La Chateau d'Ausus

I rush up the stairs.. I had thought I should stay away but I can't. She's my girl. I will do my best to protect her. Always. Two at a time and my feet can't eat away at the marble fast enough. I throw off my heels and race up the rest till I throw open her door and catch my breath.

Alright. Alright. breathe Little one.

I move to the bed and curl my arms around her, moving the flowers and just holding her close. I stroke her hair and smile softly

You know you're gonna pay for this dress right?

giggles softly and hugs her

It'll be okay sweetness.

Well, they drew the battle lines in the sand
What they did not realise was


and the stars laughed
And welcomed her home...

By Alison Stormcloud

For my Angel :heart:

Aug, where did you ever find such a perfect poem? It brought me to tears all over again.. but good ones this time. Thank you. Thank you for bring there.
I rush up the stairs.. I had thought I should stay away but I can't. She's my girl. I will do my best to protect her. Always. Two at a time and my feet can't eat away at the marble fast enough. I throw off my heels and race up the rest till I throw open her door and catch my breath.

Alright. Alright. breathe Little one.

I move to the bed and curl my arms around her, moving the flowers and just holding her close. I stroke her hair and smile softly

You know you're gonna pay for this dress right?

giggles softly and hugs her

It'll be okay sweetness.

Angel curls into her Aus like a child burying face and body against her, trembling.
-Pokes his head in and rubs his cleaned fingers all over everything while sucking on chocolate-

uh hi?
Angel stirs, hearing a voice. Seeing Aus asleep she wanders into the main room to see who it is. Wearing the same white dress that is now somewhat stained by the water from the roses' vase, she still manages a sleepy smile for FD.
-Seeing no one immediately respond he contemplates coming back another time. Seeing DA step out and give him a sleepy smile. Recognizing it for what he is he smiles back but speaks softly-

"I apologize. I didn't mean to disturb anyone. Ausus asked me to come by, I can come back another time?"
-Seeing no one immediately respond he contemplates coming back another time. Seeing DA step out and give him a sleepy smile. Recognizing it for what he is he smiles back but speaks softly-

"I apologize. I didn't mean to disturb anyone. Ausus asked me to come by, I can come back another time?"

Angel takes a quiet seat on the couch, a cup of tea in her hands. "Not at all disturbing. I'm pretty certain Aus has gone to sleep for the evening though. Can I give her a message for you?"

Angel smiles politely and gestures, offering FD a seat if he would like it.
-He smiles gently and at the offer sits down next to her-

"Thank you. Well, I just stopped by because she asked me too, though it is fairly late."

-He extends his hand toward her slowly and smiles-

"I don't believe we have met before. Most call me J, or FD, whichever you prefer is fine, may I ask your name?"
-He smiles gently and at the offer sits down next to her-

"Thank you. Well, I just stopped by because she asked me too, though it is fairly late."

-He extends his hand toward her slowly and smiles-

"I don't believe we have met before. Most call me J, or FD, whichever you prefer is fine, may I ask your name?"

Angel offers her hand readily and smiles politely. "I'm Angel or DA as it tends to get shortened to. Its very nice to meet you." She motions one of the staff over and instructs her to bring a cup of tea across for her guest.

"To be honest, I'm glad you stopped by. Its rather quiet this time of night and any company is welcome company." Angel grins sheepishly "That didn't come out quite right." She adds, "Have you known Aus long?."

Angel's eyes follows the man's expressions, his posture and demeanor. The gaze reflects interest and genuine friendliness.
-He takes her hand and gently shakes it. Allowing a warm smile to wash over his features.-

"I'll stick with DA if you don't mind."

-Taking the cup of tea he sips it lightly and nods to her words-

"Yeah it can be rather quiet around here this time of night. Tell you about myself? Hmmm that's always a hard question. For the introvert I am I have a hard time explaining me to others, if that makes sense?"

-He tilts his head with a friendly smiles and seems to be considering, then he clears his throat-

"Welllll I'm a bit of a dichotomy. I am a people person, but I can also be rather shy at times. I'm a musician, a writer, and a little bit nerdy to be honest. I like books and computers, and making other people smile. Now that I have you quite confused, tag your it!"

-He chuckles softly and sits back a little on the couch, watching her face intently with a relaxed posture-
-He takes her hand and gently shakes it. Allowing a warm smile to wash over his features.-

"I'll stick with DA if you don't mind."

-Taking the cup of tea he sips it lightly and nods to her words-

"Yeah it can be rather quiet around here this time of night. Tell you about myself? Hmmm that's always a hard question. For the introvert I am I have a hard time explaining me to others, if that makes sense?"

-He tilts his head with a friendly smiles and seems to be considering, then he clears his throat-

"Welllll I'm a bit of a dichotomy. I am a people person, but I can also be rather shy at times. I'm a musician, a writer, and a little bit nerdy to be honest. I like books and computers, and making other people smile. Now that I have you quite confused, tag your it!"

