Let's hear about your first time with your current/last partner...

It was 2 years ago on Feb 14. I was at her house(She lived with her parents) we were having sex on her couch when we heard he grandmother pull up. We were completley naked and I have no idea how I got clothes on in the 5 seconds it took her to get from her car to the house. Somehow I managed to and we didnt get caught in the act. Somehow she didnt notice the still raging hardon I had in my pants. She knew we were fucking but she never did prove it.

P.S. Ya, its been 2 years since Ive had sex. I thought I could live with it at first, but now Im pretty sure Im going insane. No joke.
my SO and i have had many "first" encounters.... i was still a virgin when i started going out with her two years ago....

First Hickey - less than a month
Her first grope - less than a month
First french kiss - 2 months (yes i know it's strange but we like to kiss other places much more :) )
etc. etc. you get the idea

But when we finally broke me was very recently (she'd been waiting until after i was 18 i guess.... but it was sweet)

I'd slept over her house the night before (neither of our parents know about us so they don't mind sleepovers lol and besides her sister sleeps in the same room so it sucks) and we'd done our usual bout of snuggling the entire night and good morning kisses so we were both happy (her sister had gone downstairs already it was around 9:30/10ish)

She had been laying there just stroking my back and watching me before she started to really play, she kissed me deeply and teased my breasts trailed her hands and tongue all over... she stroked me and teased me...then, when she was sitting between my legs she paused and moved so she was parallel to me and whispered "Can i... Can i go farther?" i knew she wasn't talking about anything other than breaking me... i gave her the ok and she teased me back to where i was before that and used her fingers to break me... it didn't hurt nearly as much as i'd expected it to (though i did bleed) and she felt wonderful...

...just remembering it is giving me the shivers *happy sigh*....
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