Lit' Awards

Lauren Hynde said:
It may be funny for you, but try explaining that to your girlfriend! :D
Hmm, yeah, I can see how that might be just a tad bit of a problem.

/Ice - who once was mistakenly served a lawsuit for alimony payments... guess if that freaked me out. :rolleyes:
Icingsugar said:
. . .
/Ice - who once was mistakenly served a lawsuit for alimony payments... guess if that freaked me out. :rolleyes:
Years ago, while a bachelor, and hungover. I was awakened very early one Christmas morn to a most cheerful female voice shouting in my ear, "Merry Christmas and congratulations! You're a brand new daddy! It's a bouncing baby boy!"
She didn't even apologize when she learned it was a wrong number. :(
Re: Re: Lit' Awards

Linbido said:
If my candidate of choice is already mentioned (and she is), I can stfu, and await some voting later, right?
I talked to Laurel about this and seems like we had it wrong. The way the nominations are whittled down to four or five has to do, firstly, with how many times someone or some submission is nominated.

Right now there are 12 nominations for 12 different poets, so this should be interesting. :D
It doesn't sound that interesting as far as the other category I'm nominated* is concerned, but hey...

*Most Literary -- Genre Transcending Story :hint-hint:
Bumpin this one back up to the top.

Since the nominations are finished and it's time to vote .

Congratulations to everyone who was nominated for special and/or for best in category awards!!

Good luck!! May the poetic force be with you.;)
Re: Bumpin this one back up to the top.

*Catbabe* said:
Since the nominations are finished and it's time to vote .

Congratulations to everyone who was nominated for special and/or for best in category awards!!

Good luck!! May the poetic force be with you.;)

Thanks Cat, thank you all for thinking of me, but mostly best of luck to all. We all deserve to win--those nominated and those not. :) In truth, I think the real winner is this forum, which has seen such an influx of talented writers in the past six months. Happy to be here. Happy to know you all.

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While I realize I am terribly late about these things (I'm only now settled back in my apartment WITH telephone service) I thought this should not go uncommented upon:

PS: Thank you WE for your kind words,
but I don't see how I could ever be called influential when my Muse is dead.
Annoying yes - but influential??

Well, Rybka, if you had not posted a spinner selection of mine some months ago while I was living in Rome I, most likely, would not have gotten back on this forum at that time. Seeing as that later propelled me to write a number of poems...

While I have not yet checked the selections availble for voting - you, at the least, get a heartfelt thank you from me for your influential presence here.

Thank you, Rybka.
