Just sayin'...

Crazy world gets crazier.
Of all things!
I’m glad you are well, and thanks for checking in. You haven’t melted in the heat!

Still here. Not yet melted. weather is much better now.
Life is crazy. Covid still sucks and too much of my life is still on zoom.

Hugs to everyone on the board. Stay healthy, stay safe, keep coloring outside the lines and keep figuring out your own kinda sex and sexy fun times. It's a banquet! Try lots of stuff and choose the bits that most appeal to you!

After all these decades, I finally understand how no one realized Clark Kent was Superman.


"Who is that?"


"No. No fuckin' way. Are you kidding me?"

**sigh** Off to recant decades of comments about how dumb the Clark Kent glasses and bangs were as a disquise.
I'm a total sap, but watching the opening ceremony of the olympic games always gives me a little reason to hope.