Loving wives stories with good ending

About half of StangStar06's stories end with a reconciliation. Unfortunately from your point of view, it's not always obvious at the beginning which sort of story you are reading.

My own "Unexpected Revelations" involves a husband forgiving a wife who confesses to an affair, but from what you've said, I doubt it's precisely the sort of story you are looking for.

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Only two of my LW stories ends in a reconciliation, "The One" and "Know Nowt Nigel", but I have several in other categories where the two main characters have a happy ending after a dramatic separation: "ANJie" in SF, "Blue-Eyed Nurses" and "The Archer" in Romance, Long Haul" in NE, "Lucky Man" ch 1 & 2 in Novels & Novellas, and "When It Snows" ch 1, 2 and 3, in Humor & Satire.

I agree that the Loving Wives section needs subdivisions as it is in my opinion overstocked with willing cuckolds, few of which have any merit in the story-telling. Perhaps a few new categories such as, "Erotic Affairs", "BTBitch or Dog" (or "Court & Caught" for this category, as most stories in this area invariably backtrack to courtship?), "Share and Care”. I'm sure a case could be made to make LW less conflictive.
A real treat...

to read this thread dating back to 2013. Hubby has been around here forever. I looked up his old nic the other day (Goldenhands55 2008) out of curiosity.

He was not a forum rat. Nor did he post any stories even though we had plenty to tell from back then. But he did read... a lot. After a while I found some that he'd saved as text files on an old hard drive for offline reading. He was never into porn but lord did he read.

After us getting back into the lifestyle, he brought me into the Lit fold and we've since posted some of our own. He posted in LW and I guess since they were true stories, he wasn't raked across the coals. Personally, I put mine in Mature since all my lovers seem to be much younger (I'm 61).

But this thread spanning 6 years and nothing has changed at all. It's almost funny.
i agree. the LW section needs some specific tags that lets the reader get to the type they are looking for.
i like when wife brings lover home and has husband sleep in guest room
these are hard to find in the search engines
anyone have favorites on this they would like to share?
what is BTB

It's short for Burn The Bitch, i.e. where the wife ends up suffering one way or the other. A (likely) small but very vocal portion of LW readers want all LW stories to end that way. Or else it hurts their fragile feelings.
BtB (many ways)

It's short for Burn The Bitch...
Or Burn the Bastard, where wifey gets revenge. Or Burn them Both, where everyone suffers. Or Burn the Bunny:
Throw another bunny on the barbie, baby
Toss another coney on the coals​
As for reconciliation, I wrote that into an episode but alas, her terminal illness... I also wrote a cuck-fetishist piece where everyone is rewarded in their own pervy way.

Neither of those pleased readers. My highest-scoring LW piece, about two couples, has the cheaters crushed in a mudslide -- i.e. divine retribution, not revenge. That way, karma kills and the victims remain blameless.