Kinky pool party mixed tape - add your jam

I'll come back more!! I think I stayed for about 3 minutes. Maybe I'll bring a tater-tot hot dish next time. Minnesota nice.

Never been to Minnesota.
But I'll take your word for it.
Especially after the fine job the Vikings did to those accursed Seahawks a few weeks ago. :D
My Patty Lovelace brings all the boys to the yard.
The tender side of Necro....

Shhhhh, or he will put his tender side back in hiding. :D

* Ahem *

I mean, whatever bro, I'm gonna go listen to heavy metal, eat only live cows that ride surfboards, and bleed a mixture of bourbon and Mountain Dew!

Cuz I'm a MAN!!! :mad:


Gotta looove the Necrosomantic!

... I love you bro.