Looking to form a group of similar guys for friendship and fun

I like it. Fill most of the boxes. I have had some interesting experiences, both erotic and humorous, that would be exciting to relate.
I thought it would be iteresting to see if there is a group of members like me who would be interested in forming a smaller and more intimate circle. I am think it would be for:

1) People 50 and older, because we operate at a different speed than the younger members and often have ED issues.
2) Closetted bi-sexuals because we face different challenges and restrictions than open members.
3) Married with family (or was married with family) as that introduces an important and common shared experience.
4) Still very attracted to the opposite sex (masturbation type attratcted), but can't stop thinking about same sex fun, trans, CD, and any fetish you are into.
5) Little to no real experience, because we are not players, just people with strong wants, imaginations, desires.
6) Looking for friendship and the excitement of sharing stories, fantasies, real experiences, best loved photos and videos, and all things erotic with likeminded friends.
7) And this may eliminate many potential members, you have to be active in the group, participate, comment, post, and take part in what is going on. If you just want to lurk and type five word comments all the time, maybe this is not the group for you.

I am hoping to find friends who can share without judgement on others in the group. Support, understanding, encouragement, mixed in with a lot of hot sex. It could be a really great circle of friends.

PM me if you are iterested in becoming a member of such a group. Tell me a bit about yourself ( rule 7 :) ) and we will see if this goes anywhere.
Colorado male, long time happily married, 62. Really like this idea...not looking to change my current status, more like enhancing it. Would enjoy conversation, pics, videos, and having a drink or two and share common interests. Feel free to PM...
Ok,given a pass. Hope this all works out.

Btw I am a married bi man, wife knows and indulges my m2m fun but does not join please do not ask I enjoy kissing, giving and receiving oral, nipple play, and maybe a little anal with the right guy. Located in Nky just across the river from Cincinnati.
Ask any questions you might have I am a open book.
Ok, the group forum did start on a site that hosts free forums outside of literotica, then got shut down because the site I chose did not like the kind of content that was getting posted. I do want to keep moving on this and maybe find a new site, but I only have a limited amount of time to spend on this project. It was somewhat of a setback when the first attempt was shut down after all the time and energy spent setting it up. I want to be certain that if I do this again, the host site is going to be OK with the content so we don't go through the entire process again for nothing. Its a waste of time for me and a dissappointment for those who want to join.

So for those skeptics, the post was not bait and this is not just a scam. I will try and get this going, but I have a life that consumes most of my waking hours so you will have to be patient or you could take some initiative and find a good candidate site and send me a PM to save me the time researching other free forum hosting sites. I have a couple of suggestions that I have not had time to look at yet. If this is going to be a group, we could put group effort into researching a suitable host. I don't mind setting up and being the admin, but I also don't mind if someone else wants to take that role as well.

I will do what I can and keep everyone updated via this thread. Just 'Watch' this thread for updates and PM me if you have information that you think will help me get things setup because you can't mention non literotica forum sites in posts. It seems to violate rules.
Ok, the group forum did start on a site that hosts free forums outside of literotica, then got shut down because the site I chose did not like the kind of content that was getting posted. I do want to keep moving on this and maybe find a new site, but I only have a limited amount of time to spend on this project. It was somewhat of a setback when the first attempt was shut down after all the time and energy spent setting it up. I want to be certain that if I do this again, the host site is going to be OK with the content so we don't go through the entire process again for nothing. Its a waste of time for me and a dissappointment for those who want to join.

So for those skeptics, the post was not bait and this is not just a scam. I will try and get this going, but I have a life that consumes most of my waking hours so you will have to be patient or you could take some initiative and find a good candidate site and send me a PM to save me the time researching other free forum hosting sites. I have a couple of suggestions that I have not had time to look at yet. If this is going to be a group, we could put group effort into researching a suitable host. I don't mind setting up and being the admin, but I also don't mind if someone else wants to take that role as well.

I will do what I can and keep everyone updated via this thread. Just 'Watch' this thread for updates and PM me if you have information that you think will help me get things setup because you can't mention non literotica forum sites in posts. It seems to violate rules.
I appreciate the effort that youre putting into this. It must be tricky getting access to a free chat space.

Thankyou for keeping us updated

Looks like we have a new site courtesy of a lit member who is hosting on his own server. The URL is

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Go ahead and register and then look for the board called Bi Men Over 50. This just got setup so not much activity yet. I want to be sure it’s all working before anouncing it to all the people who showed interest. I don't want another false start so I would like some feedback from a few to assure me everything is working fine. Then I will send an email to all those who said they wanted to be part of this and we will see if we can get an active community going.

Go ahead and create a thread, post something, upload something, or whatever you want. We are just getting started.
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I thought it would be iteresting to see if there is a group of members like me who would be interested in forming a smaller and more intimate circle. I am think it would be for:

1) People 50 and older, because we operate at a different speed than the younger members and often have ED issues.
2) Closetted bi-sexuals because we face different challenges and restrictions than open members.
3) Married with family (or was married with family) as that introduces an important and common shared experience.
4) Still very attracted to the opposite sex (masturbation type attratcted), but can't stop thinking about same sex fun, trans, CD, and any fetish you are into.
5) Little to no real experience, because we are not players, just people with strong wants, imaginations, desires.
6) Looking for friendship and the excitement of sharing stories, fantasies, real experiences, best loved photos and videos, and all things erotic with likeminded friends.
7) And this may eliminate many potential members, you have to be active in the group, participate, comment, post, and take part in what is going on. If you just want to lurk and type five word comments all the time, maybe this is not the group for you.

I am hoping to find friends who can share without judgement on others in the group. Support, understanding, encouragement, mixed in with a lot of hot sex. It could be a really great circle of friends.

PM me if you are iterested in becoming a member of such a group. Tell me a bit about yourself ( rule 7 :) ) and we will see if this goes anywhere.
Sounds really well put statements and I'll check them all.TY I'm 67 yrs young and a MWM wife knows my past and I don't have anything to hide ;)

Looks like we have a new site courtesy of a lit member who is hosting on his own server. The URL is

Go ahead and register and then look for the board called Bi Men Over 50. This just got setup so not much activity yet. I want to be sure its all working before anouncing it to all the people who showed interest. I don't want another false start so I would like some feedback from a few to assure me everything is working fine. Then I will send an email to all those who said they wanted to be part of this and we will see if we can get an active community going.

Go ahead and create a thread, post something, upload something, or whatever you want. We are just getting started.
I’ll be giving it a shot, so to speak, when I can carve out a little time out of an unusually busy day. Fit all the criteria to one degree or another. Guess I have what might be called a little experience, or perhaps a bit more than that..lol.

Thanks for your efforts to set this up, hope it works out for the interested parties!

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