Keep getting rejected for AI despite following all known instructions.

I asked my IT staff and they said it's very easy as AI chatbot's only are censored in the online versions if you download the file directly and run it as a program on your computer there is no censorship.
He showed me one we use for technical data review editing and it's totally uncensored however it operates nothing like a chatbot has like parameter fields and seems quite complicated to set up.
I had no idea that was even possible. The only one I have tried has been co-polit because no account was needed and it was easy to access from Edge browser. I asked it if 5lbs of flour would fit in a 12 cup container and it game me a wrong answer.
Alright, another update from me just so that all the information about my experience is up to date here.

So, on Monday - two weeks after my 6th submission - I received yet another rejection for Part 5 which took this part up to a grand total of 6 rejections across an almost 2 month period. At this point, I don't think there is anything else I can do and I'm just tired of fighting a fight that I clearly can't win no matter what I do

It's exhausting to keep going through this cycle knowing what the outcome will be, but hoping that it won't be the case this time around. There comes a time when I think even this humble penguin has to admit defeat and I've reached that point in this fight now.

It's been a long few months and this penguin is tired.
Alright, another update from me just so that all the information about my experience is up to date here.

So, on Monday - two weeks after my 6th submission - I received yet another rejection for Part 5 which took this part up to a grand total of 6 rejections across an almost 2 month period. At this point, I don't think there is anything else I can do and I'm just tired of fighting a fight that I clearly can't win no matter what I do

It's exhausting to keep going through this cycle knowing what the outcome will be, but hoping that it won't be the case this time around. There comes a time when I think even this humble penguin has to admit defeat and I've reached that point in this fight now.

It's been a long few months and this penguin is tired.
I am right there with you. I have begun submitting some of my unedited work. I loathe that, but I can't keep submitting work that is 2-6% potential AI and it being shot back. It is tiring. Some things have been approved. I can only imagine how you feel.
I am right there with you. I have begun submitting some of my unedited work. I loathe that, but I can't keep submitting work that is 2-6% potential AI and it being shot back. It is tiring. Some things have been approved. I can only imagine how you feel.
I'm glad you're at least starting to get things through the system.

One of the worst parts about this is that the story I was publishing was the only erotica story I wanted to tell. I made this account to tell that story and now I can't do that. It sucks, but at this point, there's nothing else for me to do
I'm glad you're at least starting to get things through the system.

One of the worst parts about this is that the story I was publishing was the only erotica story I wanted to tell. I made this account to tell that story and now I can't do that. It sucks, but at this point, there's nothing else for me to do
Trust me! I get that feeling. The first story I wrote was the story I wanted to tell. Everything now is just me kind of practicing(?)
I recently came back to Lit after not publishing for almost two years. I had previously published 21 stories on this pen name and 9 on another (since removed). Not that it matters most likely, and I'm not trying to brag, but all of them have been rated "Hot."

I submitted my first new story on March 7th and it was approved on the 9th. My second published story was submitted on the 10th and approved on the 12th. Around this same time (the 9th or 10th), I submitted the first chapter of an old series (previously published but since removed from another pen name). This sat in review until the 19th only to be rejected for "using AI." I submitted another story on the 15th and it is still in review. I suspect it will be rejected as well.

All of these stories were written and edited the same way. I admit to using the free web version of Grammarly, but I do not use any generative AI. Yes, I correct spelling and grammar mistakes, and I will sometimes rewrite a sentence that gets the yellow "Premium Suggestions" but it is ME rewriting it, not some AI. Basically, I use Grammarly to flag issues in my writing but not to write anything itself. I view it as much the same as using a human editor.

I suspect that my main issues is that my writing background is in non-fiction and because of that I tend to write fairly simply. I do not use complex sentence structure or a lot of rare words. Think middle school reading level. Then again, this is how a lot of best selling authors write as well (not saying I'm one of them). I do tend to have Grammarly "Scores" in the high 90s, which might indicate that I write in a way that is pleasing to AI and therefore would trigger AI detection.

That being said, I have submitted portions of my rejected story to free AI detection pages and receive scores of less than 10% likely to be AI. Except for which gives me a 40-75% chance depending on what chunk I submit. The sentences that it flags, however, are less than incriminating in my opinion.

For example:

"It wasn't my fault."
"This had never been an issue when I was younger."
"At the very least, I wanted to have fun with my friends while I could."

All of which got flagged again when I ran this post through the above detector, giving it a score of 68.79% versus 8.93% when those sentences are removed.

