Kinky pool party mixed tape - add your jam

Also, hello to you Farawyn, Cookiecat, _Necrosomantic_, everyone else who wished me hello on this site whom I may have left out. Sorry if it seems like I disappeared, issues arose at work that left me too worn out to do anything but stare at my computer like a zombie and use a shower.
Hey Shy Guy. Thanks Necro.

I'm sitting next to Mr c at his new digs. They call it a chateau.
Hey Shy Guy. Thanks Necro.

I'm sitting next to Mr c at his new digs. They call it a chateau.

That's what I'm talkin' about! Wasn't aware they had those here.

I heard there was a new person here.
Hi Shy_Guy, sorry I'm late to the welcoming.

Okay, going back into hiding now.

*disappears into the deep end*