-He chuckles softly and sits back a little on the couch, watching her face intently with a relaxed posture-

Angel laughs lightly. "You know, I think most people persons are actually quite shy. I don't know how to explain it, but the two go together in my mind. I enjoy contemplating how concepts that seem to be opposites can actually co-exist harmoniously.

Well, me... I too find myself rather shy, but oddly gregarious in the right situations. I like to think I'm creative, but even more than expressing myself, I like to see others express themselves. There's something intimate about how a person speaks or how they write, any act of creation to be honest. Its like, they open a piece of themselves to me and that is a rarity that I cherish."

Angel remembers to pause for breath. "I'm sorry, I tend to get rather talkative at times. I hope I don't bore you.
-He nods along with her words and continues to wear a smile. Shifting his posture a little bit as he processes what she has to say and by the end he had set his tea down and just sat listening.-

"I think your right. It might be that very nature of opposition that drives people to be what they are. Either you conform to your situation, or you challenge it. So those who are shy tend to find themselves wishing for the company of others."

-Running his fingers through his short brown hair he smiles and nods again-

"Especially with forms of art as poetry, writing, music. You can really look in to someone and see them if you are looking properly; but even a simple conversation can show you who someone is, or at least who they want to be. The words they choose, the way they say them, and the message and intent behind them all paint a fairly complete picture. Very interesting I have never thought about things that way before, it's always been intuitive for me. I'm a fairly strong empath so I am very good at feeling what others are expressing"

-He shakes his head and reaches out to pat her hand softly and reassuringly-

"Don't worry on my part, I enjoy a good conversation. It's a rare thing to find so late in the evening as well. So, I shall put you on the spot, given a surface glance so far, what do you see when you look at me? Go with your gut."
"Don't worry on my part, I enjoy a good conversation. It's a rare thing to find so late in the evening as well. So, I shall put you on the spot, given a surface glance so far, what do you see when you look at me? Go with your gut."

Angel's lips curl into a coy smile, and few curls of her raven hair fall over her eyes as she looks the man over. Her tone is slightly teasing, "I could say you look like a monster, someone who is nice at first and gets progressively .. less soft as he goes along. I could say that, but it would be impolite and probably inaccurate.

I could say that you have a genuine interest in people, a sincere desire to connect. That you enjoy a challenge of reading them, holding back judgment until you are certain that your intuition matches your observations. But I could be wrong about that as well.

I do know that you have been, and possibly still are, important in Aus' life and that by itself tells me you are a complex person. She doesn't let just anybody close to her."

Angel taps her chin a if deep in thought, though the gesture itself is more for effect. Her mind has been made up from the start. "My gut says that there are layers to you that are both safe and dangerous, potentially transformative and potentially damaging. You are perceptive and you are quick to find what makes people tick, but slow in pushing those buttons. Something must interest you before you do and holding your interest is not always an easy task."

Angel stops, takes a sip of her tea and examines FD from behind her cup.
-He schooled his features at first, not wanting to color her assessment of him or to present any form of intimidation. He was truly interested in her view, not what he would like to hear. In the end he nodded softly and gave a gentle smile.-

"Ausus and I have had an...interesting past. She is indeed a very difficult person to become truly close to. Not terribly certain where I sit with her, that's part of why I showed up honestly."

-He paused for a moment, gathering his thoughts before speaking-

"All very interesting observations, and I would say from my own perspective that each holds it's own truth. I would not say I am monsterous, but I would say that I have had my moments where I have been progressively aggressive."

" You hit very close on the second one, I enjoy other people, reading them, learning them, and I try to give people a certain level of respect and genuine kindness until they prove they do not deserve that privilege."

-His face becomes thoughtful as he nods as if agreeing with his own thoughts-

"as to your gut, I will not disagree that I can be dangerous. I have an intense passion for certain things that can be intoxicating. I am also somewhat cautious about revealing parts of myself, so cautious that it can be quite a pain in the ass. I do find what makes people tick, but I respect my ability to do so, in that spirit I try to avoid pushing people in one particular way or another. I have been on the receiving end of manipulation many times before and I know the damage that can be done, so I try to avoid using my ability to read people selfishly. I think your gut is quite remarkable. I am pleasantly surprised."
-He schooled his features at first, not wanting to color her assessment of him or to present any form of intimidation. He was truly interested in her view, not what he would like to hear. In the end he nodded softly and gave a gentle smile.-

"Ausus and I have had an...interesting past. She is indeed a very difficult person to become truly close to. Not terribly certain where I sit with her, that's part of why I showed up honestly."

-He paused for a moment, gathering his thoughts before speaking-

"All very interesting observations, and I would say from my own perspective that each holds it's own truth. I would not say I am monsterous, but I would say that I have had my moments where I have been progressively aggressive."

" You hit very close on the second one, I enjoy other people, reading them, learning them, and I try to give people a certain level of respect and genuine kindness until they prove they do not deserve that privilege."

-His face becomes thoughtful as he nods as if agreeing with his own thoughts-

"as to your gut, I will not disagree that I can be dangerous. I have an intense passion for certain things that can be intoxicating. I am also somewhat cautious about revealing parts of myself, so cautious that it can be quite a pain in the ass. I do find what makes people tick, but I respect my ability to do so, in that spirit I try to avoid pushing people in one particular way or another. I have been on the receiving end of manipulation many times before and I know the damage that can be done, so I try to avoid using my ability to read people selfishly. I think your gut is quite remarkable. I am pleasantly surprised."

Angel smiles happily at having some of her thoughts seem to hit close to the mark. She feels a slight tingling of pride in FD's response and what feel a bit like praise. Setting her tea down impulsively she turns and abandoning her formal lady-like posture she sits crosslegged smoothing her skirt over her knees.

"Okay, your turn. Do me. ... wait.. not do me.. do me.. you know."
-He outright laughs at her reply and lets his deep laughter roll through his shoulders. Sitting back for a moment to look her over as if to "get the big picture" he nods-

"Fair enough, turn about and all that. Now that we have gone through all this me being able to read people stuff I'm gonna miss the mark totally, just watch. Time to do you hmmmmm"

"I would say you are self reflective, to the point of being fairly self critical. You are cautious of others, but like me you crave connections with others. It takes you time to warm up to people, but when you do you are extremely lively and energetic. I would wager you are a fierce and passionate lover, not just in a sexual tense, but emotionally. Hmmm that's all I have right now. I blame the insomnia. How poorly did I do?"
-He outright laughs at her reply and lets his deep laughter roll through his shoulders. Sitting back for a moment to look her over as if to "get the big picture" he nods-

"Fair enough, turn about and all that. Now that we have gone through all this me being able to read people stuff I'm gonna miss the mark totally, just watch. Time to do you hmmmmm"

"I would say you are self reflective, to the point of being fairly self critical. You are cautious of others, but like me you crave connections with others. It takes you time to warm up to people, but when you do you are extremely lively and energetic. I would wager you are a fierce and passionate lover, not just in a sexual tense, but emotionally. Hmmm that's all I have right now. I blame the insomnia. How poorly did I do?"

Angel twirls a lock of hair around her finger, slightly pouty. "Well I had expected a bit more flattery, actually. You know, deep soul, intuitive, eyes that... oh hell who am I kidding?"

She straightens, hands on her knees, an impish grin betraying the fun she is having. "In honesty, I think you did very well, considering how little you have to go on. I think we are all self-reflexive, it is hard to be a writer without it as good writing requires both introspection and empathic observation. Lively and energetic, absolutely, sometimes flirty, but I can never keep it up. Its more for fun than serious snatching of a good kiss. I do tend to be passionate, but usually not physically so, it is emotions that drive me. I thrive on them, they make me who I am and their intensity opens the door to connect with others.

I think your intuition was heading in that direction. Once you know me better you will find that you cannot go too far there. Feeling, sensation and the emotion that those encompass are everything to me. The physical is simply the key that unlocks it.

Angel stops letting her eyes rest on yours, letting you see that there is no guile in her words or deception. Just openness and friendly honesty.

"Is the tea alright? Do you need more?"
-Her playful reply left him wearing a rather large grin.-

"Oh you mean like that dress complements your pure white driven snow complexion, and your curves and makes me wish I was cut from the very same fabric; if only for the opportunity to touch and be touched by you? I normally don't lay it on that thick until I know you better."

-Still wearing his mirth he nods gently and smiles-

"Glad to know I didn't make a complete fool out of myself; yet. I prefer when I do it on purpose honestly. I enjoy good nature flirting between someone I feel comfortable with. One thing you will find the better you get to know me is that most of the time I am not super serious. I make jokes constantly in the hope of making the people I care about smile and laugh."

"Emotion is the reason I write. It is my form of expressing that which I cannot release otherwise. So when someone is able to write something that evokes strong emotion in me I feed off of it. Preferably good emotion though hmm? Be gentle I'm fragile."

-Grinning again he lets out a soft laugh-

"Mmm the tea is fine dear. I'm not much of a tea drinker actually and I may not be up to terribly much longer. Thank you though. I'm enjoying the company more than the drink, that's not so bad hmmm?"
-Her playful reply left him wearing a rather large grin.-

"Oh you mean like that dress complements your pure white driven snow complexion, and your curves and makes me wish I was cut from the very same fabric; if only for the opportunity to touch and be touched by you? I normally don't lay it on that thick until I know you better."

