Kinky pool party mixed tape - add your jam

You had a lot on your playlist this afternoon, TC!

I'm in the hammock, you know, with Prince.

But we're listening to Led Zeppelin.

Yes, I only learned of Flo a few years ago. I was hearing this music and I pulled out my phone and Shazmed it.
I don't know half the songs those guys post... a lot of it I don't like but I have enjoyed having my ears opened to new stuff!!

I invited someone new to the pool - funluvinaj - you'll know her by her, umm, pretty red dress (really her cleavage) - so if you see her, grab her and make her feel welcome, ok??

I like this pool...

I invited someone new to the pool - funluvinaj - you'll know her by her, umm, pretty red dress (really her cleavage) - so if you see her, grab her and make her feel welcome, ok??

I like this pool...


thank you sweet lady! :heart:

It's just a teddy... i'd never wear a dress like that!!
Yes, I know her. At least I know her posts. She is ok by me. She can hold her own.
I've heard some of her audio.
Yes, I know her. At least I know her posts. She is ok by me. She can hold her own.
I've heard some of her audio.

Welcome, AJ!!!

Thank you TC :kiss:

Nice to meet some new people. I've come and gone from Lit the last couple years... the first 4-5 years I was here a lot (avoiding my then husband - happily my ex in 2011). Then a couple years ago someone started posting that was everywhere and just rubbed me the wrong way so I got really into tumblr... plus lit is hard with just a phone. Just got a new laptop so enjoying browsing lit again.
Welcome. We were just talking about you. And your cleavage! :)

I've never heard this... I like it.

Are you ummm... on the clock tonight?

I listen to playlists on Amazon Prime - I hear a lot of new artists that way.

like this band... really enjoy them

Don't Wanna Fight No More - Alabama Shakes

Nope... i don't take calls when I'm in mom mode - just when they are at their dad and stepmom's house
All work and no play make Necro... Something, something have some TOOL.

I'm not the biggest fan of the music but THE VIDEOS.

I think I'm old. Seriously. I'm not saying this so people say "you're not old..." It's just one of those things. Like... I remember as a kid thinking I'd NEVER listen to talk radio. Now, that's all I listen to when driving. It's almost like my brain cannot take a lot of input these days.

Maybe not old as much as it is stress??
I'm not the biggest fan of the music but THE VIDEOS.

I think I'm old. Seriously. I'm not saying this so people say "you're not old..." It's just one of those things. Like... I remember as a kid thinking I'd NEVER listen to talk radio. Now, that's all I listen to when driving. It's almost like my brain cannot take a lot of input these days.

Maybe not old as much as it is stress??

I'm the opposite, but I can definitely appreciate a good video.

For example :D