Kinky pool party mixed tape - add your jam

Don't cry

If there's one thing I know about one of a kind musicians, it's that they never really go anywhere. While some didn't get to finish, and others did, we all get to benefit from them forever now.

A lesser known one for you Cutey :rose:
Thanks y'all......

The Space Needle, a Seattle landmark for those who didn't know, actually went dark for one hour last night in memorial of him.

After Kurt, Lance and now Chris, the only one left seems to be Eddie. I know the city will go ballistic if something happens to him. :(
Thanks y'all......

The Space Needle, a Seattle landmark for those who didn't know, actually went dark for one hour last night in memorial of him.

After Kurt, Lance and now Chris, the only one left seems to be Eddie. I know the city will go ballistic if something happens to him. :(

No. No no no.
What would you include on the soundtrack to a Litogether pool party?


This seems like the best summer song for a happy buzzy party around the pool:

Link to This Girl

Officially reopening the pool for the holiday weekend
It's time for a swim.
Are swimsuits needed?

Could someone turn up the music and pass the vodka?