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Just what I was expecting. However, I feel it was a waste to throw away the interesting characters of the Necromongers, and do, essentially, a rehash of pitch black
Just what I was expecting. However, I feel it was a waste to throw away the interesting characters of the Necromongers, and do, essentially, a rehash of pitch black

Right?? I was hoping they would have done more of a balance between the two. Although, even that aside, I still found it a rather enjoyable movie. Especially when he just starts calling out his death sequences.
Ender's Game - not too great and it didn't even come close to the book. almost sorry I watched it because it was such a let down for me. the book is one of my all-time favs!
Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters...

pretty cool kids flick... my nieces and nephews loved it... so... bonus :D
Y. P. F. An independent movie from Canada. If you've seen it you know what Y.P.F. represents! Check it out!
The square

A documentary about the revolutions in Egypt in 2011, from the view of the revolutionaries, quite superb.