La Chateau d'Ausus

Risky Business, 80's movie with Tom Cruise, he dances in his underwear.. classic. I was alluding to that.
I blink in suprise.

"Oh, might be slightly before my time. Or one of those movies that dosen't interest you when you're a kid. But I'm funny like that." I say and drain the beer before reaching for another.

"Heya Tenko."

*Knocks belatedly as he enters, flips a chair about and sits spread legged across the back.*

"What are we drinking?"
I hand Chronie a beer and laugh as he reads the label

It's a micro-brew from the northwest, not that canadian swill you love so much!
I keep drinking, finishing another beer.

"Microbrew...dosen't matter...alcohol is our friend..." I say off handedly.
"NAh, I'm good, going to a happy place." I say drinking steadily with a smile on my lips finally.
"I Live in the north-west. But I suppose that means I'll have to try."

*Sips and smack lips.*

"It's a good beer. But to quote a great hero. You don't run into a lot fo truly BAD beer."
I chuckle softly.

"I prefer hard liqur myself. But one does what one must." I say raising the beer again.
I smile at the boys and call out for more alcohol.

So what are you two up to tonight?
I laugh softly.

"Well, I need to get a few drinks in me, but I feel pretty good."
What with Antar?

That's Armina's job. And Hairu is good at getting away with things. Don't get to live that old in his line of work if you aren't.
Laughs at both of them

And where did you get Mr. B? Nowhere! And you just behave, Mr. CT.
I continue drinking, slower this time.

"Oh, she always wants proof this one..." I mutter and galnce at Ausus. Then smile over at Minxy.

"Welcome my Helot." I say with a smile of an all together different type.
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I grin at Ausus and arch a brow at Master, smiling before I saunter over and plonk myself down on a couch beside my Beauty.

Soooo how's it going?
Sips at my drink and hugs my girl close. I am great.. nice to see you girly. The boys here are discussing who will best Antar.