Kinky pool party mixed tape - add your jam

Temporary High - Allison Taylor

Temporary high, floating through the sky
Said I would love you right, I could change your mind

Keep me by your side
Because we both know
That nothing lasts forever right
And promises fade over night

Headlights roll by
But I'm still chasing time
Will you be still be mine when morning comes
Will you still be mine
I think I'm coming down

And freedom to fly, said his heart's filled with holes inside
But I still see stars in your eyes, and smoke rings through the night

Keep me by your side
Because we both know
That nothing lasts forever right
And promises fade over night

Headlights roll by
But I'm still chasing time
Will you be still be mine when morning comes
Will you still be mine
I think I'm coming down

my heart feels like it can't hurt anymore.

but i know it will
Come away with me - Norah Jones

Come away with me in the night
Come away with me, And I will write you a song
Come away with me on a bus
Come away where they can't tempt us, with their lies

And I want to walk with you
On a cloudy day
In fields where the yellow grass grows knee-high

So won't you try to come
Come away with me and we'll kiss on a mountaintop
Come away with me and I'll never stop loving you

And I want to wake up with the rain
Falling on a tin roof
While I'm safe there in your arms

So all I ask is for you
To come away with me in the night
Come away with me
It is Fall.

The pool is pretty empty these days.
I can't seem to stay away, even on nights when I know the party may be over.
This where I made my friends. This is where I found love.
*flips the lights on and dangles my feet in the still warm water*
The pool is pretty empty these days.
I can't seem to stay away, even on nights when I know the party may be over.
This where I made my friends. This is where I found love.
*flips the lights on and dangles my feet in the still warm water*

* Sits down next to you and dips my boots in.

Well put :rose:

I would love to sit and have a scotch with Necro and maybe s dance with cookie, but my time is limited here, lately.
Maybe skinny dipping at midnight, yes?

The hell podna?!? What, you sayin' I can't dance? :D
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I will love you - Fisher

Til my body is dust
Til my soul is no more
I will love you, love you

Til the sun starts to cry
And the moon turns to rust
I will love you, love you

But I need to know
Will you stay for all time
Forever and a day
Then I'll give my heart
'til the end of all time
Forever and a day

And I need to know
Will you stay for all time
Forever and a day
Then I'll give my heart
'til the end of all time
Forever and a day

'Til the storms fill my eyes
And we touch the last time
I will love you, love you
A thousand beautiful things - Annie Lennox

Every day I write the list
Of reasons why I still believe they do exist
(a thousand beautiful things)
And even though it's hard to see
The glass is full and not half empty
(a thousand beautiful things)

So, light me up like the sun
To cool down with your rain
I never want to close my eyes again
Never close my eyes
Never close my eyes

I thank you for the air to breathe
The heart to beat
The eyes to see again
(a thousand beautiful things)

And all the things that's been and done
The battle's won
The good and bad in everyone
(this is mine to remember)

So here I go again
Singin' by your window
Pickin' up the pieces of what's left to find
The world was meant for you and me
Mandolin Orange - Until the Last Light Fades

Born to die Born to die darling you'll live
No longer than your years
If heaven and earth are both on the market
Then hell will be nothing to fear

So where oh where have the lights gone lately
As the sun returns for the day
Or has the light found good in these eyes of mine
Please stay until the last light fades

Father oh my father I'll be standing in line
To face what faults are mine
It;'s not these old bones that I'll miss in my dying
It's the girl I'm leaving behind

Love of mine sweet love of mine I'll soon return
To the land to make room for the new
I'll give hell my worst and good to this earth
As for heaven it was found in you