looking for a masturbation partner :)

Try my wife ...

Hey, try my wife, she may be up for it.

Remail if interested and I'll give you the URL of our homepage.
Then you can contact her through there.

She is a gorgeous real Redhead (!) from Texas ...

I attached her pic.

Hope to her from you soon,

(April &) Eric
yes, women do respond

Not very often, but women do respond, and when they do..woo hoo.
OK ladies, I can speak from experience here

He is YUMMY. I have been emailing with him for months and he writes the most erotic stories, is very very sexy, and knows just what a woman wants/needs. And he has become my very good friend--along with a couple other sweet guys here in Lit Land.

Being that I have my luv WC (and I luv him more and more each day) I have to pass him up to all you lucky girls. Trust me if you want to get off, or just meet a really special guy you dont need to look any further. He is very sweet and very fun. Dont let this one get away ladies.

Being that I have voyeur/exhibitionist tendencies, I hope some of you will share your wonderful experiences... ;) but understand if you would rather keep them private :p
thank you

thanks luv2tvl69. But I think I am just hopeless. no responses at at all. but thanks for trying for me. Maybe u are just stuck with me? I sure dont mind being stuck with you. lol.