lilfrk needs our support

cym - Thank you that is Great news!! I'm so happy for lilfrk and her daughter.

Now I'm doing the Happy Dance ... those are great news!!! Thank you for keeping us up to date, cym.

And lilfrk, when you read this: I'm gfete - grinning from ear to ear!
I have no words for any of you other than Thank You, I love you all for your e-mails.

We are home, getting things straightened around so that we can rest and relax together tomorrow.

This has been the longest 2 weeks ever.

Thank you all again from the bottom of my heart.

lilfrk said:
I have no words for any of you other than Thank You, I love you all for your e-mails.

We are home, getting things straightened around so that we can rest and relax together tomorrow.

This has been the longest 2 weeks ever.

Thank you all again from the bottom of my heart.


I am happy to read of your good news. I hope you will keep us apprised of your little girl's condition.
I'm so happy for you and your family that the news is good news....
Welcome home and thank you for including us in both your fear and joy.

Lots of hugs for your little daughter
Phew !

I'm glad to hear your daughter is on the mend likfrk :)

Oh, and *bump*
Gosh -- I wish I'd seen this thread when I got home yesterday!

Lilfrk -- of course you don't know me because I'm new here. But I'm sending my thoughts to you and your family. :rose:

Persephone :rose:
I know of you Persephone, I lurk at lot and post a little.

Thank you all again so very much.

Devin seems to be back to her old 8 year old self. Reading, coloring and torturing the cat. She's eating and drinking again which I'm grateful for since she didn't for almost 2 weeks.

The funny thing about little kids is, they get sick fast and they get better fast. We are all just happy that she's better.
lilfrk said:
I know of you Persephone, I lurk at lot and post a little.

Thank you all again so very much.

Devin seems to be back to her old 8 year old self. Reading, coloring and torturing the cat. She's eating and drinking again which I'm grateful for since she didn't for almost 2 weeks.

The funny thing about little kids is, they get sick fast and they get better fast. We are all just happy that she's better.

That is fanstastic!

I'm so happy your daughter is on the mend....hope she continues to improve by leaps and bounds!!!

lilfrk said:
I know of you Persephone, I lurk at lot and post a little.

Thank you all again so very much.

Devin seems to be back to her old 8 year old self. Reading, coloring and torturing the cat. She's eating and drinking again which I'm grateful for since she didn't for almost 2 weeks.

The funny thing about little kids is, they get sick fast and they get better fast. We are all just happy that she's better.

*Thank you* lilfrk! :)

I'm so happy to here she's on the mend. Hopefully you're beginning to recover from the stress of the situation. Must have taken an incredible toll on you. But I'm sure the best recovery for you -- is just to see her better.

And wow, did you say the truth there about little kids! My niece who's 7 is the same way. In her little life she's been rushed to the hospital more than once. Been on IV's for a few days. All because an ear infection can suddenly turn into something so serious she'll reach a dangerous dehydration point. Or something else along those lines. And a few days later -- she's all better and rushing around being a fashion plate again, or terrorizing the neighborhood on her bike, lol.

Children can be so fragile -- and so amazingly resilient. But no matter what -- they are one of life's greatest joys.

Anyway, I'll add my voice here in saying that I'm so glad to hear your good news. :rose:

P. :rose:

I just returned home from the long weekend and i'm so glad that the news is good. I'm sure you've given your daughter so many hugs that she's sick of them, but give her another just because.

Take all the time you need to recover, i know you must be mentally and emotionally exhausted. We'll be here chearing when you can return.

I'm glad everything is okay ally! Had I known sooner I would have sent my love. Glad everything turned out for the best.

I am here for you no matter what hun, don't forget that!

If you ever need a shoulder to lean on just flip on aim and i'll support you 110%.

Lets all drink one to good health tonight!