Like many of you, I'm not a fan of the "1" vote!

1 one for the '1" bandits


Well, add me to the club. Got my first burn. I don't anyone would post anything that deserved to be slammed with a "1". Hope the major EGO got off doing it. Real cowardly thing when you don't bother to tell the writer what's wrong with the poem.


I wonder if the attacker is done with you and all the prowl for new meat. I've been hit hard today. :(


Well, sorry you've been attacked, but in another way, you've just officially joined the Lit-Poets club. The whole TopList, with a few notable exceptions, has taken a major beating in the last few weeks. So, there's an upside, right? You're in good company--in with the "old" crowd!

Oh, and honey chile', I know you know how to spell. ;)

Eventually, I hope we're able to out the "one bomber." I'm almost certain that it's someone who posts here. It's awfully regimented--the general dip started a while back, and has been remarkably consistent. And, it repeats. I've been getting an across-the-board "one vote" once a day, every day. That right there is real dedication. Who would bother? Neither me, not the other writers, are important enough to invest that kind of energy in unless there's something to gain, right? So, I'm thinking that, sickeningly enough, it's another writer.

Sometimes people make me ill.

be more concerned with the feedback and the # of votes and view. if a lot of people are viewing, it means a lot of people are talking and reccomending...btw i can't spell


I had some ask me why I called him 'chilli'. Cracked me up that he didn't know the term of endearment. My bad that I didn't think you would know. LOL

Well, if it's a writer that's damn petty. Doesn't this person have something better to do like write maybe? Damn, can't stand playa haters.

So what other benies come with being in the club? :)


THE BOMBER GOT ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In fact got me many, many times on several of my stories, at one point sending me from number 1 to number 7 in two votes (if I remember correctly). I have been trying not to let it get to me, especially when I have been getting such wonderful feedback sent to me. If not for the feedback, I would sincerely doubt that my writing was very good and would probably stop sending anything. I sincerely hope that something is done about this person, or persons and I definitely like abashed-dreamers concepts.

Anyway thanks for letting me get rid of some steam.
Bomb this

In fact got me many, many times on several of my stories, at one point sending me from number 1 to number 7 in two votes (if I remember correctly). I have been trying not to let it get to me, especially when I have been getting such wonderful feedback sent to me. If not for the feedback, I would sincerely doubt that my writing was very good and would probably stop sending anything.

*****ST, let's see this is your first post, but you've been abused on the Top Lists and getting great feedback. Hmmmmm.

Is this a case of multiple user names?



I have only used The Story Teller as my user name for the stories that I have written.


The Story Teller
3: A Number Worse than 1

A plague curse the number 3!!!

Oh, the cowardly indecisiveness!
Wretched smug digit sitting snug in the center of attention.
And for what use?!

I wouldn't vote a 3 on the story of my worst enemy.
But that doesn't have anything to do with what you guys are talking about with you malicious 1-bomber. That sucks. So I thought I'd exploit the opportunity to rant about the number I hate. Hee.
Personal Opinion........

I think anyone who even writes poetry deserves at the very least a two. And so I then go up from there. :)

Poetry is far more difficult to do than anyone realizes. I write alot of stories. (Maybe they're not the best **

**See Story Discussion Mrs. Doubtfire

But.........I've written very few poems mainly because I think they are far more difficult to convey the thought, the purpose, and the intent...and still have it considered a poem.

So I admire those who write poetry, enjoy reading it, and have never given a one...nor will I to any poem I've read unless its so utterly bad I can't stand it. And I've yet to find one posted here like that yet.

And speaking of poems....(lol).

I still have two poems that haven't gotten the infamous (ten) vote requirement to make the list of poems to be read yet. So if you haven't read...voted, Thesandman would greatly appreciate it. can even vote a (1) if you want to. Just getting the ten vote minimum would be worth the poor rating.

To sleep.......perchance to dream - William Shakespear

I remain.........
A couple of thoughts

Thanks Abashed-Dreamer for telling me what the Hot thing actually means. I'm sure it's in a FAQ somewhere, but I'm lazy (too lazy, even, to ask!).

I can safely say that I've never given anyone a 1 for a story or poem. (Poetry's not really my "bag" so I don't read much of it, but that aside I've never read anything bad enough for a 1.) I think I've given a 5 once, but I have stringent requirements for a 5. It's got to wind me up in a good way, but not wind me up with stupid gramatical and punctuation errors. (I'm stringent here about that, you wouldn't believe how peeved I get when I buy a book with errors in it!)

I have read a story I would happily have given a 1 to, a while back, and not on Literotica. It was the kind of story written by someone named BIFF. Awful language structure, no plot, no story, no dictionary. I believe the correct Americanism is "eeuw!"

All this said, I think I've fallen victim to the 1-voter myself and it's no fun to watch a story sliding down the chart for no obvious reason. All the feedback you get is positive, but the vote goes down. I was just glad to see that a week later the story had clawed its way back up and seems to be hanging in there.

What are the Views figures like for poetry? I'm not sure how accurate they are, or how many members Literotica has, but the idea that 16000 people have read something I've written is quite a high.
Over the last year and a half I must have voted on hundreds of stories and poems - it just seems good manners to click in the vote box after reading.

I have give a few 5's, a lot of 4's and 3's, very, very few 2's and I can't ever remember giving a 1. If I hate something that bad I won't vote at all.

A 2 has to be pretty bad. Luckily, most of the writers here don't deserve such low marks.

It seems to me that voting '1' for anything is a political act and has nothing at all to do with the story. It is sad that there are folks who get so riled up about things to feel the need to be political over erotica!
