Labels Anyone?

Whoo my first double post...

It's not letting me delete it.. pooh.
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Ahhhhhhh, labels...

IMHO, labels tell you absolutely nothing about a person except what you MIGHT see when the door is opened if you knock trying to get to know them better. To divine your own understanding, you must ask questions and clarify that what was said was really what you heard.

Unless you meet other "label wearers" on the same road of understanding, you run the risk of moving away from each other instead of getting together. And the only way to get together is to make sure you understand what is meant when a label is either used by someone for themselves or applied to you.

Of course, this assumes you have your own personal definition of labels that are tossed at you AND are open-minded enough to accept someone else's personal definition without, necessarily, agreeing with it. Without those "labels" and subsequent definitions, how can you possibly negotiate your way into a relationship as life changing as one based on BDSM? Or any relationship for that matter?

Esclava :rose: