lunarsubmissive, what... ?

Etoile said:
I find it interesting that jurisdictions (NZ, Vermont) offer things like relationship acts and civil unions. It's an issue of "separate but equal" to me, not unlike segregation in the United States. I wonder how long it will take before civil unions are considered unconstitutional and full marriage is awarded to gay couples.

Me, I'd like to see it go the other way. Make the only legal element of a "marriage" the name change (i.e. equivalent to a deed poll), and anything else is simply the ceremony, not legal. Since married or not, the rights of relationships are covered under the relationship act, why do we need a separate legal status for married?
And that, my dear Fungi, proves that you are among the enlightened. :)
FungiUg said:
Gay/lesbian/pan-sexual marriages still aren't legal in New Zealand either, although I think it will only be a few years. We now have a "relationship act" which basically alots all of the legal privaleges and responsibilities that came with a marriage to any long-term (er, more than 2 years I think) co-habitating relationship. And it's surprising who qualifies for that! (It definately includes gay relationships though.)

Anyway... I'm still waiting to see pics of lunarsubmissive playing with her ice cold glass dildo! Looks hopeful

LOL I doubt those will ever get put out on here :devil: Who has time to play with it and take pics at the same time? :eek: :D
FungiUg said:
Me, I'd like to see it go the other way. Make the only legal element of a "marriage" the name change (i.e. equivalent to a deed poll), and anything else is simply the ceremony, not legal. Since married or not, the rights of relationships are covered under the relationship act, why do we need a separate legal status for married?

*nods* I don't see what gender has to do with marriage anyhow :mad: If you love someone and want to wed, it should be legal to do so. I think the whole thing is just a bunch of whoha, this whole definition of marriage and family thing. Hell, they say my daughter is living in deficit because I left her father :eek: I'm sorry, but living with those you love should never have negative conitations if you are happy with where and who you are.
lunarsubmissive said:
LOL I doubt those will ever get put out on here :devil: Who has time to play with it and take pics at the same time? :eek: :D

Oh, that's simple -- get someone else to take the pics! I'm sure there would be no shortage of volunteers.
FungiUg said:
Oh, that's simple -- get someone else to take the pics! I'm sure there would be no shortage of volunteers.

Ah, but how long could they hold that camera steady? LOL

Starts making a list
lunarsubmissive said:
*nods* I don't see what gender has to do with marriage anyhow :mad: If you love someone and want to wed, it should be legal to do so.

No argument. Personally, I think the concept of traditional marriage is too close minded. But then, I'm a long time reader of Heinlein... so I'm familiar with the concept of group and line marriages.

Since we have a society that is beginning to be honest about human sexuality, pan-sexuality, polyamoury, etc... it's about time the whole concept of what is a marriage be revamped.
FungiUg said:
No argument. Personally, I think the concept of traditional marriage is too close minded. But then, I'm a long time reader of Heinlein... so I'm familiar with the concept of group and line marriages.

Since we have a society that is beginning to be honest about human sexuality, pan-sexuality, polyamoury, etc... it's about time the whole concept of what is a marriage be revamped.
The supposed problem - according to Rick Santorum - is that if you allow gays to marry, then you have to allow bigamy, bestiality, adult/child marriages, etc.
Etoile said:
The supposed problem - according to Rick Santorum - is that if you allow gays to marry, then you have to allow bigamy, bestiality, adult/child marriages, etc.

People actually listen to that....ermm...hate to call him names....ummm...personage?! Of course, this person also is against any bdsm related activities :rolleyes:
Etoile said:
The supposed problem - according to Rick Santorum - is that if you allow gays to marry, then you have to allow bigamy, bestiality, adult/child marriages, etc.

Huh? That's like saying "if we allow women to vote, next we will have to allow fish and cattle to vote."

I don't see how they follow... not that I have anything against bigamy (see my comment about group marriages).

I have no idea who Rick Santorum is, but I take it he's got a pickle stuck up his butt?
FungiUg said:
I have no idea who Rick Santorum is, but I take it he's got a pickle stuck up his butt?
Whoops! Excuse my Amerocentrism. He's a Senator from Pennsylvania.

Dan Savage's sex advice column "Savage Love" also established the word "Santorum" to mean "the frothy mix of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex." Info on how he did it is here.