Lies and Consequences

Was I being forceful? Yes, but what alternative did I have. I liked this girl, she was young, cute and just the right mix of submissive, shy and sexy, all tangled into a cute little package I craved to unwrap. I did not have the luxury of slowly seducing, asking for her number and then moving ahead more boldly next time. It was tonight or nothing, and nothing wasn’t acceptable.

Perhaps that was what made me speak so honestly and boldly, yes I wanted to take her to bed, and if she wasn’t interested in that, if even the voicing of that expectation made her pull back, I had to move on. This eagle had one night to land!

The kiss had been good, very good. How her body melted, how her breasts and pebbled nipples felt against my chest, how her tongue seemed both playful and hungry, so I had laid the proposition out there, as clearly as I possibly could.

Your words were sweet but telling. I couldn’t help but smile and give you a wink. “Yes, you can break, but how about we keep it to a single game and then move our play elsewhere. And no pretty lady, I have no intentions to break your heart, or any other part of you, however bending, stretching ….” Another wink, “….that’s a different story.”

I had to kiss you one more time, even longer, even more romantic and lingering than the last. I could feel this deal closing and I couldn’t wait to commence the celebration. “When we’re done is there anything you need to get or anyone you need to talk to, before we leave?”

When you finally did go to break, bending lover I came up behind you, gripping your hips… my crotch just lightly brushing your ass, my fingers more massaging than squeezing. Chuckling before letting go and stepping back, “I just wanted to give us both something to look forward to…. Break ‘em!”
"Yes, you can break, but how about we keep it to a single game and then move our play elsewhere? And no pretty lady, I have no intentions to break your heart, or any other part of you, however bending, stretching ... that’s a different story."

Before I could answer, he was kissing me again. I didn't care about playing pool. I was too busy melting. He spoke as if we were leaving again, and my insides quivered like sweet jelly, but then the next thing that I knew I was lining up a shot at the table. I must have been so drunk off my ass. He was pressed up behind me with his hands on my waist. My concentration was non-existent. I took my shot and scuffed it, the white ball rolling slowly to crack the triangle of balls and barely scatter them.
I had no interest in pool either, but as she bent over to take her shot, and I could move behind her, I couldn’t smile at how when her legs were straight and bent over like that, just how incredible she looked. “Maybe we’ll see who breaks whose heart tonight?” I teased.

When you scuffed the ball, another chuckle. “Oh, I’m sorry, did I distract you?” Fuck I was hard, I knew my voice had a gravel of pure desire. You were young, a bit drunk, bendy and my mind was running wild. It was all the incentive I needed.

I’m not sure I’ve ever played better, we were playing 8 ball and I somehow ran the table, in the process making a couple of combinations and even pulling off a Masse shot, for only the second time in my life. It is amazing what a man is capable of when he really, really needs to get laid.

As the 8 ball went into the corner pocket, I smiled sheepishly, “Lucky I guess… can we get out of her now?” I could see the eyes watching us, her friends who probably hoped I hadn’t hustled you for money. I might have hustled, but not for money. Also, I was hoping in this little game, there really didn’t have to be a loser.

Coming up behind you, my hand again finding the small of your back, I only whispered, hopefully so no one could hear, “God I want you…” And then a bit louder, “What do you need before we go?”
Richard knocked all the balls down in a blur. One of his shots even seemed to curve, either that or I was so drunk that I was seeing things. I only had two or three more turns. I scored one ball into the pocket by fluke but then I also embarrassingly sank the white ball once.

"Lucky I guess," he said, but before I could protest his luck for skill he spoke again. "Can we get out of her now?"

I was beginning to think that he seriously wanted to take me home with him. The next thing that I knew, his arm was around me.

"God I want you. What do you need before we go?"

A hot shiver ran up from my pussy, through my chest and left my through a heaving breath.

"Remy!" It was Nat. She walked up to me smiling, took my hand and eased me free. "I need you to come with me, she said. Then she turned to Richard. "Excuse us just a minute," she winked.

I gave Richard an apologetic look over my shoulder as she dragged me past our table. She grabbed her purse and taking the hint I grabbed mine too and we went off to the ladies' room.

There were all kinds of shuffling and voices and chatter bouncing off the tiles. Some drunk girl was in one of the stalls talking on her phone, slurring and laughing as two others preened before the mirror.

"You okay?" Nat asked.

"I'm fine," I dismissed.

"You're blushing," she eyed me coyly.


"You want him?" she asked me. I froze, unable to keep the nervous grin from my lips. "It's all right," she said. "I'm just making sure that you're okay with this."

"I think so," I said meekly. There was so much attention on me, first Richard's and now Nat's. It made me a bit jumpy but also very warm inside. For once everything was about me.

"He is pretty hot," she admitted. "Look, if you're gonna have fun use this," she said and reached into her purse to pull out a strip of three condoms and drop it into mine. Here I had been worrying about how my friends might judge me and suddenly I had Nat's stamp of approval to go get laid.

Nat exited the ladies' room first. I followed a little behind her, moving slower. She picked up her cocktail from the table and cheered with Shae. As they began chattering, a snuck around behind and grabbed my black satin jacket from the back of the chair that it hung from. Then I swung it over my shoulders as I made my way along the wall by the pool tables looking for Richard.
As I saw her friend come up, all I could think was “Danger Will Robinson…” As I felt we were just at the point of heading out, and the last thing I needed was a friend looking out for my conquest.

“Of course, take your time, I’ll be waiting…” As there was little doubt of the conversation likely taking place ..

“Are you sure you want to leave with this guy, we don’t know him and he… he’s old… he’s going to want … YOU!” Okay those likely weren’t the exact words, but if her friend had a brain in her head, that was the likely message, but in a way that was good, that way if Remy did come back it was as if she had signed a release, I was free to do all the things I had been thinking of doing for her since I had first offered to buy a drink.

I really did feel like a bit of a wolf, but what choice did I have, this was a one night hall pass, one night to return to the scene of some of the best nights of my life and relive the revelry of a life before a wife and child.

Did I feel guilt, yes, well probably, but there was this internal desperation I could not disavow.

If I’d actually known the conversation that was taking place, the teasing accusation and the plea of guilt without saying a word, and the seal of approval of my assumed judge including the gift of condoms, I would have been far less nervous.

First the friend came out, a carefree smile on her face, then you who seemed to be already taking the walk of shame and I hadn’t even done anything to shame you yet, but well, we both knew the inevitable.

God you moved sexy, even when a bit wobbly and drunk you cute little body and tight young ass, ‘Mmmmm…” I thought while instinctively licking my lips. I had moved a bit, and you didn’t seem to see me, but I saw you, no longer talking to friends but moving to gather your jacket and purse, the decision was made and we were leaving together.

“Everything okay?” It was more polite than curious as I came up from behind you, and put my arm around your waist, already moving toward the door.

“Im at the Four Seasons …” I said which meant we were less than a block from our destination. You seemed to melt into my arms and I was hoping you were a bit drunk but not too drunk. The door man opened the door and I saw the look in the eye, as we clearly weren’t the same age, but that didn’t mean we weren’t a couple.

There was an elegant, quiet bar to the left, elevators straight ahead, the front desk down to the far right. “Would you like to stop at teh bar, or we could use the bar in my room and … relax up there….” I never slowed at the bar, but would turn if you requested… however I was really hoping you were as ready to get upstairs as I was!