Long Necked Crane

Angeline said:
We should have a giraffe sonnet challenge. (We'd be the only ones to do it, lol.)

LOL...I think you might be right there.

Everyone else might have fun watching the madness though;)
*Catbabe* said:
LOL...I think you might be right there.

Everyone else might have fun watching the madness though;)

cat, my love, i think they'd be laughing at us. :D

(and ee? are you asking me if i think you're unbalanced? anyway, i can't answer here--lauren imed me and told us to stop being publically pervy, lol.) :kiss:
Angeline said:
cat, my love, i think they'd be laughing at us. :D

(and ee? are you asking me if i think you're unbalanced? anyway, i can't answer here--lauren imed me and told us to stop being publically pervy, lol.) :kiss:

Laughing at us in a good way, I'm sure;) :p :kiss:

Hmmm, is Lauren not feeling well?;) :devil:
*Catbabe* said:
Laughing at us in a good way, I'm sure;) :p :kiss:

Hmmm, is Lauren not feeling well?;) :devil:

Ha! She's just jealous cause we're not perving on her. Cmere Lauren baby. :kiss:
Lauren Hynde said:
*chuckles* Stop that you too. You'll get me into some kind of trouble. I just know it. :D

PS: Giraffe sonnets?

For us to get you into trouble, you would have to get outta trouble in the first place...:p ;)

Yes, giraffe sonnets...don't tell me you have never read one before?:D :devil:
Softlead said:
[. . .] As far as "letting the door hit me where the good lord split ya". There are 2 kinds of people in this world, those who know what a "yellow-brill" is and those that don't. [. . .]Softlead
Thank you for focusing on what was said in haste rather than the apology that followed my words. I noticed you still haven't explained what a yellow-brill is. Thank you again for reminding me that sometimes people tend to be overly sensitive and judgemental when asked a simple question. I knew you must have used pome deliberately, you repeated it enough for it not to be a typo. But, "yellow-brilled longneck crane" appears only once in the poem and I was truly curious as to what that is. Your willingness to enlighten me is very educational. Thank you again.