Ladies, a moment of your time please

Expertise said:
I'm thinking linen. Cool and comfortable,yet slightly clingy and revealing:rolleyes: while maintaining masculinity. And drawstring tops for easy access/removal.

Damn! Now i'm talking like a cheap slut too.

Oh how I LOVE a man who knows about style!
Yes, linen... drawstring I like it I like it indeed.

(haha... funny mental image of the shirtless jigglo(sp?) in that biggalo male gigglo [dammit how DO you spell that stupid word! ugh] movie haha!)

Have I mentioned that gurus don't wear underwear?
Nope, that's right, we just don't believe in it. You see, underwear just totally gets in the way of our "guru" duties and we just can't have that! nosirrrreeeebob!
Goin' "commando" in my Guru pants. I'll be "out there and lovin it!" Woohoo!

Also avoids those nasty panty/underwear lines.

BTW spelled g-i-g-o-l-o
Expertise said:
Goin' "commando" in my Guru pants. I'll be "out there and lovin it!" Woohoo!

Also avoids those nasty panty/underwear lines.

BTW spelled g-i-g-o-l-o

I knew I could count on YOU to be able to spell that Expertise! ;) ;)

And hey,... who says you get the pants yet? I do believe we are still in the process of "measuring" you for them!
Gurus? pantiless?

*ashamed look*

*taking off her panties*

Sorry..I didn't get the memo. :(
Oh, Puh-leeze, Miss Scarlett. I think you wrote the memo. And as if you would even ever wear panties... EVERYBODY knows you don't even OWN 'em.

"They don't let my cute little snatch breathe" you say. "Plus how could I entertain myself during lengthy court recesses with those oppressive twat masks? Free the great American Beaver!"
Memo Distribution Problems

oh ollie ... i thought you said canadian beavers were best .. oh damn you .. damn you yankee doctors to hell i say ..

ummmmm miss scarlett .. ummm i think i fucked up the distribution of the memo after you dictated it to me .. i am soooooo sorry but monday is a civic holiday and all .. and my mind just kept wandering ...

so if anyone did NOT receive the memo .. please refer to the user's manual on tarty panty procedures .. lol

"no panties" i dunno how i got that screwed up... here i am thinkin it said "up anties" so i pitched another 5 dolla into the office pool (da one where we were bettin if Southern would bend ova in her short lil skirt and prove if she had them rufflely lil bloomers on or not) *grinz*

anyway... was that bet eva decided??? hmmmm those no panty days were only cause you begged. You know I hate to see a grown man beg!

Izzy ~ are slacking on the secretarial skills there. If you don't behave, you will be sentenced to another afternoon under my desk ;)

SK ~ You let me know when the ante gets high enough and I'll be sure to let you have a peek under that dress of mine! :)
Penis Envy???

Ms Hecate, ya might think that would be a good reason for a case of PE...but as a point of fact your envy is misplaced.

In other words, "Just cause we got one of these, doesn't mean we get that kind of attention." I for one am still looking for a woman with the talents of Rosebud, EG, Yourself and the "Peachy" Savage Kitten.

If I ever recieve anything close to the delights referred to here I will most likely retire the little all-star. After that everything else would be disappointing.

I guess you could say I'm a firm believer in quitting while I'm "a-head" eh?
Did you just call me a <gasp> yankee? Thems is fightin' words!

Isabella Thorne said:
oh ollie ... i thought you said canadian beavers were best .. oh damn you .. damn you yankee doctors to hell i say ..

Canadian Beavers ARE mighty fine, sweet Izzy. The American Beaver is becoming an endangered species, I'm afraid, what with the widespread use of "majic" to destroy their natural habitat.

Now, no one has ever accused me of being a rabid environmentalist, but it pains me to see such a marvelous species teetering at the edge of extinction.

Save the Beaver! Viva la Beaver!