Ladies, shove your hands into your panties!!! - part II

Finally remembered to hunt up the photo that I thought would fit the bill here.

Yes! Exactly what we're looking for! Very sensual.
Thank you for this contribution.
The OFFICIAL RULING is: No Rules were broken.

The inferred intent of "Shove your hands into your panties" is "and show us how you pleasure yourself!"

If someone sees, all the better!
Glad you cleared that up thay no rules were broken.
And that was a very exciting time, when I took that picture...
Glad you cleared that up thay no rules were broken.
And that was a very exciting time, when I took that picture...

The thrill of exhibitionism leads to a desire to do it again, to obtain a bigger rush.

Please keep you cell camera handy.
Lucky hand.
Thanks, Todge.
Although I might disagree, as that's the only kind of lucky that it, and I, currently get.

I think we can all agree that that is a pity, bordering on tragedy. A woman in need is an indictment of masculinity. I challenge the men in your area to promptly offer to remedy this.
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