I have also noticed that the sections of my stories that I run through the above AI detector with more dialogue usually have a lower score than sections with less. Unfortunately, some of my stories have long sections without dialogue.

I have resubmitted the story rejected for AI with a note, and it has now been pending for 3 days. We will see what happens. I will try to message @Laurel if it (or another story is rejected), but other than that I am not sure what to do. I write erotica for fun, and I appreciate that Lit pretty much lets me write whatever I want, but resubmitting over and over is not worth it for me. I have a few stories that I wrote over the last few years and never published. I will try submitting those, but I am hesitant to write anything new. It might be time for me to change genres and publish somewhere else if this problem is not corrected.
I decided to run a little experiment with Grammarly and I took my above post and made the edits I would makes in Grammarly and resubmitted it to the AI detector.

In the posted version (no Grammarly) I had flagged sentences of:

All of these stories were written and edited the same way.
"It wasn't my fault."
"This had never been an issue when I was younger."
"At the very least, I wanted to have fun with my friends while I could."

The last three of which I pulled from the flagged sentences in my scanned story.

In the Grammarly edited one (again, no use of AI just using their grammar and spelling corrections) I got in addition to the above sentences:
Not that it matters, most likely, and I'm not trying to brag, but all of them have been rated "Hot."
I submitted my first new story on March 7th, and it was approved on the 9th.
I suspect that my main issue is that my writing background is in non-fiction, and because of that, I tend to write fairly simply.
Then again, this is how a lot of best-selling authors write as well (not saying I'm one of them).

It seems like comma usage is a big issue with THIS AI detection page, but who knows what Lit is using.
Last edited:
I decided to run a little experiment with Grammarly and I took my above post and made the edits I would makes in Grammarly and resubmitted it to the AI detector.

In the posted version (no Grammarly) I had flagged sentences of:

All of these stories were written and edited the same way.
"It wasn't my fault."
"This had never been an issue when I was younger."
"At the very least, I wanted to have fun with my friends while I could."
The last three of which I pulled from the flagged sentences in my scanned story.
In the Grammarly edited one (again, no use of AI just using their grammar and spelling corrections) I got in addition to the above sentences:
Not that it matters, most likely, and I'm not trying to brag, but all of them have been rated "Hot."
I submitted my first new story on March 7th, and it was approved on the 9th.
I suspect that my main issue is that my writing background is in non-fiction, and because of that, I tend to write fairly simply.
Then again, this is how a lot of best-selling authors write as well (not saying I'm one of them).

It seems like comma usage is a big issue with THIS AI detection page, but who knows what Lit is using.

I've found that comma usage does trip the AI detection tool, regardless how often you used them in years past before all this stuff was being used to check us. It's another example of how faulty and inconsistent these AI detection tools are. Literotica was once the website for freedom of choice in writing erotic stories. Now we're subjected to passing an AI detection tool as if it's some kind of bar.

I've given up trying to make arguments on here. The site owner and mods are completely silent, and have let the entire discussions be dominated by a small, vocal group on here who smugly talk down to people (you will see this in just about every thread on here about AI). The only people here who have been helpful are other authors who have suffered through the false accusations.

No one should have to change their writing style to get through a detection tool that is based on AI when AI itself is trained by human writing. It's complete backwards logic and isn't doing anything but hurting real writers.
Trust me! I get that feeling. The first story I wrote was the story I wanted to tell. Everything now is just me kind of practicing(?)
Two chapters approved, but the one that was scarcely edited and was already rejected and only has like 4% chance of AI is pending. I did ask for it to be posted on the first, so fingers crossed. (I ask for a specific date because I think that will help them see I am human.)
I've given up trying to make arguments on here.
I've given up trying to make arguments on here.
I am not far behind you. I am going through the paces, trying to fight for myself, but I am not going to waste too much of my time. I write erotica for fun and begging to be published is not fun. I would love to have a place for the stories I've written and haven't published, but this is just ridiculous.

The more I play with the detection software, the more concerned I become. At least for short sentences, it seems like using better grammar and spelling triggers it to say you are AI. As in, my first draft, without correcting anything, is the most human. Then spell check makes me less human, and finally, grammar checks (especially comma usage) makes me even less.

