Lit Writer's Block errr Posting Block

Aw shucks, I always enjoy reading your posts, MissT. I appreciate how you bring different ideas to the threads in a way that sparks quality discussion.

I wasn't talking about you :D

There are some great threads on the Talk board that receive highly disproportionate numbers of 'views' compared to the number of posted replies. Sure, there are some that have nothing to add, or simply don't wish to respond. But I also think some may be afraid to leave their thoughts. On the flip side, we have many wonderful people that contribute regularly. I enjoy the fact that they take the time to share their thoughts freely. The boards wouldn't be the same without them.

The ability to share thought freely ... perhaps that's where I was headed.

Freedom of Speech. I often wonder if involvement in D/s might keep some of us from speaking freely. Is it proportionate to the general population? Dominants seem to have no problem speaking their mind. Do some submissives hold back because they fear displeasing their dominant or master? Do some dominants discourage independent thought, or prohibit their submissive from sharing on the boards if their views are not the same? Does your chosen role in the D/s lifestyle affect your freedom of speech? If so, to what extent?

For some, the fact that they are dominant or submissive seems to have no bearing on their sharing of thought.

*edit* I have posed this question on the Talk thread along with a poll.
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Posting block?

Well, I've got it today

Although sometimes, I'll be reading through a thred and say that someone else -- often several others -- will have already said what's on my mind.

I should be able to go on... but just can't:confused:
Re: Posting block?

I too have this happen with my posting habits. On the carefree days I feel like I have something to say. The rest of the time I clam up.
MissTaken said:
Do you ever get "writer's block" when on the forums?

I have it.

I am here, read some great discussions and may even start to reply, but for some reason, I hit the back button. I can't seem to tie up the reply or I read it and it doesn't make sense.


So, anyway, I am here, reading and lurking, but not posting a lot.

Hi everyone!


"Better to remain quiet and be thought the fool than speak and remove all doubt."

Some nights I have trouble putting my thoughts in perfect form. But I view posts more as discussion rather than writing a finished product. So you sound stupid, work it out as you go.