs of death. Maybe some sort of body lotion that he licks up and it slowly weakens him.

Maybe he has a heart attack because the woman was so fantasic? Maybe she whacks his cock off, just after he cums, and before he goes soft. Then, she has to pull the dismembered cock out of her pussy. Grizzly, but effective.

I do have a question, though. Why are you trying to kill him off? That doesn't sound like something I would like to read, if you want my opinion. Maybe I am in the minority, and that is possible. I would guess it has something to do with the plot you have in mind?

And, don't get me wrong...I am not sexist about it. I wouldn't like to see the woman killed off, either.
DVS said:
The only rule you have to follow is to satisfy yourself it is a good story when you're done. Now, how you go about that is going to have to be up to you, because only you can know how your mind works best when writing. Piecing it together could be difficult, unless you are good at that, and some people are.

Just some ideas...
If you are planning on still killing the poor sole off at the end, you could use some sort of 007 tactic, like poison lipstick, or she may have gripping thunder thighs of death. Maybe some sort of body lotion that he licks up and it slowly weakens him.

Maybe he has a heart attack because the woman was so fantasic? Maybe she whacks his cock off, just after he cums, and before he goes soft. Then, she has to pull the dismembered cock out of her pussy. Grizzly, but effective.

I do have a question, though. Why are you trying to kill him off? That doesn't sound like something I would like to read, if you want my opinion. Maybe I am in the minority, and that is possible. I would guess it has something to do with the plot you have in mind?

And, don't get me wrong...I am not sexist about it. I wouldn't like to see the woman killed off, either.

I agree with you, and decided to change the ending, it became very distasteful to write, and one of these days i might acutally finish it!!

I have a terrible habit of starting one story then thinking of something else and never finishing the last one.

Ms M.

in case anyone wonders my new av is an ode to all the 15 inch dicks that are as thick as coke cans, that I read about here;)
Old Flame

This chika is all barriers and business. She has recovered from an intense, consuming love affair with the man she thought she would marry, only to have him up and leave her - to stifled by the commitment of the relationship.

So she take a year to pull herself together and puts up the walls and barriers, notice the prudish suit, the tenseness.

Then, after convincing herself she has forgotten him - there he is! Walking toward her from across the street.
Ms.M said:
I have a terrible habit of starting one story then thinking of something else and never finishing the last one.

Ms M.
I presently have about 6-7 stories in the works. When I feel like writing, there is always something I can write, and progress at least one story.

If I can't write on any of the stories, I figure it is a good thing I don't feel creative because I probably wouldn't write anything worth keeping.

I save it for times when I have no problem letting the words flow. Then, I am more creative, and what I write is more likely worth keeping. It helps a lot in trying to decide when to write. I don't worry about writer's block, either.

There are times when my mind just can't think of writing, and it is as simple as that. And, if I don't finish something as soon as I thought I would, no big deal. In time, I will think of something to write, if the original story ideas were worth it.