Lesbians kissing at BallGame sparks controversy

We in Europe are working our way through the ratification of the Lisbon Treaty.
Ireland had their vote on it last week and voted NOT to ratify.
The UK were promised a vote by bliar but thats been renaged on by brown. Other countries now look as though there will be dissent.
When the EU was an elite group of 11 countries, it was keen to band to gether and make a lot of rules, laws etc universal. Now that the EU has expanded to include countries so far from the traditional group, we have realised that a "one size fits all" treaty isnt workable.

Example .....Turkey are soooo keen to join yet they dont understand some basics about human life in a first world state. Having sex with 11 year old girls isnt acceptable, its sex abuse and is a crime under EU law, yet to them its an everyday occurence.
For that and many other reasons i dont think they are fit to join and thats down to cultural differences, so lumping us all together isnt suitable.

That is why its hard to lump the United States together as a whole. When people ask us where we are from we always identify as a resident of our states or our cities. We rarely just say I'm from the USA. I don't even think about myself as an American until I talk to people outside the states. My state as a whole is still got some backwater idea's but they are coming around to giving all people equal rights slowly but surely. Ohio is the 35th state in size and I think 7th in population and we get a bigger say in what happens in Washington DC then other places but our say is still very minimal at best. Thats why nothing ever gets done in washington because there are over 400 representatives and 100 senators. Then a president that can veto a law just because he doesn't agree with it when something does get through. Not to mention everyone is worried about pleasing the masses to get reelected instead of doing things they know are right.

Things will change here but you've got to remember like its been said we have 50 states covering a lot of ground and 300+ million citizens its hard to make any change rapidly but when we do make changes they are most always for the better.
Tymeless, do me a favour and NEVER use The Jante Law at me again, or I will pummel you to the ground with the Anti Jante Law. The Jante Law was named by Axel Sandemose, but it is a universal law. And the warning is to all, who will try to use it at me.
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Tymeless, do me a favour and NEVER use The Jante Law at me again, or I will pummel you to the ground with the Anti Jante Law. The Jante Law was named by Axel Sandemose, but it is a universal law. And the warning is to all, who will try to use it at me.

oh, just shut the fuck up.
oh, just shut the fuck up.

what was it again :) ? oh yeah the freedom of speech. Oh I forgot, it was one of the amendments in constitution of the United States of America.

Well, I neither use, the Jante Law (on purpose anyway) and neither the anti version of it. But if I am forced into using it, then I know I will use it to its full extend. But in reality, I accept people are smarter than me, and knows a shitload more than me. But then again, I know a lot in other areas, where they know nothing. But I am not out on purpose and bashing people in the head with any kind of book. If I am not forced out to do it. Because the circumstances. Tymeless, said. That I had no idea, about what good was happening in USA about anti discrimination laws and so forth. But that is a lie, since I knew about that law. Heck I think I read about here last year, and then she began rambling about other stuff I knew too. But she said I had no effing idea, what was going on in USA. And that is not true. I have friends in USA, who tells me what is happening over there, and I read both Denmarks Radios which is the most true Danish news site. Even though the Government last year tried to miss credit them. In a few cases about some documentaries which were extremely critical at the government, but the Danish journalist committee/board give the symbolic finger to the government. And said that DR was true in those two cases, except two MINOR parts. But that was nothing, and DR said a public apology about that.

And I do read international news stuff too, such as Associated Press, and BBC news. And so forth, so me shutting up ? not in this lifetime.
Heck, this reminds me about some dumbass, doubted me back years ago. because I used Danish sources and he didn´t understand Danish, so he said I was lying and other stuff. But do you know what ? the sources were DR. So puulease give me a bloody break.
you are such a little troll. fine, you're an expert on america and american politics. yippy. now fuck off and have fun jerking off to your second hand knowledge about shit you know nothing about.
you are such a little troll. fine, you're an expert on america and american politics. yippy. now fuck off and have fun jerking off to your second hand knowledge about shit you know nothing about.

A troll ? my goodness, that is the first time I have been called that. Thanks for reminding me of that. I will write that behind my ear, so I can use it some other time. But it seems to me, that most trolls post in the General board , and I took quick search through your postings, and it seems to me you post there more than I do. But then again it has taken you quite a few years to get the 8+ thousand posts. But I do not normally post without thinking what I am going to write. And calling me a troll is in reality a hit and miss comment. Since I don´t trawl threads. But it seems to me, you are baiting on my replies which makes me more an angler, than a trawler. And no I am not an expert on American politics, but I do follow what is going on around the world. And one of my interests are what is going on in USA. Because I have friends over there, and some of those are members which posts here on this part of the board. So what is going in USA concerns me.
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Tymeless, do me a favour and NEVER use The Jante Law at me again, or I will pummel you to the ground with the Anti Jante Law. The Jante Law was named by Axel Sandemose, but it is a universal law. And the warning is to all, who will try to use it at me.

Tell me when and where I said I was better then anyone, because I'm pretty sure I didn't.

And I'm pretty certain my last reply was to someone else and not you. Wolfie at one time I considered you a friend and an Ally and I may even still call you a friend but now I see you as nothing more then someone who likes to get upset and cuss about things instead of just taking it easy. I know in the past I tended to get upset about the she-male thing but I'm even chilling out on that.

My entire point in all this and how this thread has gotten way off topic is that you need not lump our entire country together as one big anti-glbt establishment. I'm done trying to argue with you about this because you seem to not get the entire point of what i've been saying.

Wolfie do me a favor just take it easy on the USA bashing because you sure the hell don't see me bashing your country. We have our problems in the USA you have your problems in your country. England has its problems. Japan has its problems as well. We in the USA will take care of our problems but the thing is someone over in Denmark can't change things here and bashing us won't help anything but make someone like me upset for my country being lumped all together as one anti-glbt establishment.
Tymeless: I don´t see the whole USA as an anti GLBT area, and I applaud those who fight for the right for those in that area over there. What you feel about me socalled bashing USA, is what I feel every day I walk around here.
But I do not curse randomly, and second of all the first post which had a strange grammatical error which is corrected now by me. Showed that it is not uncommon over there what is going on. And it saddens me when hell breaks loose, then it is always the GLBT that gets the biggest kicking.
You said to me, that I had no idea bla bla bla (do I have to repeat myself ?).
You see me as a friend, well I have seen you for quite a while as a nuisance to be honest about it. So let us get it out in the open, DK is not rosy red at all, there are things I would love to change here too. And what I would love to change would have some great benefits for the GLBT area in DK. But I can´t , and that saddens me a lot. And USA has always been a multi cultural boiling pot, but at the moment too much of the stew has gone over the brink of pot.
And now is throwing to me innocent people in jail. And that is what you call a democracy, well it is NOT a democracy so let us not go into that discussion.

So Tymeless, to be perfectly clear, I do not curse randomly, I just use the more colourful words too. Meaning I do NOT only say pooh and pee. I sometimes need to stick my hands down in a cow patty and say what it smells like, and the smell is not a nice smell. if I slip in a pile of urine then I know it doesn´t smell of roses. And if I hurt myself while I am so unlucky slipping in the urine, then the word urine is no longer needed. But a more fitting word , which I am not going to type now. But I do hope you get my point.

And no I do NOT bash USA, I get extremely angry at the bad things in America, and not the good things. I do love the good American people I meet, but I most say I am definitely not fond of those who can´t behave.
Some people would or could call it a love/hate relationship to USA, but that is untrue. In reality it is my concern and caring about the good stuff in America that makes me so defensive . Which looks like a bashing, when it is not.

Shemale ?

Well you see, I do not have time for that "fun" now adays. I am out and having lovely debates with people that I care about.
Eh, I was raised by straight parents, my best friends' uncle was gay. When I asked what that meant my mom told me "Well, he likes boys like most boys like girls." Visa versa for lesbians. And my mom is a born and raised OK, raised me in TX AND we went to church lol She never made it weird or anything. It just was. She let me make up my own mind over everything.

I guess I just don't understand why an explanation like that is so hard to give a kid. It's honest and you don't have to explain sex to them. Hell, you can just say "Well, sweety, they just love each other very much." You don't NEED to go into full detail with kids.

Blech, parents can be so paranoid with their children. Chances are they're going to have gay friends in school, might as well not make it into an issue so early in life lol

Although, I do have to say, doesn't getting mad over people being ignorant help them feel validated in their opinions? EG, pay attention to a little kid throwing a tantrum he's going to think throwing a tantrum works?

My opinion, what little it matters lol
Sirbrina and a female date where at a Mariners Game and they decided to kiss, just like anyone of us would if we had a date. Well apparently a woman complained to an usher about the kiss. She was worried about how parents would have to explain to their kids why two females were kissing.

Kids they're just very good friends....End of story.

One of the toughest manliest men I know recently was at the beach with his family. Many gay and lesbian couples were there holding hands.

His daughter asked why men were holding hands...and the reply was simple. They're holding hands for safety. To that my friend's daughter ask if she could hold his hand...end of story.

They're kids and though they may not understand what it is to be gay they can be tolerant. Me personally I don't care and unless you're going to tell some guy not to kiss his girlfriend at the game well let people do what they want.

You don't like it...ignore it. Bothers you and your family well ask yourself why?

lol...I have dinner with a fellow writer from time to time and he is gay. A mutual friend once asked jokingly if I was worried about what people would think. I replied, "probably that I could do better."

There is alot of behavior that you might not like people doing so simply don't waste your time with it. You don't have to embrace how some people live, but unless they're somehow violating your rights just ignore it.

As to the Seattle ball club...try working on the baseball and keep in mind gay people by tickets too.