-Still wearing his mirth he nods gently and smiles-

"Glad to know I didn't make a complete fool out of myself; yet. I prefer when I do it on purpose honestly. I enjoy good nature flirting between someone I feel comfortable with. One thing you will find the better you get to know me is that most of the time I am not super serious. I make jokes constantly in the hope of making the people I care about smile and laugh."

"Emotion is the reason I write. It is my form of expressing that which I cannot release otherwise. So when someone is able to write something that evokes strong emotion in me I feed off of it. Preferably good emotion though hmm? Be gentle I'm fragile."

-Grinning again he lets out a soft laugh-

"Mmm the tea is fine dear. I'm not much of a tea drinker actually and I may not be up to terribly much longer. Thank you though. I'm enjoying the company more than the drink, that's not so bad hmmm?"

Angel cant help but laugh in return. "Okay FD tell me this. Who the hell came up with this driven snow thing. Have you ever seen snow that has been driven? It is anything but pure. Its probably the same sadistic ass who invented the heel and the bra, I swear."

Angel smiles, coming back to serious land "I'm getting a bit sleepy too and my episode of buffy is about half over. Do stay a few more minutes though, I've enjoyed chatting with you. It made my evening pass pleasantly instead of simply being endured."
Angel cant help but laugh in return. "Okay FD tell me this. Who the hell came up with this driven snow thing. Have you ever seen snow that has been driven? It is anything but pure. Its probably the same sadistic ass who invented the heel and the bra, I swear."

Angel smiles, coming back to serious land "I'm getting a bit sleepy too and my episode of buffy is about half over. Do stay a few more minutes though, I've enjoyed chatting with you. It made my evening pass pleasantly instead of simply being endured."

Hello, FA & FD. I hope you don't mind the intrusion, but the comment about driven snow caught my attention. I believe it refers to freshly fallen snow that has possibly been wind carried. Of course, I live somewhere that id it snowed, it would be a sign on the apocalypse, or the climate finally giving up completely.

And if I may ask, which episode of Buffy are you watching, DA?
-Laughing with her he shook his head slowly and adjusted his black rimmed glasses with a self reflective grimace-

"Yeah, I must be tired, forgot a word and made that whole statement seem totally wrong. I think the statement is freshly driven snow... meaning freshly wind driven. I grew up and spent most of my adult life with Canada not far to the north, and the great lakes around me, so I have seen more snow than I want to take credit for! And if you have problem with bra's you hereby have my permission to not wear one."

-Giving her a wicked smile he muffles a yawn behind his hand emphatically and then in a mock pouting tone offers.-

"Well I -guess- I can stay a moment more, if your gonna twist my arm. Just don't twist too hard huh? Like I said, fragile! Honestly though I have enjoyed meeting you. I love making new friends, that is assuming I'm not going on your ignore list? Wouldn't be the first woman I have irritated while trying to entertain."
Hello, FA & FD. I hope you don't mind the intrusion, but the comment about driven snow caught my attention. I believe it refers to freshly fallen snow that has possibly been wind carried. Of course, I live somewhere that id it snowed, it would be a sign on the apocalypse, or the climate finally giving up completely.

And if I may ask, which episode of Buffy are you watching, DA?

Oh yes, perhaps wind-driven so that the fresh snow covers the dirty layer from the previous snow storm. That would make sense. I did live for a number of years in a place where it snowed... a lot.

Buffy.. yes, I'm watching the whole thing from the beginning on Netflix. I'm about midway through season two. Joss Whedon.. I've got this whole crush thing on his imagination.

Point of trivia... after listening to Giles for a few hours, my brain automatically reads male voices in here with a British accent.
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"Heya Marauder, yeah you hit it on the head there. I'm just half asleep."

-Smiling he nods his head to Angel and grins-

"Netflix is a wonderful thing. I never totally got into the Buffy series, I am not huge into TV. Though I suppose the chance to watch Sarah Michelle Gellar dance about in tight shirts is worth it."
Oh yes, perhaps wind-driven so that the fresh snow covers the dirty layer from the previous snow storm. That would make sense. I did live for a number of years in a place where it snowed... a lot.

Buffy.. yes, I'm watching the whole thing from the beginning on Netflix. I'm about midway through season two. Joss Whedon.. I've got this whole crush thing on his imagination.

I have all of Buffy on DVD at home. I must admit to admiring the man's imagination as well. So many ideas have been born from watching something of his and going "Hmmm... I wonder..."
"Heya Marauder, yeah you hit it on the head there. I'm just half asleep."

-Smiling he nods his head to Angel and grins-

"Netflix is a wonderful thing. I never totally got into the Buffy series, I am not huge into TV. Though I suppose the chance to watch Sarah Michelle Gellar dance about in tight shirts is worth it."

Watching Sarah Michelle and Eliza Dushku dancing is well worth seeing - and I mean dancing. ( sighs )