Looking for your favorite STORY! or a small SURVEY

I came here for the stories and stayed to dance and wander about. I slipped into the chat room one day and a cookie was made and baked. I wandered again and found the BB and was entertained and frosting added decided to stay.. I still read the stories and I love the folks. I have even gotten to know one or two on a personal level. It is a great site and the stories are wonderful. I am one happy cookie!!!! GGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRR snarl with fangs dripping for a bite of monkey...
Oh, did you see that? The poor little monkey didn't stand a chance...

Gingerbaby, I happen to think you kick ass..

..But I have NO idea what your last post meant. *slow blink*
Roger Simian said:
These are the ones I really enjoyed:

Posted in last few days:

*Dance Partner - BluesmanII
*Fucking Tony - Jezebel
*Lustful in the Library - Jade
*Rescue (parts 1&2) - High Peaks
*Querella's Smile - Flagg

Jeepers Creepers Rog! Do you want to be my publicist? Thanks for the plug.

Roger Simian said:

*20th Anniversary - High Peaks
*Neighbor - Fever
*Morgan - Thall

Another one! Checks in the mail.:)
It should be pointed out here that the writers work fucken hard and long hours to supply the site and all us dudes with free stories. Having read the top 20 stories and more, they do a hell of a good job. Did I say for free. Well fuck, then let me shout it, FOR FREE! And I don't think that they need pricks like the one above making fun of those efforts. If I was the system operator here, I would wrap your fingers guy and send you packing! I don't care if you smart ass with me ( ... no I'll kick your ass anyway), but whispersecret gives us all good stories. I have been on many boards and newsgroups and nothing matches this place. So think about it DICK HEAD before you start hitting on an author. Whisper you keep going babe... I love your stuff. Well told you I was not to socially skillful. And here is the top 20 listed by Hullo_nurse ! I like nurses.

Authors on the top 20 list:
Tawny T
Dixon Carter Lee
Fanta C
Jane T. Rolly
S. Joel Philips
G.H. Lawrence
The Midnight Lurker
Mark Anthony

My hats off to all of them and bald head showing. So lets show a little appreciation to these people. Unlike the DICK HEAD above they can sure write!

OM: Blessings of the state, blessings of the masses.
End honey I know I made no sense but you see I had just had my brain drained by a alien named pluto. He made me ride that rocket so many times I had shaken baby syndrome. Funny thing is he kept telling me he was a dental floss tycoon....
I wander away humming "why don't you fill me up buttercup"