The thing is, none of this is any different than a human editor. A good editor is going to correct spelling and grammar of course, but also, they will make suggestions to make you sentences better. I get people are worried about AI, but unless it is writing the whole thing (or large chunks) then get over it, especially for a place like Lit. We shouldn't be dinging people for writing something like, "The people that thought that . . . " and then changing it to "The people who thought that . . . " because Grammarly suggested it.

Above written without using Grammarly: 12.5% AI probability

I am not far behind you. I am going through the paces, trying to fight for myself, but I am not going to waste too much of my time. I write erotica for fun, and begging to be published is not fun. I would love to have a place for the stories I've written and haven't published, but this is just ridiculous.

The more I play with the detection software, the more concerned I become. At least for short sentences, it seems like using better grammar and spelling triggers it to say you are AI. As in, my first draft, without correcting anything, is the most human. Then, spell check makes me less human, and finally grammar checks (especially comma usage) makes me even less.

The thing is, none of this is any different than a human editor. A good editor will correct spelling and grammar of course, but also, they will make suggestions to make your sentences better. I get people are worried about AI, but unless it is writing the whole thing (or large chunks), then get over it, especially for a place like Lit. We shouldn't be dinging people for writing something like, "The people that thought that . . . " and then changing it to "The people who thought that . . . " because Grammarly suggested it.

Above edited with Grammarly: 34.38% AI probability

If people are saying that the corrections I made between the top and bottom are violating the AI rules, then using a human editor is too.
I am not far behind you. I am going through the paces, trying to fight for myself, but I am not going to waste too much of my time. I write erotica for fun and begging to be published is not fun. I would love to have a place for the stories I've written and haven't published, but this is just ridiculous.

The more I play with the detection software, the more concerned I become. At least for short sentences, it seems like using better grammar and spelling triggers it to say you are AI. As in, my first draft, without correcting anything, is the most human. Then spell check makes me less human, and finally, grammar checks (especially comma usage) makes me even less.

The thing is, none of this is any different than a human editor. A good editor is going to correct spelling and grammar of course, but also, they will make suggestions to make you sentences better. I get people are worried about AI, but unless it is writing the whole thing (or large chunks) then get over it, especially for a place like Lit. We shouldn't be dinging people for writing something like, "The people that thought that . . . " and then changing it to "The people who thought that . . . " because Grammarly suggested it.

Above written without using Grammarly: 12.5% AI probability

I am not far behind you. I am going through the paces, trying to fight for myself, but I am not going to waste too much of my time. I write erotica for fun, and begging to be published is not fun. I would love to have a place for the stories I've written and haven't published, but this is just ridiculous.

The more I play with the detection software, the more concerned I become. At least for short sentences, it seems like using better grammar and spelling triggers it to say you are AI. As in, my first draft, without correcting anything, is the most human. Then, spell check makes me less human, and finally grammar checks (especially comma usage) makes me even less.

The thing is, none of this is any different than a human editor. A good editor will correct spelling and grammar of course, but also, they will make suggestions to make your sentences better. I get people are worried about AI, but unless it is writing the whole thing (or large chunks), then get over it, especially for a place like Lit. We shouldn't be dinging people for writing something like, "The people that thought that . . . " and then changing it to "The people who thought that . . . " because Grammarly suggested it.

Above edited with Grammarly: 34.38% AI probability

If people are saying that the corrections I made between the top and bottom are violating the AI rules, then using a human editor is too.

There have been people on this forum use human editors (including one who works for this site) and were still getting rejected by the AI detection tools. Further proof over how pointless it is.

I've posted over 200 stories on this site over a course of almost 9 years. I used to always check Lit first before any other site, cause it's fun to see how many views, likes, and comments you get on a popular story. I can say that Literotica has been great to me in how I was able to build a following on here and share my stories, and that's the only reason it pains me so much seeing all this on here.

If you haven't, I suggest you do a search on this forum and read all the other threads on AI. You'll see where people like you raise concerns and voice their frustrations, then you're pushed back against by armchair experts who seem to feel good about themselves as they smugly talk down to you, and then goalpost shifting in arguments to the point the original subject is dropped in favor of fearmongering over ChatGPT or some other nonsense. The site owners have yet to address any of this, so it's endless arguing and speculating over things.

The fact the Grammarly and similar tools are accuse of AI just proves the point I've made on here for months - people can't determine what they think AI is and are just buying into a moral panic.

AI isn't going away though no matter how much complain about it. The Pandora's box is opened and cannot be shut. Gatekeeping and using tools to try and pinpoint AI is a waste of time and just doing far more harm than help.
Hi everyone.

So, I've made the decision to step away from Lit and the threads for the time being - or potentially permanently, I haven't quite figured it out yet. I'm going to keep this thread as is for people to discuss the AI issue, whether it be your own rejections or any speculation you may have regarding it.
There have been people on this forum use human editors (including one who works for this site) and were still getting rejected by the AI detection tools. Further proof over how pointless it is.

There are editors working for Lit? That's the first time I heard about this. I kinda doubt it.
I know this isn't going to get any sort of reply, but I have exhausted all other possibilities to get this message seen and acknowledged by the owners of this site so that the problem is addressed properly. This is unlikely, but I'm here anyway so no one else has to go through the pain I've gone through with this site.

I received my first AI rejection for Part 2 of my current story on October 29th, 2023. Since then, I have had a grand total of 13 AI rejections across 5 parts of my story.

Below is a sort of break-down as to how the AI rejections have faired across each story part:

  • Part 1 - No AI Rejection. Part 1 was pulled for AI after being published for 2 months before being reinstated.
  • Part 2 - 1 AI Rejection, the story was posted after a resubmission with a note attached. This part has been pulled twice since it was published initially but was reposted along with Part 1 after the second time it was pulled from the site.
  • Part 3 - 4 AI Rejections across a month, published on the fifth attempt with some small changes
  • Part 4 - No AI Rejection
  • Part 5 - 6 AI Rejections.

Despite following every instruction given - ie. messaging Laurel, not using any grammar checkers, attaching notes - I have just received yet another rejection. There is nothing more I can do to get my story published aside from a complete rewrite and destroying my writing style for the sake of a computer that is being relied upon more than the author's word. In my opinion, trust between the author and the site owner should be more important than the opinion of a system that also relies on AI technology to do its job.

There is no consistency upon rejections, as you can see from the list above, which begs the question as to how accurately the AI system Lit uses is working. The system is targeting newer authors. Especially those who are trying to get a foot-hold on the site to show off the work they are spending so much time building.

My notes aren't being checked upon each resubmission, my messages to the site owners are going ignored despite how polite I am trying to word them, and several users are now stuck on a merry-go-round of rejection. It's an increasingly demoralising and demotivating situation to be with no guarantee that the work we are putting our heart and soul into will ever be posted. There is something fundamentally wrong with how this site is operating, and treating its writers, regarding AI.

I understand AI is a huge threat to the site, but when innocent people are being targeted despite following every rule and instruction, you are destroying any trust. The lack of transparency and responses we have received regarding this issue only adds to the feeling of being ignored and pushed aside in favour of those who have been posting here for a long period of time. All this is going to do is push newer Lit writers, such as myself, away from the site which I am certain is something the site's creators do not want.

This needs to be looked into more closely before the situation gets worse. There is only so much people can take before they start looking for other places to publish their work because Lit is refusing to have an open dialogue with them.

The system is flawed.

If you have experienced any AI rejection, or been stuck on this merry-go-round, I encourage you to post your experience here. Please do not reply unless you yourself have gone through this. I don't want this thread to be bogged down and the real message hidden.

Thanks for reading.

I'm having the same problem!
I'm having the same problem!
It is proving more and more common. My edited work has a flag from 10-25ish% of possibility of AI, but the moment I don't change anything, it is somewhere between 2-6%. F7 can make it 9-13%, so you can be punished for having an editor or even just spellchecking. That can be demoralizing. And 'messying' up your work is not the answer. That is where we really hit a wall.
I agree with most of the others above: Transparency is the key.
If the rules/guidelines were more clear, we'd know how to avoid the issues next time.
Since the main AI rejection comes from an automatic software app, instead of (or in addition to) the usual rejection note, the response should include the suspicious words/sentences/paragraphs.
I agree with most of the others above: Transparency is the key.
If the rules/guidelines were more clear, we'd know how to avoid the issues next time.
Since the main AI rejection comes from an automatic software app, instead of (or in addition to) the usual rejection note, the response should include the suspicious words/sentences/paragraphs.
There is speculation that informing someone of what looks suspicious might be telling them how to beat the entirety of the AI detection.
That's why I suspect using quillbot and scribbr. They are the more unforgiving options for AI detection, so if those believe you're human, so will Lit.
Also, it shows you've put in the effort to check your work, which is not the same as those who do use AI.
Believe me, I hate it too. I've had to rewrite entire stories. Some I've left unedited because editing them raises the chance of it being deemed AI.