Lurkers! De-lurk Here ----->

Hello, just lurking through!

Lurker here

I do lurk, I used to talk a fair amount but haven't had the time of late and really haven't had much to say. I've even chatted with a few here... Hey gauche, Rumple the all knowing critique par excellence (in my very best french accent), Perdita,

Tatelou... I don't think we've ever spoken directly but I guess now would be a good time to say "hello..." Love your AV's, been watching them for a while...

I've just been sticking to the writing thing recently.

JJ1 Always lurking rarely speaking... too tired of my foot being in my mouth.
Hey, John, glad you popped in. I still recall some of your posts, esp. about music.

Best, Perdita :rose:
Lou and lewd made my head hurt. :mad:

And where are all the lurkers?? Show yourselves! We don't bite! ...most of the time, anyway. :devil:
What is the rate of posts to count as a lurker? I read most, post seldom, so can I qualify?

Only because I wanna play with Tatelous' .....puppies, yea, the puppies :D :p


PS, I think it's Camels that spit, no?
But if I post then I cannot be an offical lurker.


Omni. ;)
sweet T said:
Hello, just lurking through!


That was a great! "smile lurk" Cracking me up!

Just want to say hello to all the ones I dont know;

Sweet T

Hey how did Perdita get in there? Perdi is more like the anti-lurker. :) Guess I just wanted to say hello to you too perdita.

Of course as always hello to Lew, Lou, Sub Joe, Mhari, Dirtylover, Gauchecritic, Whispering_surrender

Edited: because I forgot Omni sorry, But you are not really a lurker to me and not really a frequent post either. :kiss:
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hello tatelou, JJ1, perdita, damppanties, a7inchdildo, lewd, dirtylover, whispering, sweet T, and omni, sailorm :)

i post and lurk in about equal portions. often, i'll lurk on a thread, hoping for an opening that allows me to offer something related or at least tangential.

back into the semi-post/semi-lurk corner,
MercyMia said:

hello tatelou, JJ1, perdita, damppanties, a7inchdildo, lewd, dirtylover, whispering, sweet T, and omni, sailorm :)

i post and lurk in about equal portions. often, i'll lurk on a thread, hoping for an opening that allows me to offer something related or at least tangential.

back into the semi-post/semi-lurk corner,

Hi Mia,

I think I remember you from last year's thread about a missing person which I enjoyed like anything. You and MathGirl? Hmmm? If you're the same person, then PLEASE don't lurk. POST!!!

And if you're not, then post too. And join the 3 word story thread. :D
damppanties said:
Hi Mia,

I think I remember you from last year's thread about a missing person which I enjoyed like anything. You and MathGirl? Hmmm? If you're the same person, then PLEASE don't lurk. POST!!!

And if you're not, then post too. And join the 3 word story thread. :D

Omg! damppanties! what a rush of memories you just brought back. That thread was sooooo funny!

I've posted on the 3 word story but sometimes it moves so quickly that a couple or more posters tend to get the story line tangled up.

I see your name on several threads that I lurk on :)
MercyMia said:
Omg! damppanties! what a rush of memories you just brought back. That thread was sooooo funny!

I've posted on the 3 word story but sometimes it moves so quickly that a couple or more posters tend to get the story line tangled up.

I see your name on several threads that I lurk on :)

Hehehe... yes, it was! Real fun. :D

And so, join in the madness. There are a lot of crazy people here.

Post more often. :)

I lurk often - when I am myself.

I should get back to writing. My last complete story bombed. I should start another but I'm having too much enjoyment watching the threads get hijacked.

Hi everyone :) ,

I am quietly quiet and spend most of my time lurking, bemoaning my lack of wordliness. It takes me all my time to understand some of the posts, but, a couple of times i have come out of my dark corner and been pleasantly surprised by everyones friendliness.

*quietly hoping no-one bites lurkers in here... i might get to like it*

Hey, Phil, I'm not anti-lurking. I think lurking is an art and admire lurkers for their finesse. I suppose I'd call myself an exhibitionist lurker, or Executive Lurker (that's courtesy of Eddie Izzard).

lewdandlicentious said:
No, but our Lou's an encourageable flirt!!!!!

I have always thought Lou needed little encouragement to flirt. But then what do I know.

(mostly a Lurker, but once he posts . . . it can get long)
Am I a lurker? I pop out and blurt things now and then, but most of the time I'm quiet as a mouse. can I pretty please have a go at the puppies? :)
I tend to lurk partially because I'm a people watcher and partly because I don't have much to say, (despite what the Mrs Claims

;) )
Yay! Lots of peeps to say hello to.

So, hello to...

Sweet T - very cool post. I love smilies. :D

JJ1 - Well, hello! (Said in my sexiest voice). Been watching my AVs have ya?. ;)

Sailor - Hey you! Great to see you. I want to tell everyone publicly what a sweet guy you are. When I was absent for a while you sent me a PM, which really touched me. :kiss:

Omni - Hi! I don't class you as a lurker, either. :p

MercyMia - Hiya! Dampy's right, you should post more often, as should everyone else! You always have something valid and worthy to add to threads.

Jeanne - Salut! I also enjoy watching the threads get hijacked, but I never have anything to do with that myself. :eek:

Pixie - Hello! My teeth are primed and ready. :devil:

OnD - I don't know what you mean. :p And, I think that's what Lew was getting at. :D

Lin - How could I say no to such a beautiful person as yourself?

Renza - Get outta here! I don't class most of the people in this thread as actual lurkers, and you, most definitely not! ;)

Thanks, to all who have emerged from the shadows to add to this thread. I'm proud of you all. *sniff*


P.S. Hi to Phil, Perdita, Mhari and Dampy. Love you guys, and couldn't not say hello to you. :rose:
lol you have no idea how often I'm on the boards with my mouth shut ;)

You only know how often I post :D

5 months+ on the boards
RenzaJones said:
lol you have no idea how often I'm on the boards with my mouth shut ;)

You only know how often I post :D

5 months+ on the boards

Yes, very true!

Actually, I've just noticed your post count. It seems like you've posted a lot more than that. Methinks it's the fact you make one hell of an impact when you do.


Lou :kiss:
Tatelou said:
Yes, very true!

Actually, I've just noticed your post count. It seems like you've posted a lot more than that. Methinks it's the fact you make one hell of an impact when you do.


Lou :kiss:

lol I tend to make an impact wherever I go :D
Lime said:
Greetings to all.

I haven't had time to visit lately. Doesn't look like that will change much any time soon. Right now I'm just trying to read up on the threads from this past week and this is the first I've read. Does that make me a recidivous lurker or struck with puppy love?


Hey Lime! Good to see you.

Dunno, I guess you could be a lovable lurker, who's recidivous when it comes to puppies...? :eek:

Lou :kiss: