"Knowledge is Power" (closed)

Novus heard the consternation in Kiley's voice. She was far from the first to have that reaction at the prospect of doing what it took to properly model for him. He empathized, but he was also testing her resolve.

He held up his hands and smiled softly.

"I take it you haven't modeled for an artist, before," he said. "To answer your question most directly, yes, I would need to 'see' you - all of you - the same way I did your face last night. I sculpt people, not clothing.

"That said, I understand it sounds improper or indecent to those who've not done it before. I can assure you, though, that no one who's modeled for me before wouldn't happily do so again, regardless how uncomfortable they were beforehand. My models' comfort is very important to me. A tense model is as useless to me as a landscape painter trying to capture the colors of a flowery meadow at night."

He popped a bite of octopus in his mouth while she considered his offer in that new light.
Kiley listened to Novus's explanation, and she understood what he was saying. But she couldn't get out of her mind the image of her standing naked in his studio while he caressed his hands over square inch of her body. It was an outrageous idea. Outrageous!

And yet, Kiley knew she couldn't simply tell Novus that. She needed him to come with her to East Port. And while she could simply have her men grab him in the night as between the Rosewood and his oceanside home, it wasn't something she wanted to do. Someone could get hurt -- most notably Novus, of course -- either during the actual abduction or during the weeks that it would take to get him back to the Kingdom.

Kiley glanced to her left, toward the harbor. From here, she could see one of the three East Port ships anchored in the bay or tied up to the docks. Before sending her daughter on this mission, Anna had given Kiley papers that, if presented, commanded any East Port merchant ship Captain to do anything and everything Kiley asked of him up to and including dumping his current cargo, delaying his trade missions, and turning directly for home.

Again, Kiley didn't want to do such a thing. But, it was always an option.

She watched Novus pop a bite of something unfamiliar into his mouth. She inquired, and he told her it was octopus. She cringed, then laughed at her thoughtless reaction to what he told her was a local delicacy. He convinced her to try it, which she did. Again, she cringed; to be honest, it tasted good, but the texture was different from anything the beef and lamb eating girl was used to.

They spent a good hour or so talking about the local foods, drinks, entertainments, and more, with Kiley intentionally avoiding a return to the conversation about getting naked for Novus.

"I really must go," Kiley finally told her host, lying, "I came to Greenick with more to do than just entice you to visit East Port."

They traded pleasantries about their lunch and meeting as Novus escorted Kiley to the door. There, she paused for a moment, just studying him. "You are an intriguing man, Master Sculptor. It has been a pleasure meeting you, and … I hope we can meet again … maybe dinner tomorrow? One of my men tells me there is a street fair that begins at sunset the day of the full moon. I could use an escort … a local who knows the town."
Novus smiled inwardly when Kiley declined to answer his proposal one way or the other. She was terrified at the prospect of posing for him, a natural reaction. And yet, if she was like most, the idea would take root in her mind and she would question why it should bother her. Eventually, she would either squash it or embrace it. Only time would tell.

He enjoyed the rest of their lunch, happily letting the conversation meander as it would. Kiley's knowledge on a range of subjects was impressive and he learned more than a few things by asking pointed questions. He never missed the chance to learn something new.

"I really must go," Kiley finally told her host, lying, "I came to Greenick with more to do than just entice you to visit East Port."

"Of course," Novus said. "Forgive me for monopolizing your time."

He escorted her to the door, sensing there was more from her than just a quick departure. Her business with him was, of course, far from complete.

"You are an intriguing man, Master Sculptor. It has been a pleasure meeting you, and … I hope we can meet again … maybe dinner tomorrow? One of my men tells me there is a street fair that begins at sunset the day of the full moon. I could use an escort … a local who knows the town."

Novus grinned ear to ear. "A street fair? Ha! Oh wouldn't the Elders of Yorrow be scandalized to hear their festival put in those terms!"

He sensed Kiley's embarrassment and confusion at his reaction.

"My dear Lady Kiley, it would be my absolute pleasure to escort you to the Eve of Yorrow. A more memorable experience you'll not find in all of Greenick. Though I must warn you, it can be eye-opening...even for those of us lacking in that respect."

Novus gave her a wink with his cloudy eye.

"You will need new clothes, of course," he said. "I can take you beforehand. Or, if you'd prefer, I can arrange for Pearl to assist you. The Eve has a certain...dress code. The last thing you'd want is to stick out from the crowd."
(OOC: Do I need to keep warning you about where and when to open links? :eek: Also, keep in mind that the reason I include a portrait shot before a clothing shot is so that you can imagine that face in that gown.)

Novus grinned ear to ear. "A street fair? Ha! Oh wouldn't the Elders of Yorrow be scandalized to hear their festival put in those terms!"

Kiley didn't understand Novus's meaning. Then he spoke of the dress code … and her stomach turned over.

"I can't wear this in public," Kiley called out from behind the changing screen. A moment later, she expanded with a tone of dismay, "I wouldn't wear this in PRIVATE!"

"Just … let me see!" Pearl insisted, laughing at her companion's naivete. Novus's apprentice was being attended by the costume store proprietor's assistant, who was attaching the pearl strands that were gracefully adorning her otherwise entirely bared breasts. She called over her shoulder, "Novus is blind. It's not like he'd going to see you."

"But everyone else will!" Kiley snapped back. "This is just … it's … it's just...!"

"No one there will know you," Pearl called, turning as instructed by the seamstress's assistant. When Kiley indicated she didn't even understand that comment, Pearl told her, "No one there will know you … so … what does it matter what you look like?"

"I will know what I look like!"

Pearl taunted, "And you are so ugly and disgusting … you're body so repelling that--"

"I am not ugly!" Kiley snapped, emerging from behind the screen to shoot a dirty look at the other woman. "I am not repelling!"

Pearl looked at Kiley in the Hoshian belly dancer costume and was torn. The woman's body was incredible, which the often jealous Pearl was hoping wouldn't have been true. She'd hoped Kiley might be sporting several ugly birthmarks or maybe horrific scars from her time as a soldier. But instead, the Guardsman from East Port's physique was flawless and well curved. The conflict Pearl was feeling came from the fact that while Kiley was one of the most beautiful women Novus's apprentice had ever seen, she was also a very modest woman who was not going to be comfortable, let alone happy, parading said body through the parlors and salons and ball rooms Novus would be attending this evening.

Smiling with evil delight as she looked the other woman over, Pearl reassured Kiiley, "No … you're not repelling at all."

"I can't wear this in public," Kiley stressed yet again. "I won't!"

When Pearl reassured her she could, Kiley turned to look at herself in a full length mirror. She turned to look at her backside, mostly hidden by the dark fabric of the semi-sheer, chiffon … what...? Dress? Cape? Kiley wasn't yet quite sure how she was supposed to be wearing the long, flowing portion of the costume.

"What do I do with these?" Kiley asked, waving the two loose ends of the gown.

The proprietor, who had been helping Kiley with the entirely unfamiliar fitting of the costume, took the two ends and showed Kiley what to do with them. They could be tied around Kiley's waist to create a long flowing skirt that would drag like a train; they could be slipped up under her arms, over her collar bones, and tied at the back of her neck; or they could be raised up her backside to tie at the front of her neck to make a cape.

"Which way covers more of me?" Kiley asked, the desperation in her voice. She turned her back to the mirror and pulled the fine chiffon aside, exposing her bared ass. The costume's waist band attached at the small of her back to a thin string that then cut down between her cheeks to curl under to again attach to the front. She asked with disbelief, "And what is this?!?"

"It's called a thong," Pearl answered, not that that meant much.

A thong? Kiley thought. Yeah, that helps. She used the word thong all the time. A thong was just a thin, braided rope, used for any number of purposes that required a lightweight but strong binding material. Never before had Kiley use the word in connection to her butt cheeks.

She turned to speak to Novus's apprentice but stopped as she saw what the seamstress's apprentice was doing. The young girl was adjusting's Pearl thong in front. As with Kiley's thong, the single narrow rope descended from the small of Pearl's back, down through her ass cheeks, and to the front. There, the single strand became two for about three inches, then recombined into one for a few inches, before again becoming two strands that reached up to the front of Pearl's waist, attaching to the rest of her costume.

The portion of the thong that was one, then two, then one again … it encircled the folds of Pearl's womanhood like a herdsman's lasso roping a calf … causing both the dark outer labia and a portion of the pinker inner labia -- and Pearl's clitoris! -- to be very much on display.

Pearl caught the shock in Kiley's face and laughed. As the seamstress's apprentice finished the adjustment, Pearls smoothed the semi-sheer fabric of the dress over her groin and upper thighs, saying, "You can hardly see it."

"I can SEE it!" Kiley countered, not needing to explain what it was as Pearl was already well aware. "I don't understand! How can you--"

Kiley looked over her shoulder to the mirror again, finding her well displayed ass and quickly covering it with the chiffon train. She looked back to Pearl again, continuing, "What IS this? I mean, I've heard of such parties … such orgies … but--"

"We are not attending an orgy, Kiley," Pearl countered. "Orgies are about sex. This is not about sex. This is about expression. Expression of the spirit … of the soul."

Kiley turned to look at her front side in the mirror, then very conspicuously looked back to Pearl groin as she said wryly, "It's not our spirits or souls that are being expressed!"

Saying she couldn't do this, Kiley stepped back behind the screen, commanding the proprietor to get her out of the costume. Pearl hurried across to the other woman, arguing with Kiley for a couple of minutes in an attempt to get her to go as is. But Kiley was firm and stated there was no way in hell she'd be going to any parties dressed in anything so revealing and provocative.

"I will convince Novus to go to East Port with you," Pearl suddenly stated. When Kiley looked to the other woman with surprise, Pearl continued, "I can influence my Master. One way or the other. Personally … I would rather he stayed here in Greenick. He has his sponsorship from the Count. He has his security … his income … his home … studio…"

She diverted her eyes for a moment, then looked back to Kiley, adding quietly, "Me."

Pearl half expected Kiley to respond one way or the other to that last portion, but instead, the other woman just looked back to the mirror at her own reflection, then at Pearl's.

"I fear for him if he goes with you to East Port … to the unknown," the Sculptor's apprentice continued. Hesitating to contemplate the situation, though, she continued, "But it would be good for him, too. He has done all he can here in the Barony of Shanton. He has built bridges, designed cathedrals, sculpted great works, and so much more. He needs new challenges."

After a moment of silence between them, Kiley finally spoke up, "He will find these new challenges in the service of my Aunt, the Queen. I promise you this."

"You can promise me all you wish … promise Novus all you wish," Pearl responded, her tone becoming a bit confrontation. "He is offering you his all. In becoming part of your Kingdom's future, my Master will be offering you his all. Novus is committing himself fully. My master doesn't do things half assed."

Another moment of silence passed, during which Kiley realized where Pearl was going with this. She said with a confident tone, "And … I am doing this half assed."

When Pearl only gave her a steady, knowing stare, Kiley clarified, "I am not committing myself fully."

Again, a silent stare from the Sculptor's apprentice.
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Novus was eager yet a little nervous for his guest's reaction to the festival. Pearl had already updated him as to how the costume shopping went - predictably scandalized, yet ultimately accommodating. She hadn't told him what Kiley's final choice was, however.

Pearl's costume, on the other hand... She couldn't wait to "show" it to him. Oh how far the young country girl had come in the short time she'd been in Greenick. There was little left to the imagination and she'd gone far more daring in her undergarment choice with her womanhood flatteringly displayed. He complimented her and lamented, not for the first or hundredth time, his commitment to resist her advances.

That strength of will was tested again when he asked her to help him apply his own costume. Oh the teasing involved in that.

Near sundown, Alise announced Kiley's arrival at his house. Pearl assured Novus that he was ready and they walked side by side down the steps to greet their guest.

"Welcome to my home, Lady Kiley," Novus said, bowing deeply.

He gave her a chance to take in his own eccentric costume, having his entire body painted in a clay/paint concoction so as to make him appear as a living stone statue. A crown and strands of fresh cut ivy completed the illusion. He'd intended to go nude, but Pearl talked him out of it - ensuring him that less was more sometimes, even for the Eve of Yarrow. He agreed to settle with the briefest of coverage, but made sure the paint job was complete in case the garment disappeared later in the evening.

"I'm honored at the opportunity to be your host for this most unique of festivals."
Kiley had been nervous as hell waiting for Novus to descend to his home's first floor foyer. She was practically naked! Okay, maybe not naked. But, never before in the presence of a man had she been on display like this. Even when she'd casted aside her chastity for the benefit of a man on his way to war -- a man who they'd both feared might not return and, in the end, did not -- Kiley had been very nearly fully dressed.

She was trying to reconcile her feelings about such an inappropriate wardrobe for an East Port Guard Lieutenant with what Pearl had said about how no one here would know her or, likely, ever see her again. Novus was the only Greenick man who might see her again, but of course, he wouldn't be seeing her as the others would.

But then, that made Kiley even more nervous and self conscious. She knew that the evening would not pass without him wanting -- needing -- to see her in the way he saw women: hands on flesh. After all, this evening she was learning was all about being seen in the more free ways. How could she deny Novus his opportunity to see her?

She was so engrossed in her thoughts -- that and occasionally checking a nearby mirror to ensure that her cape hid her for now -- that Kiley didn't know Pearl and Novus were nearing her until he greeted, "Welcome to my home, Lady Kiley."

Pearl was between the two of them, crossing from her Master past Kiley as she headed toward the servant at the door, holding her own cape. Kiley's eyes bulged as she finally caught the full sight of Novus, standing posed and as still as a statue … costumed as a statue!

Kiley had seen her share of statues of naked or near naked men and women, of course; such works of art were very popular with the rich, powerful, and/or elite of society, across most of the Continent of Medianna. In fact, the first penis Kiley had ever seen was that of a statue of one of the Earthen Gods -- she didn't recall which -- on display in a temple she'd visited with her Mother when she was a young girl. (She hadn't been explained the concept of sexuality and reproduction yet, but even then she knew that there was something special about that thing hanging at the meeting of the God's thighs. Maybe it had simply been because Kiley herself didn't have one of her own down there.)

But to see a real man displayed in such a way, costumed as a marble statue … with his cock and balls dangling out for all to see...? My Gods, it was just … just … well, Kiley's mind was just whirling with disbelief, so if someone had wanted her to label it with a word, she wouldn't have been able to do so.

Novus broke his pose and moved a bit closer as he told her, "I'm honored at the opportunity to be your host for this most unique of festivals."

Kiley didn't immediately answer; she was still lost in thoughts about what she was seeing. Oh, she was no stranger to the nude male body. The real male, not the carved one. Despite having had only the one lover so many years ago, Kiley had taken the time to peek upon men often. She and sometimes one or more of her female friends had sometimes snuck down to the bathing pools or the steam baths or -- at her Mother or Aunt's homes -- used the secret passageways to spy on men changing or making love to their wives, consorts, or whores.

But this was entirely different, and in so many ways. Novus's words finally fought through her thoughts to penetrate Kiley's consciousness, causing her to quickly say, "I'm honor to be your guest for the Eve of Yarrow, Master Novus."

Kiley didn't realize that she'd curtsied until after she was standing tall again, and she blushed for the second time since turning to find Novus gray and naked. She looked him up and down again -- her gaze settling in the middle again for a moment -- as she complimented, "Your costume is … well … there is nothing I could say that would be more meaningful … than to say that it is truly the work of a Master … Master Novus."

She smiled a bit wider at the thought, The Gods did masterful work as well. Novus wasn't the largest cock Kiley had ever seen, but he certainly wasn't the smallest either. And, painted as it was and simply dangling before him, it just seemed … so much more spectacular than just its length and girth.

"We should go, Master Novus … Lady Kiley," Pearl said from nearby. "Lord Hulgrave is first on the tour, and he'll already be expecting us."

"Tour?" Kiley asked, unsure of what all the Eve of Yarrow entailed.

Pearl gave a quick review of what the evening had in store for them. Some of it Kiley had expected; the typical ball with music and dance, for example. Some of it she certainly had been hoping not to see; Pearl spoke of the D'Arbanvee's Pool of Persons, causing Kiley's eyes to widen with shock yet again.

"Perhaps it would be better to simply let you experience the rest of the Eve's events," Pearl said. Her lips spread in a devilish smirk. She asked the pair, "Shall we?"
Novus got a mild kick out of Kiley's reaction to his costume, or near complete lack thereof, but gave her credit for being tactful about it. He knew from Pearl's brief description that their guest's costume was on the scant side, though still covering all her bits. Part of the reason he'd chosen this look as a statue, one he'd used a few years back, was to help distract her from her own unfamiliar sense of exposure.

Pearl then urged them onward, clearly eager to get on with what was her third Eve of Yarrow, if he remembered correctly. Before they were even out the door, his apprentice was essentially taunting Kiley by hinting at the wide variety of strange and exotic things that were in store for the night.

Novus took each lady on one arm, even though they would be doing more of the leading among the night time crowds of people dancing and drinking and otherwise paying less attention to their surroundings than usual. Their carriage was waiting to take them to Lord Hulgrave's, one of Novus's friends and always reliable for good food and music to get things started.

The carriage was an open air one, giving them only a single bench to share behind the horse driver. It was a snug fit and he smiled at the ladies' reactions to the tight squeeze. Pearl pulled one of his arms around her and leaned in cozily. Kiley, unable to get away from body contact, was a bit stiffer and seemed to be showing an inordinate amount of attention to what was going on in the streets. He could feel her bare arm brush against him, as well as the silks of her skirt, and hoped she would later let him "see" her costume in all its glory.

This was one night in which Novus really did lament the loss of his vision. He would get to savor many of the delights - food, drink, music, and dance - but the sheer spectacle of costumes and color were often denied him, save the few he was able to see by touch. Pearl had picked up on this and spent much of last year describing outfits in lurid and explicit detail.

The carriage had to move slowly given the crowds in the street. Novus smelled delectable meats cooking and listened to the frenetic music of a brief, impromptu parade they had to let clear before continuing.

"Not quite the festival you'd anticipated, I gather?" Novus asked Kiley, leaning in closer to be heard over the street party.
Kiley was sure that any moment she was going to leap out of the coach and run off down the street screaming in terror. The descriptions of what the evening had to offer had gotten more and more erotic each time they'd been covered by Pearl, the servants who'd attended to Kiley, and the guests at the Inn in which she was staying; and yet at every turn those descriptions came up short.

At one point during the ride, a band cut down the street, weaving through the crowd that parted for it. Each and every member of it was naked, dressed if you want to call it in nothing more than their chosen instrument and a mask. She looked to Novus, finding Pearl leaning in close, likely explaining it to him. He showed no surprise, only smiling with delight.

Pearl gave Kiley a short glance, then looked away … giving Kiley the opportunity to peek down to Novus's lap. His cock lay there conspicuously with the garland that wrapped his body; he wasn't erect or even semi-so but … he wasn't entirely limp either. Kiley forced herself to look away, feeling awkward about staring at the blind man's penis.

But she only found herself looking at something even more erotic and wholy inappropriate. A row of men in faux-uniform -- flamboyant costume versions of the King's Guards -- and masks were standing dutifully at attention along the wall of what Kiley thought was likely a brothel. But while the men wore the tunics, they were naked from the waist down, cocks dangling before them. There was a second row of Guardsmen before the first; this row was comprised of women naked from the waist up, bosoms on display, and they wore the men's oversized trousers, kept in place by suspenders.

"Troops...! A'ten … hut!" a Guardsman hollered as Novus's coach approached; this man was missing his pants and undergarment, too, and a ribbon indicating his faux-rank as Lieutenant was tied around his dangling cock. He hollered, "Forward rank … about face!"

As Kiley watched, the women spun on a heel in unison to face the men. The coach was passing the squad and -- unexpectedly wanting to see what happened -- Kiley twisted in her seat. The faux-Lieutenant continued to call out orders, and the women followed them; they stepped forward, dropped to their knees, grasped a cock, leaned forward, and -- as the scene began to disappear from Kiley's widening eyes -- began sucking.

She spun forward again, wondering whether or not Novus could sense what she'd done … that she'd tried all she could to see the squad performing their duty. After a moment, she peeked his way, only to find Pearl looking beyond her master at her, smiling. The apprentice sat back without a word, and the coach went onward.

"Not quite the festival you'd anticipated, I gather?" Novus asked Kiley.

With her face exploding in a fiery blush that -- thankfully -- he couldn't see, Kiley responded simply, "Not quite."

The coach stopped a moment later and the trio disembarked to spend the appropriate amount of time in Lord Hulgrave's home. It was just more of the same here for Kiley: more scantily clad men and women, more flirtatious behavior, more sexual interaction. She'd never imagined that people would do such things in public before. Oh, sure, orgies; but while those often included many people who didn't necessarily know one another before hand, orgies were still conducted pretty much behind closed doors. These people … well, they were touching and fondling, fingering and groping, even sucking and fucking in the view of people just casually passing by. It was like the entire city had become one wide spread orgy for one night.

They boarded the coach again, crossed a bit of town, disembarked, and entered another incredible home to view more of the same, as well as very new things. Their new host invited them through one room after another where men and women were engaged in all sort of bondage and punishment rituals.

Kiley found herself surprisingly entranced by one scene: a man was splayed on a cross, naked; one woman in black leather -- looking almost like an executioner, except that her bountiful bosom was on full display -- was lightly whipping the man from behind while a second similarly dressed woman was wringing his fully hardened dick in tightly gripping hands. The man cried out at each whipping and groaned at each clutching of his cock. Kiley didn't know why this caught her interest so, and she finally convinced herself to continue onward, catching up with Novus and Pearl.

Suddenly, the tortured man groaned out and his cock sent a great glob of cum out before him … and onto one of Kiley's boots! She stared at it, at him, at the women … one of whom crossed to her … dropped to her hands and knees … and licked the man's discharged from Kiley's footwear.

Her mind was still reeling two houses later … the D'Arbanvee House. Kiley remembered the name immediately, recalling the mentioning of the Pool of People. Their host led the trio through the house and out onto the veranda. The crowd parted politely as the trio continued slowly along, with comments and compliments being traded back and forth between all concerning their costumes.

Kiley noticed that the crowd of ball goers began to thicken a bit as they went, and as it did, the members of the crowd more often than not had their backs to their trio. They were struggling to get a look past those further in front of them, who all seemed to be gathered around what Kiley presumed was a large fountain in the middle of the veranda.

Curiously, there was no water spraying skyward from the statuary in the middle of the fountain. Kiley found that peculiar; a spectacular fountain without spray is just a fancy carved stone, after all. Pearl politely found the trio a path through the people before them, and soon they had all arrived at the outer edge of the pool that surrounded the fountain.

And yet again, Kiley's eyes widened at shock. The fountain's pool had been emptied of water and -- while she couldn't actually see it -- the stone sides and pool base had been covered with a weaved pad of heavenweed. (The wetland grass -- native only to the southern swamps of the Continent -- was called that because when weaved and pounded by wooden hammers it became so soft to the skin that many in the area used it for a bed mattress and slept on it without the need for underneath blankets.)

The reason Kiley couldn't see the heavenweed padding was that atop it, filling the entirety of the 20 foot diameter, 2 foot deep pool were people … perhaps as many as 100 … all nakeddrenched in an aromatic oil that allowed them to slip and slide amongst one another … as they performed the most erotic and sometimes most taboo of sexual acts upon one another.

Kiley had seen a great deal of … incredible eroticism -- even debauchery -- this evening, but this! It was simply incredible. Hands, legs, and bodies were so intertwined that it was more than often difficult for Kiley to figure out which limbs went to which bodies. Faces were pressed close to groins; mouths swallowed cocks or worked feverishly on pussies; fingers and cocks slowly thrusted in and out of pussies and anuses; men pleasured women and men both, as did women.

Kiley's eyes settled on one interaction for reasons she didn't immediately understand. A pair of men facing one another but laying opposite the other's direction were simultaneously sucking each other's cock and fondling the other man's balls. Neither of them -- like most of the other orgy participants -- was in any sort of hurry. If that wasn't erotic enough, as these two man pleasured one another, yet a third and fourth man were balls deep in the first pair's asses, again unhurriedly finding their own pleasure and, possibly, adding to the pleasure of the cock suckers.

One of the ass-fucking men also had his face buried between the thighs of an oil-covered woman, pleasuring her as she pleasured two other women with her mouth and fingers. Kiley found something familiar about this man, and finally she realized what it was: a massive scar along the man's shoulder and collar bone. And when the man pulled his face from the moaning woman's pussy, Kiley found herself looking at the oil-shiny face of one of her traveling partners.

(OOC: in the middle)

"Is that you, Kiley?" a very happy Eric asked. He looked her up and down, complimenting, "You look … un-believable."

"What … what are you doing?" Kiley asked, shocked.

Eric looked about the pool of bodies. Before he could answer, the man within whose ass his cock was buried, reached back to his stilled hip to encourage him to continue. Eric only whispered to the man to have patience.

"You told us to enjoy the festival," Eric answered Kiley's question. He lifted himself to one elbow, grasped the hip of the man he was fucking, and pushed deeper, causing the man to groan out noticeably on the cock he himself was sucking. Eric verified, "We're enjoying ourselves."

"We? she asked.

Eric looked about the pool of people and explained, "Yes, we. Kimmin and Vurn are here someplace. Not … not entirely quite sure where though.

Just a couple of feet before Kiley, the man within whom Eric's cock was buried suddenly pulled his second partner's cock from his mouth, donned an expression that almost seemed one of pain, then groaned out loudly in ecstasy. The man's whose cock he'd been sucking pulled back as well, to reveal the groaning man's cock spewing forth its contents all over the pool's bottom and all over the other man's face and hand.

Eric laughed after a moment, looked to Kiley, and said with humor, "Our work here is done. Come join us, Sergeant … Lieutenant, I mean."

With that, Eric withdrew from the ass of the man -- who was now simply laying in the bottom of the pool breathing hard -- then rolled to find another body to pleasure. As Kiley watched, another body found Eric as well; her last view was of him once again licking and sucking on a woman's pussy as a second woman -- ignoring the taste on his shaft due to the oil's cleansing properties -- took his cock deep into her own mouth.
Novus enjoyed the various festivities, though mostly through Pearl's explicit descriptions and Kiley's obvious shock and curiosity. He knew there was a considerable amount of sexual activity going on, though he was limited to appreciating it through the sounds - not a bad thing, but less engaging in a crowd. Every now and then, they crossed paths with a friend or acquaintance. Compliments were passed on their costumes and some who knew him better would let or insist he "see" their outfits. For the sake of not making his guest too uncomfortable, he leaned on the less explicit end of feeling these people up.

The Pool of People was a popular and infamous stop. Participation was almost a rite of passage in this city and the public orgy would continue until the festival ended at the crack of dawn. He had participated several times in the past, though it had been a few years. Tempting as it was to join, he didn't think his clay and paint based costume would be well-received by the others. It would taste awful and smear on everyone else.

Kiley was so engrossed in the show she didn't realize he was holding her arm to keep from losing her in the crowd. He wondered at a sudden tensing, until someone called her by name. It didn't take long to realize it was one of her guards and she clearly hadn't expected or wanted to be seen by him in her state of dress. If the guy was participating in the Pool, however, she was seeing far more of him than the reverse. Pearl leaned in to let him know the guard was involved in some very explicit man on man action, among other things.

The guard suggested she should join them. Novus could feel her tension, yet there was an undercurrent of excitement in her body. The festival was getting to her, but she still wasn't ready to completely give herself over to it. Perhaps a smaller, more intimate venue would give her a much needed respite.

"Lady Penelope's?" he asked Pearl. She nodded, agreeing it was about that time.

"We can come back later, if you wish," Novus said to Kiley as he and Pearl began leading her back out of the crowd. "This event runs until dawn. In the meantime, I'd like to pay a visit to an old friend...and get a bite to eat."

They walked the two blocks to their next destination, enjoying the relative quiet and cooling breeze. It was around midnight and the parties were still going strong, but many had moved more indoors from the street parades. Lady Penelope's house was a two-story affair, classy and elegant with fancy stonework, sculptures (Pearl pointed out which were Novus's handiwork) and blooming flowers.

"Lady Penelope has made a habit of treating me to a mid-night meal," Novus explained. "Each year, she tries to make it in some way special or unexpected."

Pearl knocked and almost immediately a female servant answered. The young woman was bare-breasted, wearing only a silver embroidered thong and matching mask. She beckoned them inside and took them to a nearby sitting room.

"Welcome, Novus!" Lady Penelope said, rising from her chair and setting aside her wine. Novus didn't know how she'd dressed yet, but he knew her body intimately and could picture her clearly. "Pearl, good to see you again. And this must be the special guest you told me about?"

Penelope approached and gave Kiley a kiss on each cheek by way of greeting while Novus introduced Kiley and Penelope to one another.

"So happy to meet you, Lady Kiley," Penelope said, sounding as if it made her night. "Please, my home is yours."

Novus smiled and let her slip into his arms after she'd eyed him up head to toe.

"Bringing your work with you?" she said, teasingly. "Of course, you must see my costume for this year."

Novus took a bit more time with Penelope, letting the fingers of both hands see her body and dress, starting at the top and working their way down. Unsurprisingly, she'd gone with an open body affair, showing her magnificent breasts to good effect.

As he worked down to her waist, she said, "Don't miss the new jewelry!" He wasn't sure what it could be, but soon enough he found a thin cord wrapped around her hip, almost belt-like. He followed it down between her legs to where it terminated at a metal loop that seemingly encircled her clit. Several gems were set near the top and he could clearly picture how it prominently drew attention to her most sensitive of places.

"My, my," he said, unable to resist running his fingertip across her clit. "I've never seen its like. Has Thomas been able to keep his hands off you?"

She scoffed. "Thomas had to go on a business trip. Missing all this year's fun."

"The fool," Novus said, not without a bit of genuine disappointment.

"And that's enough talk about my dear husband," she said. "Your meal will be ready shortly. Please, help yourself to wine in the meantime. Pearl, mind helping me for a minute?"

Pearl said she would be happy to and the two women left Novus alone with Kiley.

Novus reached out and took Kiley gently by the hand. In a soft voice, he said, "Now that we're alone, I want to know that you're still okay with all this. I'm sure much of it is shocking, if you're not used to it. If it's too much, say the word and I'll escort you back to your accommodations. If you're still good, then I promise you'll enjoy the rest of the evening."
Kiley was caught off guard by the topless servant who'd answered the door, not expecting the help to participate in this way. She was further entranced with the home's interior, such that she didn't see their hostess until she stepped up and greeted them. Kiley's eyes widened for the hundredth time this evening.

Lady Penelope's breasts thrusted forward into view from within her floor length robe. They were large and firm, accentuated by the largest nipples Kiley had ever seen.
She ogled them a moment, then let her gaze drop. Penelope's clit, like Pearl before her, was on full display in a pair of … of … well, Kiley didn't really know what to call it; a thong, a chain? Only, Penelope's was even more spectacularly displayed, with jewels that drew the eye directly to her.

Kiley listened to the three of them chatting amiably … and seeing one another, with eyes and gently tracing fingers. She barely registered the conversation, her mind still spinning with what she'd seen and would likely continue to see tonight.

She flinched when Novus took her hand, only then realizing that the two of them were now standing alone. He asked if she was okay with what she'd seen tonight. Almost before he'd finished speaking to her, Kiley said, "I want you to see me. I … please, Master Novus. I need you to see me. Just … just see me."

Kiley was burning with lust and needed to be touched … needed to be made love to. She let her gaze fall to Novus's exposed groin, to his cock; she wanted it inside her. But she knew that would be wrong. Of all the things she saw tonight that were wrong, making love to the Sculptor would be the most wrong of them all. She needed him to come back to East Port because he wanted to do his work there, not because he thought he would be her lover.

Yet … she still wanted him to lay hands on her...
Novus had wanted to "see" Kiley's costume all evening, waiting and hoping she would make the offer of her own free will. He'd wanted to see her the night they met, but that would have been asking too much. She'd been gracious enough to let him see her face with his fingers, which had been enough to know she was a true beauty.

It was clear from the tone of her voice and the very words she used that this was more than a simple courtesy. She'd clearly been moved by the erotically charged festival and needed...something. He, too, was feeling it, but he was not going to take advantage of her in any way she might regret come morning.

"It would be my honor to see you," he said softly.

Novus stood directly before her and reached up, starting at the top of her head as was his usual custom. He already knew how her hair was long and straight with only subtle waves. He could picture the structure of her face, her brows and nose, the slight tension in her cheeks that drew her mouth into a hint of smile. Those lips...he lingered as his fingers re-traced them. He felt a soft tremble, as if she wanted to kiss his fingers.

Now he continued beyond what he'd seen in their first meeting, exploring her long neck and collarbone. There, at the outer edge of her collarbone, he found the first evidence of her costume/url], a thin trio of decorative chains as straps over her shoulders. His hands, mirroring one another, then surveyed her shoulders and down her arms. He'd felt her arm all evening, often leaning on her to guide him through crowds. There was no questioning the strength she possessed from her military training, yet she still maintained a feminine elegance.

He traced her fingers down to the tips, briefly intertwining his own before sliding his hands back up to her shoulders. Now he focused on the straps of her costume, descending until finding the edge of an elegant and intricate bit of beadwork on the cup containing her full breast. He took his time, noting how her breathing deepened. The swirls were tasteful and incorporated floral and heart motifs. The cups were modest compared with many costumes, yet still revealed a significant amount of cleavage.

"Describe the color for me," he whispered. As she told him, the picture in his mind became clearer. His fingers found the underside of the cups, finding an intricate network of dangling chains.

"This is Hoshian, is it not?" He followed the chains and traced her tummy, marveling at her muscle definition. She shuddered under his touch but did not flinch. "The Hoshians would approve you wearing this. They have remarkable artistic sensibilities and you, Lady Kiley, are a masterpiece yourself."

He meant that last more than she could possibly know. His desire to sculpt her was building to obsession now that he'd begun to grasp her full beauty, what had only been hinted at with her face.

At her hips, more elegant detailing matching her top was revealed. The belly dancing featured prominent, highlighting her belly, hips, and...yes, her upper thighs were exposed as well. More delicate chains leading to silky skirts. Before reaching lower, he brought his hands back up to her sides and reached around to her back, feeling bare skin under his fingers and more silks on the back of his hands. His exploration brought them closer together and he only became aware that his cock had begun to swell when it bumped into her leg. He didn't overreact, but he did refrain from pressing in any closer.

While almost holding her, he let his hands explore the back of her hips and then down over her rear. Again, muscle defining perfect figure. No wonder his apprentice had reacted with such protective jealousy. Her artistic eye would have recognized how he would see his woman, if given the opportunity.

Novus's hands continued over the bare cheeks until reaching the top of her thighs, then they worked back around to the front. He was about to continue further down, but he heard footsteps approaching from the hall. He shifted half a step back, breaking contact down below, and took her by the hands. His smile was soft and genuine as he tried to look her in the eye, picturing how she might be looking back.

"Dinner is ready," a servant said respectfully from the doorway before disappearing back down the hall.

"I say this without reservation, you are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. Thank you for trusting me."

He offered her his arm. "Shall we?"

"It would be my honor to see you," Novus said softly.

Kiley knew what to expect; the Sculptor had seen her face with his hands already. What she couldn't expect was her reaction to him seeing her. As Novus's fingers -- and sometimes his palms -- caressed softly over her form and the skimpy Hoshian belly dancer costume, Kiley found her body reacting with an every increasing hunger … for more. More of Novus's touch … more touch beyond his hands … more intimate touching in more intimate areas.

Her body exploded in trembles three maybe four times, with her skin exploding in goose flesh. Kiley had no doubt that Novus had felt or at the least sensed the reaction. Did he attribute it to an innocent reaction of simply being seen in this way...? Or, did he understand the lust warming her inside … and down below?

Kiley was beginning to rethink her commitment not to let this man fuck her. There was no doubt that he was as excited as she was; at one point, as he saw one, then the other of her firm, muscular, but still feminine buttock cheeks, his more hardened than not cock came into contact with her thighs. She didn't believe Novus had done this intentionally; in fact, it almost seemed as though he'd pulled his hips back to prevent it from occurring further.

Then, Kiley stiffened at the sight of Pearl standing in the doorway to the dining room...


The Sculptor's Apprentice hadn't wanted to leave her Master alone with Kiley at all. When she found an excuse, she made her way back to the open portal to the next room … and found Novus's hands caressing their way over her beautiful nemesis's body.

It wasn't as though Pearl hadn't expected this to happen sometime this evening. Novus had expressed an interest in seeing Kiley before this; and this was, after all, the Eve of Yarrow. But still, it concerned Pearl to see it happening, particularly with Kiley so obviously enjoying it. The woman's breasts rose and fell with the excitement building within her. Pearl almost expected Kiley to take Novus by the hand and lead him to some nearby room for the privacy needed to smear the dust and paint decorating his cock.

Suddenly, Pearl realized that Kiley was looking at her with wide eyes. The pair only stared at one another for a moment before a servant appeared in another doorway, announcing, "Dinner is ready."

"I say this without reservation," Novus told Kiley, "you are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. Thank you for trusting me."

Pearl's heart skipped a beat overhearing this. Kiley must have also realized how this would affect the Apprentice; she looked to Pearl with a concerned expression before responding, "I'm sure that is not true, Master Novus. You have … seen so many beautiful women."

Kiley had looked to Pearl as she'd said those words, giving her a friendly smile. Pearl presumed -- correctly -- that the Guardsman's words were meant to point Novus's attention to his apprentice. But it didn't help Pearl's feelings about Novus's words; Pearl knew she wasn't the sexiest, most beautiful, most erotic woman upon whom the Master had ever had his hands … but … she loved him, and to hear him say that about another woman -- particularly this one -- was simply heartbreaking.

Novus offered his arm to Kiley. "Shall we?"

"Yes, of course," Kiley said.

As she watched the other woman take her Master's elbow, Pearly stepped back through the portal and circled around through the kitchen, not wanting Novus to know she'd seen or heard what had taken place between him and Kiley.
Novus sensed a bit of tension in Kiley, but so closely on the heels of her heightened state of arousal he couldn't tell what had prompted it. Was it the intrusion of the servant announcing dinner while his hands were on her. He didn't press her, figuring it might only make her more uncomfortable.

Kiley took his arm and she navigated the doorways and minor obstacles while he indicated the way to the dining room. Novus's impression of the room, one he'd been in over a dozen times before, was that this was indeed a mostly private affair. A skilled musician played a harp in the far corner and a myriad of pleasant food smells reached his nose - mostly fruits and sweet meats. The scents were subdued, though, nothing strong as would be expected of a fragrant hot dish. More what he'd expect from an assortment of appetizers.

What he couldn't see, but Kiley and Pearl did, was how their meal was presented. A long, rectangular table dominated the room. Laying atop it, head to head but with feet pointed in opposite directions, were two Hoshian's - a man and a woman. Both were likely in their twenties, incredibly fit, and completely nude. Their dark skin was highlighted by the completely lack of hair - head or body - on either. As they lay motionless on their backs, eyes closed, over a dozen different foods were spread out across their bodies. Many of these were thick creams and sauces in which fruits, vegetables, and meats were embedded such that they would stay in place on the serving bodies. The dishes covered both, from forehead to toes, up and down each arm.

Lady Penelope took Novus by his other arm and helped lead him toward the table.

"You're a difficult man to surprise, Novus," she said. "I'm trying my best here. The rules for this Eve of Yarrow dinner is that you cannot use utensils or fingers - lips and tongue only. Your ladies may help guide you between the different selections, if you wish, or you can just...find your own way around."

There was a distinct note of humor in her voice. Her eyes met Kiley's and she smiled politely.

"Lady Kiley, Miss Pearl, these rules only apply to Novus, of course. If I haven't already scandalized you enough, you're perfectly welcome to eat any way you like. And, if the service set isn't to your liking, I can have some presented more...conventionally."

Novus still didn't know exactly what Penelope had put together, but he had a pretty good hunch given the rules laid out. He was a good sport and knew she to tease him with variants of his own eccentricities. If it was what he thought, he didn't think Pearl would mind. Kiley, however...

"Thank you, Penelope," he said. "If it tastes half as good as it smells, and I have no doubt it will, then I can't wait to get started."

He leaned slightly in to Kiley, "Would you be kind enough to point me in the right direction to get started?"

The sight of the naked man and woman covered in food caused Kiley to come up short as she escorted Novus into the dining hall. She had spent so much time with an artist over the last few days that her first reaction was that the pair were simply art to enhance the dinner. Then... Kiley realized that they were the dinner.

A blush exploded throughout her upper body, made only more obvious by the lack of clothing covering it. She peeked toward Novus as expecting him to be entertained by her embarrassment, forgetting that he couldn't see it with functioning eyes. Pearl, however, was looking right at Kiley; the former's lips spread in a bit of a satisfied smirk before she looked away from the latter to the offerings on the long table.

Kiley looked to the table again as well. She didn't immediately recognize the diner plates as being Hoshians: neither wore clothing that could have been identified with the people of the distant archipelago; and the traditional circle tattoos placed near the meeting of the toes were obscured with food.

It was their skin, though -- much darker than her own -- that told Kiley the pair were Hoshian. It was a dark, creamy brown, a color natural to them that was never seen amongst the various peoples of Medianna. Kiley hadn't seen many Hoshians in her life; the island group to the southwest had only been discovered a century or so earlier after great advancements in the long distant ocean sailing crafts and navigation of Medianna.

Contact between the archipelago and the continent was still a relatively new thing. It was the next frontier for adventurers and merchants alike. Unfortunately, as was common when two very different Peoples who didn't understand one another met, there had been incidents of violence. And as was common when such violence occurred, there had been prisoners taken … prisoners, who then became slaves.

The taking of Hoshians as slaves -- as Kiley was sure these two were -- was becoming more and more common as the number of ships from Medianna headed west. Kiley's aunt, Queen Hanna, had a network of spies throughout the continent, and their reports suggested that there were possibly as many as 500 Hoshians in servitude across the lands. That was a pittance compared to the number of native Medians in slavery, of course; the most recent approximation of that number ranged in the mid-5 digits.

Slavery would taper off after the Empire rose, an act that the new matriarchal society saw as sinful. But again, that was still decades away. Kiley would never see the near abandonment of slavery as an economic norm, just as she would never see its explosive rise a millennium later as the Burkinians were defeated.

One day soon, the Hoshian Chiefdom -- tens of thousands of people across more than five hundred islands -- would simply cease to exist, conquered and replaced by people from the Continent of Medianna.

Right now, such thoughts of slavery and conquest were there farthest things from Kiley's mind; right now, her only thought was of the two Hoshians before her and are we supposed to eat from their bodies?


As Lady Penelope escorted Novus nearer to the table, leaving Kiley standing in her tracks, the young Apprentice studied her nemesis … and smiled to herself. The woman from East Port was so easy to read, her body language and expressions so obvious.

Pearl had begun to wonder more and more during the evening if perhaps Kiley was still chaste. It wouldn't have been unusual for a woman Kiley's age to still be a virgin; Pearl had known women of every class -- peasant, merchant, noble, and even royal -- who had maintained their virginity almost to their 30s, saving themselves for their future husbands.

But Kiley was a female soldier, a rare women working amongst a force of men. What were the chances that the sergeant -- now a Lieutenant -- would have worked in such an environment without finally succumbing to her natural urges … or worse yet, succumbed involuntarily to the urges of one of her male counterparts?

Pearl wasn't that far off, of course; Kiley had lost her virginity years earlier and yet since that one day had refrained from parting her thighs for anyone. So, in essence, she was practically a reborn virgin. And she'd been showing that naiveté tonight. The Eve of Yarrow had been causing Kiley's eyes to widen and her mouth to fall open so often that Pearl was beginning to worry that she'd get night flies trapped in one or the other.

"Lady Kiley, Miss Pearl, these rules only apply to Novus, of course, their hostess explained. Lady Penelope went on about providing a more traditional dinner experience, finishing, "I can have some presented more...conventionally."

"Your offering is wonderful … and perfect," Pearl said, giving the Noble woman a respectful nod. "I shall dine as my Master dines."

Pearl looked to Novus, who had edged back to Kiley, asking for direction. But when the still-shocked soldier only stood in place, staring at the Hoshians and the food decorating full breasts and a semi-hardened cock, Pearl very diplomatically stepped in.

"Lady Kiley is unfamiliar with some of our delicacies, Master, and she looks as if she is uncertain which is the one with which to begin," she said, taking Novus by the elbow and slowly leading him toward the table. "So many wonderful foods, but … enjoyed in the wrong order, one might overwhelm the senses and prevent the enjoyment of the other."

What Pearl was saying was, of course, true. But it wasn't the true reason for stepping in. Instead, for reasons she would question later, Pearl had felt a need to save Kiley from her own naiveté. Later, Pearl would kick herself, figuratively, for not having just let the other woman embarrass herself. But right now, she knew that to do so would effect Novus negatively. And jealousy or not, Pearl loved and respected Novus too much to let him feel self conscious for having dragged Kiley into something that embarrassed her.

"Start here, Master," Pearl insisted when the man was standing near the female Hoshian's belly. She placed his hands on the edge of the dining table and gave him detailed instructions on how far to lean, and when he was close to the woman's flat belly Pearl told him, "Lick."
Novus worried over the tension he'd felt in Kiley before Pearl stepped in and led him to the edge of the table. Pearl's narrative about making air things were eaten in the proper order might have had some merit, but he also sensed it was a bit of a pile at their guest's uncertainty. He inwardly sighed at his apprentice, though he couldn't fault her.

Hands on the edge of the table, he leaned over as Pearl described until he felt his lips graze...something wet. He smelled melon and mild spices mixed with a cream, an exotic dish even under ordinary circumstances. He scooped a dollop with his tongue, feeling the "plate" underneath yielding...warm and soft, like a lover's skin. Indeed, he knew immediately Penelope had him eating off the body of someone else. It was a splendid idea and he was certain he'd be licking many different places if he wanted to sample all the myriad foods. No wonder Kiley had hesitated.

Novus heard Pearl circle around the table and felt her hair brush his cheek as she leaned over to indulge in the same subject. It took only a few more licks for Novus to conclude this was almost certainly a woman. Knowing Penelope, a very attractive woman.

"This is most excellent," he said. "I've never tasted anything quite like it. And you're presentation... A surprise indeed."

"Thank you," Penelope said. "You'll have to try everything. My chefs truly outdid themselves this year."

Novus took another lick, then asked Pearl which way he should try next. He could almost hear the smirk in her voice.

"To your right, I think," she said.

Novus followed her guidance and found himself reaching the woman's hip and smooth pubic mound. The food, this a fresh, crisp vegetable mix, finely chopped in a sweet and tart dressing, was also excellent. His mind, however, was wondering how Kiley would react to seeing him licking a presumably naked woman. He knew there was something truly special between the woman's legs, simply by the smell, and he would be remiss in passing it up. Perhaps he could work down the legs, first, and catch it on the way back.

"Lady Kiley?" Penelope said softly. "Might I suggest the lamb turreare, first?"

Novus hoped their hostess was going easy on Kiley.

She just stared from her position a couple yards away as Novus and Pearl began licking food from the body of the Hoshian female. Of all the things she'd seen this evening, this would have ranked low on the shocking scale … except that Kiley knew she was expected to actually participate in this … this dinner.

Kiley had watched the female faux-Guardsmen suck the cocks of their faux-Guardsmen male counterparts...

And she'd discovered her own cohort engaged in man-in-man intercourse in a pool full of oily bodies...

And she'd seen women playing ring toss on the largest cock she'd ever seen, with said shaft being stimulated to resume its stiffness between tosses by a pair of women sucking on it and its accompany sack...

And she'd seen … oh so much more in the past few hours.

But so far, it had only been about seeing! Kiley hadn't been expected to participate in any of this erotic and sexual activity … until now. She could always politely say no. Thank you, but I'm not hungry. But … could she...? Really? Kiley was on a mission, still; she was to bring the Sculptor back to East Port, and to do so Kiley felt as though she needed to do this … just as she had dressed up like a Hoshian whore … just as she had allowed Novus to see her well displayed body within the scanty costume.

Of course, letting Novus lay hands upon her had been more than just pleasing him. Kiley had needed that; she'd needed a man to appreciate her in a way that wouldn't lead to his need for immediate intercourse. Any other man Kiley would have let touch her like that would have expected to put his cock inside her.

"Lady Kiley?"

Flinching at the sudden speaking of her name, Kiley looked to find Penelope speaking to her. The woman was standing on the opposite side of the dining table, and gesturing toward the male Hoshian's muscular chest, she continued, "Might I suggest the lamb turreare, first?"

Kiley didn't immediately react to the offer, instead just studying the Lady. She glanced to Novus, finding him still indulging, ever more closely to the female Hoshian's groin; and then to Pearl, who -- on the opposite side of the table, too -- only peaked up at Kiley, smiling with some sort of pinkish goo gracing her lips and chin. She looked back to their hostess … then stepped forward.

"We thicken it with cream sauce and local wheat flour, so that it will more suitably adhere to the plate," Penelope explained, as if the entrée was being served on glazed clay rather than a human's naked body. She pointed to one, then another (differently colored) smattering of the dish, explaining, "This one is sweeter, while this one has a smallish kick of thyme."

Penelope leaned over and ran her tongue through the foot long strip on her side of the slave's body. The man tense up at the touch, making Kiley wonder whether it had tickled him or sexually excited him. As she watched the hostess try the other slightly different flavor, Kiley got her answer; the man's cock -- which had been flaccid and laying off to one side of his groin in a pool of something red and filled with tiny berries -- began to slowly harden, until it had lifted a bit off and above his belly.

"If you favor buttery treats," Penelope said, drawing Kiley's attention from the slave's swelling cock, "You should try this first."

The hostess leaned over to take the man's nipple into her mouth, sucking up the glob there … her gaze on Kiley. When she rose again, she said in a whisper, "It is only us here, Lady Kiley. No one else. And nothing that occurs here … or doesn't occur here … nothing is spoken of it after this night. You may feel free to discard your inhibitions and simply enjoy yourself. I assure you … you will not be sorry now … and you will not be sorry tomorrow."

Penelope leaned slowly to her left, over the Hoshian's groin … and put her lips around the head of his now more swollen than not cock to suck off a bit of bright blue frosting that ran down the entire underside of his shaft. She licked her lips when she stood tall again, smiling as she said reassuringly, "We're just having fun."

Kiley smiled, then laughed nervously. It wasn't in her nature to think of just one moment of life, believing that it could be enjoyed right now and forgotten tomorrow. And yet … she found herself leaning over the Hoshian's body to taste the lamb. She tried to do so without his lips actually touching the man's flesh but failed. A shiver ran up her spine as she watched the man's body tighten up again. She took a bit more with her lips … then, after catching Penelope smiling to her reassuringly, she let her tongue come out and lick over the man's flesh.

"Good isn't it?" Penelope said softly. She pointed to the man's nipple, saying. "Try that."

Kiley did as suggested, peeking over to see if Pearl was watching. She had been, but diverted her gaze immediately back to her Master. Kiley continued tasting the offerings, at first restraining her lips and tongue … but … after the tenth or so treat, beginning to let her mouth contact the slave's flesh more meaningfully. She couldn't hardly believe she was doing this, licking food of the body of a slave. And yet, she was.
Novus listened to Penelope's encouragement to Kiley while working his way down the woman's leg, enjoying several new culinary delights. It was difficult to split his attention so many different ways, but he was nothing if not attuned to all his functional senses. He heard Kiley approach the table on his side, far enough down that there had to be more than one "plate" on the table, while Penelope had to be across from her on the same side as Pearl.

By the time he reached his "plate's" foot, he could tell that Kiley had begun to taste the foods on offer. He even heard a sigh of pleasure, which was all Novus really needed to relax himself and fully indulge on their hostess's offerings. He took one of the girl's toes in his mouth, savoring the berry sauce in which it was covered while suckling enough to draw a soft sigh of pleasure from the woman. He repeated the process on a few more toes before working his way back up her leg.

This time, when he reached her hips, Novus leaned forward further and sampled the airy caramel cream that covered her pubic mound and dribbled down between her legs. He followed the cream down between her legs, feeling her spread for him, until he found the little nub of her clit. He deftly cleaned it of the caramel and then reached down further to taste the intermingling of her own juices. It was, indeed, delightful. Short of climbing up between her legs, however, it was a difficult angle from which to enjoy her fully. Penelope might not mind, but he wasn't about to do that in front of Kiley. Besides, there were other flavors to enjoy.

He worked his way back up to the woman's torso. Pearl insisted he absolutely had to try her nipples...which were, indeed, tasty in a minty, spicy confection. The woman's nipple was full and firm in his mouth and he could feel her arousal at his touch. He felt Pearl's hair brush against his head as she indulged in the same tastes.

"Incredible," he said, genuinely impressed.

Still hearing Kiley participating nearby, Novus licked other foods from the woman's shoulder, neck, and face. He licked her lips and even gave her a kiss, but it was quick enough not to convey any particular affection or suggestion of wanting anything further.

He then slid down the table until he could feel he was nearly brushing up against Kiley.

"It sounds and smells like the options down here are just as good," he said. "Anything you'd recommend I try first?"